
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

What's Next

Where do we go from here? It appears that Biden will be installed as president tomorrow. And it is an empty feeling. But fear not my readers, there is still hope and the dim light we see at the end of the tunnel doesn't have to be an onrushing train.

There is and will be a lot to overcome in the years ahead. It will be a lot of work and will require YOU make the effort. It will require we ALL make the effort. We need to make our voices heard. If your representatives at all levels don't fear for their jobs, they won't make the changes that are needed.

Try to remember that more than 74 million folks voted for Donald Trump. That is far and away the highest vote total ever received by a sitting President. Even the messianic Obama couldn't garner that level of support for his second term. We all know how former VP Biden "won" this election. And I know you can be discouraged; how do we overcome a machine that was so easily able to change this election. Turnout! If we encourage our fellow conservatives and Republicans to turn out in massive numbers, the machine will not be able to overcome our enthusiasm. In this most recent election, Republican voter turnout was about 65%. If we were able to generate turnouts at the 90% level, the machine would burn to the ground in its attempt to change the results. While we didn't turn out in those numbers in 2016, we did vote at such a rate that the machine couldn't account for it. The cheaters didn't write a strong enough algorithm to quash the number of votes cast for Trump. If we turn out at the 90% level any attempts to change the results would be so patently obvious, that even the media couldn't spin it in any other way.

In five of the six states where election results where highly suspect, the legislature is controlled by the Republicans. Write, call, email, text, and comment on their websites your dissatisfaction with how they responded to the mountain of evidence that fraud did occur in their states. Communicate firmly but with respect. Let them know with certainty where YOU stand and what you expect from them. It has to be a tidal wave of communication. Make sure that we aren't ignored. Tell them to to pass ironclad legislation to deal with this issue. Tell them they need to begin the impeachment process against any judge who legislated from the bench. I know you are all aware that a court cannot change laws, only decide whether the laws are constitutional or not. If a judge cannot be impeached, tell your representatives to ignore the "from the bench legislation." The Constitution is quite clear on who has the power to write and pass laws, and who is charged with enforcement of this laws (Hint, the judicial branch has neither of these powers). Since most state Constitutions mirror the US Constitution, this is really is an easy step. Make sure they support the election laws as written and that those laws are enforced. If a district or precinct doesn't want to follow a duly passed law, arrest the precinct leaders.

DEMAND voter IDs. Tell those who cry racism, voter suppression, bigotry to go pound sand. You have the sound argument that voting with an ID is no more racist than requiring an ID to fly, drive, buy booze, etc. DEMAND the end to vote by mail. I'm not talking about absentee ballots, these require some form of identification to obtain. Tell them no more just sending out ballots to everyone who is registered. If someone wants to vote, then they can make a small amount of effort by showing up at the polling location or requesting an absentee ballot, with an ID. Back your local and state level representatives who support voter IDs and an end to mail out ballots with your time and/or money.

Get your representatives to end, or severely restrict out of state money for get out the vote drives. Facebook and other silicon valley entities drove millions of dollars into swing states under the guise of getting out the vote. But nearly every single dollir went to districts that were heavily democrat. Hardly any money went to areas that are traditionally red or areas that leaned slightly red. This is illegal in all states. Tell them to enforce the law.

If you beleive your representative or governor are not taking this issue seriously enough, start a recall, or get somebody to run against them in the next election cycle. I know there is a risk the election could be lost to a dem, but would it really be any different. A certain governor in a certain southern state sould be ripe for the picking. His refusal to not dig into the abnormalities in his state not only possibly cost us the presidency but also the Senate. If your representatives don't want to change how they deal with this issue, fire them.

While I am not necessarily a supporter of dividing up the USA red and blue, I do see a movement of states reestablishing their constitutionally provided sovereignty. If you live in a state that is red, support your politicians who want to get back to states rights.

I know the discouragement we are all feeling. But let us not lose hope. Let's not do what the progressives want and hope we will do. As I said at the top, it will be difficult and it will require your time and effort. And if you are feeling discouraged and tired, try to think of the outcome if we all don't make this a priority. Is that the nation you want to live in? We do have the power to eventually make this right.


  1. The system is too corrupt and programmers too smart for turnout alone to ever work. The programmers will have a far stronger system next time. Until we start prosecuting every single person at every location who engaged to fraud, NOTHING will change. The only other alternative is for them all to die in "robberies gone bad."

    1. I do agree with you point about arrests being an avenue that MUST be explored and executed. But I firmly believe that if our turnout is so overwhelming, any attempts at overriding the results couldn't be overlooked, even by the left wing media.
