
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Some Final Thoughts

The Final Case for 2020 Vote Fraud. Not really, I'm sure I'll post more. It rambles just a bit, so please bear with me, and the post.

Some background: back in 2004/5 a report on how to avoid voter fraud was released. This was a bipartisan effort, headed by former President Jimmy Carter(D) and one of the all-time DC insiders and policy wonks, James Baker(R). These two individuals have been around the world, observing elections in all sorts of third world countries. And up until just the last few years, they were experts on what to look for and how to avoid election fraud. This blue ribbon committee determined that if voter fraud was to be avoided, the following steps were necessary: voter IDs; reduce or eliminate mail-in ballots, which, according to the report, "remain the largest source of potential voter fraud"; disallow ballot harvesting by third parties; purge voter rolls of all ineligible or fraudulent names; allow election observers unfettered access to observe vote counts; voting machines must count the votes accurately, i.e., no extra or lesser weight given to a particular party or candidate; and ask news organizations to "delay the release of any exit-poll data until the election has been decided."

None of the above recommendations were used widely. In fact, the Biden campaign hired nearly 600 lawyers and amassed 10,000 volunteers to challenge any rules they felt "don't adequately ensure access to vote." Each and every one of the above recommendations have been challenged by democrat organizations over the years.

Attempts to clean voter rolls, especially in democrat controlled areas, have been met with court and media challenges.

Voter ID requirements have also been challenged at nearly every turn. It has gone as far as being called racist or voter suppression. This is, of course, ridiculous by any meaningful measures. IDs are required for nearly every transaction in life in these days and times. No need to cover the list, you know what is on the list. And don't get me started on how utterly bigoted it is to think people of color, or low income, either can't, or don't have the wherewithal, to obtain a picture ID. Every state in our fractured Union have free, or very low cost, picture IDs that are perfectly acceptable at polling locations.

Even though voter rolls in nearly all states, but especially in democrat controlled states, are notoriously inaccurate, democrat activists insisted that states send out unrequested ballots to to every person listed as a registered voter. Some states even sent ballots to everyone over the voting age.

Permitting early voting, in some cases as early as 50 days. Everyone knows about the so-called October surprise that happens in nearly every election, big or small. This year was no different. This early voting was meant to overcome any surprises that happened to their candidate (Biden). Polls taken in the weeks after 3 November have shown that as much as 5% of those who voted for former VP Biden would have either changed their vote or not voted at all if they had been aware of the Hunter Biden issues that are no longer being suppressed by the media. This news broke in October. How many who turned their ballots in early October would have changed their vote if they had been aware of this level of corruption? Hard to tell since the numbers of votes cast prior to the Biden news can't easily be tabulated.

The most troubling aspect of these changes is how they are terribly unconstitutional. You can argue "well, the courts made the changes, how can it be unconstitutional?" Courts have made unconstitutional decisions throughout our history. One doesn't have to search very far to find examples big and small. In the case of how elections are handled and who has responsibility for the laws governing, the Constitution is quite clear. Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 if you wish to brush up on it. In a nutshell, the state legislative bodies have the sole responsibility for laws regarding elections in their respective states. Not the courts. If the courts find a law unconstitutional, it still has to go back to the legislature for a correction.

I want my readers to really give the following few paragraphs some serious thought. And use as fodder for any discussions you might have with fraud deniers.

Former VP Biden received more votes than any other previous candidate. EVER!!! Some will argue that as our population has increased, so to will the number of votes cast, to each candidate. But the increases experienced by both Trump and Former VP Biden are not accounted for by the increases in voter eligible people. Consider this; when Barack Obama won in 2008, his vote total was a record 69.5 million. We are taking about a historic candidate, the first person of color to ever run for President as a candidate in a major political party. There are people who voted for Obama just to be woke and have the ability to say, "Why yes, I voted for Obama. You can stamp my race creds as 'cool'". I know a few folks who voted for obama who are right leaning independents who voted solely on the color of his skin. Hillary Clinton was also an historic candidate, being the first woman to head the ticket for a major party, yet couldn't even beat Trump. Even though she won the so-called popular vote, she couldn't obtain a record number of votes, not even close. Yet, the democrats and the media want us to believe that a candidate who had no record to run on, barely campaigned, has corruption issues following him and his family, has been accused of sexual impropriety, and clearly has cognitive issues was somehow able to garner not just a record number of votes, but shatter the previous record.

Here is where it gets interesting. Supposedly, Former VP Biden received 81.3 million votes. And Trump received 74.2 million votes. Both numbers are records on their own by a significant amount. Trump increased his vote total by nearly 11 million votes. Never in our history has an incumbent increased their vote total and lost the election. What the democrats and the media want us to believe is that while Trump received a higher percentage of votes from the black and Hispanic community than at any Republican candidate since 1960, that support for Biden among blacks fell below 90%, and below 60% among Hispanics, that Trump increased his vote total by more than 11 million votes, that "Old Uncle Joe" was involved with corruption up to his eyebrows, is Former VP Biden was the top choice. Then to top it off Former VP Biden gets gets over 81 million votes. That is more than 17 million votes than shillary got in 2016. What this means is that over 27 million votes were cast this year over 2016, yet the turnout was not all that remarkable.

There are other indicators of fraud. The winner of the presidential election has never lost, Ohio, Iowa, and Florida and won the presidency. Except for one time in 1960, when JFK defeated Nixon. And that election was rife with fraud in Illinois and Texas. This information is available if you chose to look it up.

And let's not just focus on the six contested states. We need to look at states that are traditionally blue. How much voter fraud occurred in California, Oregon, and Washington? In Oregon and Washington I dont think it was enough make any difference. But I think California could be a different story altogether. Voting by illegal immigrants is already a thing in Cali. Ballot harvesting changed the outcome in at least one congressional district, maybe more. Why were there be democrat voter fraud in democrat states? I'll answer with Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia are also democrat strongholds, yet here we are. They just can't help themselves.

Here are some numbers to contemplate:


2,056 felons voted

2,424 never registered

1,043 used a PO box

4,026 voted past the registration date

10,315 died

395 voted in two states

15,700 moved out of state

40,279 changed counties

And yes, nearly 95% of these voted democrat.

The following fraudulent numbers are calculated by counting the number of dead voters, out of state voters, wrong addresses, multiple votes from the same address, etc.


Biden +81,000

121,000 fraudulent votes

During hearings we learned that Pennsylvania sent out 1.8 million absentee ballots. Yet they counted 2.5 million. Hmmm...


Biden +20,000

200,000 fraudulent votes


Biden +10,000

300,000 fraudulent votes


Biden +154,000

548,000 fraudulent votes

Lets consider this for a moment; imagine flipping a coin 4,645,908 times and it comes up heads 52% of the time. Then at 3am you flip it 154,000 times and it tails nearly 100% of the time.


Biden +33,000

95,000 fraudulent votes

The Nevada fraud includes:

42,000 who voted twice

1,500 dead voters

6,000 from vacant addresses

8,000 from non existent addresses

15,000 from commercial addresses

20,000 from out of state addresses.

Some other numbers to contemplate

These are how the numbers stood when ballot counting stopped around midnight. Note the margins that former VP Biden had to make up. To overcome the differences, Biden would have to receive nearly 100% of the remaining votes. And wouldn't you know it, that is exactly what happened.


Biden 1,870,010, 41.8%

Trump 2,552,674, 57.0%

63% reporting


Biden 1,410,617, 44.4%

Trump 1,716706, 54%

64% reporting


Biden 1,899,714, 45.6%

Trump 2,210,724, 53.1%

83% reporting

North Carolina

Biden 2,655,392, 48.7%

Trump 2,732,105, 50.1%

94% reporting


Biden 1,234,929, 46.8%

Trump 1,362,188, 51.7%

82% reporting.

A few additional things of note here. In Georgia, recent testimony under oath, mentions that the cumulative vote count shows decreases for Trump while simultaneously showing an increase for Biden. Over the course of the day vote counts are updated in batches, as precincts report totals. Overall vote counts do not update one by one. Each precinct has a predetermined threshold. Once this threshold is reached (could 100, could be 1000), the total for each candidate gets sent to the centralized collection point. Here, there is also a predetermined threshold where the raw numbers, the votes, are updated for distribution to media and other sources. The only location where totals are updated one vote by one vote is at the precinct level. And this info is not generally distributed to any location other than the centralized data collection point. It is at this centralized point where things go awry. Over the course of the day and especially during the evening hours, somehow, Trump numbers decreased while Biden numbers increased. In equal amounts. Under no set of circumstances, other than purposeful manipulation, should this happen. And most certainly not multiple times. Now I know someone is going to say this was human error, a drag drop issue. However, this change occurred at a point where there was no human interaction. Nobody was sliding numbers back and forth. Nobody was pushing buttons. It was all automated. But, but, but,...someone did have to set the system to perform its functions prior to election day.

This information was gathered from multiple sources: American Thinker, Director Blue Blogspot, Front Page Mag, Election Wiz (Scott Adams podcast)

1 comment:

  1. Third try to get this posted...Great article...Believe it was stolen as well..God Sees.
    Love from NC
