
Friday, February 12, 2021

Who Died on 6 Jan

As the 2nd impeachment of Donald Trump gets into full swing I thought this is as good as time as any to post about the deaths that occurred during the events of 6 Jan. I have also added some additional thoughts about events over the summer of 2020.

Who died 6 Jan

Ashli Babbitt. Gunned down by a Capitol Hill police officer while being boosted through a Capitol building window. Was ordered to stop, unable to comply immediately as she was standing on shoulders. There are videos that support this, but social media has been taking them down as soon as they get put up. The officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt was cleared of any wrong doing. Interesting that nobody in the conservative movement has gone out burning buildings, killing people, looting stores to "peacefully protest" the shooting of an unarmed individual.

Brian Sicknick. Struck in the head with a fire extinguisher while engaging with protesters. UPDATE: Apparently, officer Sicknick may have died of causes unrelated to what happened at the Capitol building. What is known, he did not die of blunt force trauma at the hands of a protester.

Kevin Greeson. Not even inside the Capitol building when he had a heart attack walking from the rally.

Roseanna Boyland. Died while possibly being crushed in the attempts to get past the barriers.

Benjamin Philips. Died of a stroke while selling Trump memorabilia, also not in the Capitol building.

I don't recall a single moment of mourning nor disgust for retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn, killed execution style while guarding a convience store from "peaceful protesters".

Where is your rage for Arron Danielson, gunned down in cold blood by a BLM supporting, antifa piece of garbage, for nothing more than attending a Trump rally. Danielson was targeted for one reason, and one reason only: he was a Trump supporter.

Where were the posts of outrage when a 16 year old and a 14 year old boy were fired at, with the 16 year old dying with multiple gunshot wounds. The father of the dead 16 year old begged and pleaded for the BLM/antifa "leadership" to rein in the more violent rhetoric and actions. Did not ever see you seconding his desire. 

Did not see you take to social media decrying the attempted murder, by ambush in cold blood, of two transit police in Southern California. Nor did I see you chastise the liberal/progressive assholes who attempted to block these officers from getting life saving treatment.

Did you run to Fakebook to profess your indignation when a white shop owner in Dallas, TX was brutally beaten to death by BLM/antifa "protesters"? He was unarmed and tried to protect his business.

Did you brand the 100's of progressive protesters who occupied the Wisconsin Capitol building for several weeks as traitors? These people also caused damage and also threatened Republican state representatives and the governor.

Below is a response I posted to Fakebook and the associated meme.

You call us hypocrites, yet I'm guessing with high confidence that you have not done any of the things I mentioned above. Pot, meet kettle.

As for the original point of your ill-informed meme, we are mourning those who lost their lives on 6 Jan. The street artist known Sabo was instrumental in the "Say her name" movement, referring to Ashli Babbitt. It was conservative media who has attempted to start fund raising for Officer Sicknick's family, as well as for Roseanna Boyland. Of five who died on 6 Jan, three of them can be attributed to what happened at the Capitol building. In typical progressive meme fashion, the image barely even scratches the surface of what truly happened and the aftermath. The other two had nothing to do with events at the Capitol.

Pretty disgusting to use such a broad brush to paint all conservatives as you did with your meme. Using your standard, I guess we can include you as supporting the violence that occurred all last summer, and the violence that contiunes today.  

BTW, you are aware there were plenty of antifa/BLM types running amok through the Capitol building that day, right? The smiling, photogenic guy carrying the lecture through the rotunda has been identified as a person who has attended BLM activities. John Sullivan, who is a BLM activist from Utah, was arrested the other day for his participation in the events at the Capitol. Consider this for a moment, Sullivan was filmed having a ballistic vest and gas mask. Seems to support the theory that some participants came prepared. Logan Grimes was arrested carrying a loaded pistol, which he was not authorized to carry, as well as having a large capacity ammunition feeding device, along with possession of unregistered ammo. Grimes is, and comes from, a "very progressive, liberal..." according to his family. He was not at the Capitol building, but in the vicinity. The bother of John Sullivan is on record stating there were a couple of 100 antifa/BLM types at the Capitol building that day.

One last thought I'd like to leave you with. For 10+ years conservative groups have been holding large rallies and protests. And nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE has been completely, 100% peaceful. The same cannot be said about rallies and protests that have liberal/progressive themes. Dating back to the Tea Party rallies and gatherings, the people who attended never burned buildings to the ground, murdered shop owners, or those hired to protect. We left the grounds cleaner than when we arrived. More recently, over the past five years rallies in support of Trump have always been peaceful. They we're loud and boisterous, but peaceful. A progressive could attend and feel safe, unless you were media asshole, only your whiddle lil feelings would be hurt. Of the thousands of conservative rallies and protests over the years why was this one different? Over the years words like "fight", "war", and "get out there" have been used. What was supposedly the trigger?

1 comment:

  1. You're preaching to the choir,of course, and the choir agrees with you. Liberals would quit reading almost immediately, if they ever started. (Can they actually read?)
