
Saturday, June 26, 2021

A Warning (Another Update)

I plan on updating this post periodically as I come across examples that are relative to the overarching premise. So please stop by every so often.

I have a handful of friends and acquaintances who call themselves liberals or progressives. These folks could very well be blissfully unaware about what is eventually going to happen. And based on what I am finding across the news feeds, is already beginning to happen.

Update 26 June 2021: Another essay on what lies in store if we don't cut the march of Marxism off at the pass.  There are going to be so many people who will be so disappointed if we ever reach full on Marxism. Make sure you click to link provided in the linked article.

Update 12 Jun 2021: add a demerit. And update demerits paragraph. (Thanks Sandy)

Update 8 Jun 2021: Interesting article about a low level celebrity who got cancelled. Digging a little deeper, the person who hyped the cancellation process doesn't seem to be a very nice person. Typical of those who search high and wide for someone, anyone, to cancel. People like this are petty, and probably unhappy, unless they can make others suffer.

NOTE: I don't use the term liberal any longer for those on the other side of the political debate. It is a term that no longer applies to today's progressive. For those who might still believe in free speech and so forth like a classic liberal, well, you made your bed, you are sleeping under the same sheets. Nor do I use democrat, JFK would be turning over in his grave right now.

There isn't a soul here who doesn't know my political beliefs. I am squarely in the crosshairs of the progressive elites. I am white (1 demerit); I am Christian (2 demerits); I am male (3 demerits); I am prior military (4 demerits); I am a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and firmly believe this is the only reason why a so-called "socialist utopia" hasn't already been established (5 demerits); I am an unapologetic supporter of President Trump (6 demerits); I believe that American is the greatest country to have ever existed (7 demerits); I believe that abortion should be banned, especially since is now being used as a form of birth control (8 demerits); Think CriticalRace Theory really has NOTHING to do with race, but with Maxist indoctrination (9 demerits). By the way, in the progressive mind, these demerits are NOT weighted equally. How heavily one weighs more than another, you'll have to ask a leftist. Oh, and if you ask him tomorrow, be prepared to set up different weighted factors. It will depend on whether or not his appetite for the destruction of his fellow man has been sated. It will change from day to day, depending on the weather, etc. I also should add that the above list of demerits is not all inclusive. 

There is a list, despite what any of you think. It is not a conspiracy theory. One does not have to look very far to find progressives in power talking openly about these lists. AOC tweeted about it. MSNBC's eff Todd spoke about it. Robert Reich (interesting last name for a would-be tyrant) wants to set up a truth and reconciliation Commission. Who will appear before this commission? People on a list, of course. There are folks in the upper echelons of social media that are compiling lists as I type this. There are organizations and businesses that have flatly stated that if you were in the Trump administration or have supported him in any way, don't bother sending your resume. Since stating one's political affiliation is not part of a job application, how would the employer know? The military is actively trying to root out and dispose of those who don't toe the progressive line. The required briefing now being passed along in the Navy actually lists Christians as a group that needs monitoring for possible reeducation or elimination from the ranks. Yes, Virginia, there is a list.

For the Doubting Thomas' out there, check out this link.

But this post isn't about me, per se. It is a warning. A warning to those progressive friends of mine that may have demerits. Take a look at the list above. Do any of you have more than one? I know several of you who have at least three, some have at least five. When the elites are done with me and others like me, it won't satisfy their appetite.

They will compile a new list. Those with fewer demerits.

Are you prior military? Especially if you have combat experience. Most of my prior military friends, progressive and conservative, don't have actual have much, if any, truly shoot 'em up combat experiences. But to the progressive, ignorant of the differences, this will matter little. Were they deployed to a combat zone, is the question that will be asked. With how woke the upper reaches of military leadership has become, providing a list of who deployed to combat theaters will happen. And I doubt very seriously the Pentagon will break this list down to actual combatants and those of you who were in support roles. And if they did, I dont think it will matter to the inexpert progressive. You were in the military, have received training in various aspects of military operations, and are probably proficient with a few weapons. That will be enough.

NOTE: For those prior military progressives; if you plan on giving up your fellow prior military progressives, it won't go as well as you might think. Remember Benedict Arnold? He betrayed his fellow Americans, only to die a pauper in England. You will always be view with a jaundiced eye, never being fully trustworthy, and discarded when they are done with you.

Do you own guns (if you haven't already given them up to your government overlords)? FYI, giving up you guns won't put you in their good graces. How can you be trusted? You will always know how to handle a weapon, and know which direction to point the business end. If it does get to the point when white Christian men with military experience who are country loving patriots who owns guns and believe in the right to life are completely marginalized or eliminated as a threat, most likely you will no longer possess your guns. That Rubicon will have already come and gone. So you won't have to worry about a no knock raid on your home in the middle of the night. But in the minds eye of the progressive elites, the fact you once owned a gun, you have now become a threat. You have been added to the list.

Are you a Christian? Not good! Unless you are willing to renounce Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Doing so might save you from hell on earth, but, well, you know what will happen in the end. Progressives have become openly hostile towards Christians. I know some of you belong to what might be called a progressive Christian church. We'll not discuss theological differences here; another post for another time. Progressives recognize only one god, the god of government. You will be forced to make a choice at some point. Do you worship our Father in Heaven, or do you worship the almighty government? They won't let you do both. Complete acquiescence at the altar of government is the only acceptable stance, in the progressive mind.

Do you fully support unfettered access to abortion? Do you believe a life can be terminated up to the point of birth and beyond? Do you believe that abortion is just another method of birth control, like condoms and "the pill"? If you said yes to all of these questions, then you are probably safe. But if you're in the category of "I'd never do it myself, but think it is OK for others to make that choice", then you are not truly woke enough.

Those progressives that have read this far will most certainly pooh-pah what I've written here. "It can't happen here", they'll say. "I voted party line, progressives down the ticket, I'm safe," they'll think. "I've posted all the right memes and videos belittling conservatives, and watched CNN and MSNBC, agreeing with it all," they'll boast. "I read all the right progressive websites and blogs, posting my comments and sharing to my social media platforms what the writer has to say," they'll point out. "Heck, I even believe we only have a few short years to live unless we get a handle on global cooling/global warming/climate change/climate disruption. I even bought a Prius," as they proudly thump their chest. "I posted my support for BLM and their Marxist rhetoric," they'll plead. "I think it is OK to terminate 55 million lives in the name of women's reproductive rights, and I get all teared up and angry when someone shoots a deer to put food on their table," they'll whine. So forth, and so on.

Why don't you look at how being a favorite son worked out for Nikolai Yezhov. He did and said all the right things, yet he, and anyone even remotely associated with him, was disappeared, nearly erased from history. There are countless examples across history of those who thought they were in favor, only to find out that was not the case.

UPDATE: As I pointed out above, you can think you are in the "in crowd", only to suddenly find yourself on the outside looking in. Take Tony Fauci as an example. He was about as in as one can get. He provided the progressives with the ammo they needed to help bring down a sitting President. He insisted on masks. He lead the charge to discredit anyone who strayed from the Covid will kill us all plantation. He provided cover for CDC when it became quite apparent that the number of death and how they were tabulated was questionable at best. In recent weeks it has become obvious to one and all that the covid virus was not as natural as Fauci and others would have you believe. It is now known that Obama had stopped any funding for "Gain of function" research and that once Obama had left office, Fauci restored the funding, unbeknownst to the Trump administration. And now that this knowledge is becoming more widespread, the media, in their psychotic need to protect the "chosen one", are throwing Fauci under the bus. Is Tony Fauci the Nikolai Yezhov of our time? Will he soon be relegated to the dust bin of history, banished now that is usefulness to progressives has lapsed? Time will tell, but it sure seems likely to happen. 

I wonder if any of my progressive friends with a few demerits will take heed. I remain doubtful. Learning from history is not their strong suit.

As the say goes, those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. History is replete with individuals and groups who thought they were part on the "in crowd" only to find out very soon they weren't as "in" as they thought. The trouble with today's progressives is that you can never be as woke as they think you should be. They will eventually apply all of the criteria above, and more, to determine whether or not you are acceptable. For many of my progressive friends, you will soon to be found wanting.

When the progressive elites are done with me and others like me; You. Are. Next.

Update: A link. And grammar. Yes, I know the difference between your and you're. Apparently spell check struggles though. Another grammatical error.


  1. Oh my, you are spot on dwear old bloggy friend...My grandparents would roll over in their graves to see this country that they came to to get away from the upcoming Nazi regime in their country of birth...Grampa came here and worked in the coppermines in the UP of MICH and Gramma and my aunt (9) and my dad (3) came a year later in 1924...all became citizens and were proud to be Americans...My Dad was in the Navy when WWII came and he served on a troop transport ship in the engine room...Thank God he and the ship never hit a mine in the mine fields in the water...
    Blessings always...
    Love from NC,

  2. 12 June 2021....Welcome to the twilight zone....Everything you said in your 8 JUNE 2021 update is TRUTH....I am a born again white woman who is a 73 yr old widow...And the list goes on...
    Se need to stand firm in our resolve....I saw a wonderful clip of a hockey game up in NY State...ALL and I mean ALL were standing in the whole arena and both hockey teams were Standing and most singing and the WHOLE arena was singing the Star spangled banner....OH MY HEART...It was wonderful..I may become a hockey fan as I stopped watching sports when the knee was taken What a joke....Anyway another demerit for me: I am AGAINST Critical Race Theory....It is to indoctrinate the people into communism of the finest form....
    Come Lord Jesus Come!!!!!
    Love from NC

  3. "NOTE: I don't use the term liberal any longer for those on the other side of the political debate. It is a term that no longer applies to today's progressive. For those who might still believe in free speech and so forth like a classic liberal, well, you made your bed, you are sleeping under the same sheets. Nor do I use democrat, JFK would be turning over in his grave right now."

    This is exactly true. When I think about it, I am really a JFK/FDR liberal. But times have changed. Now the Democrats have become a 'post-American' party, with a strong anti-American wing. When JFK was President, and I was a teenager, we fought for the right of Blacks to use the same public restrooms as whites (I was in Texas). Now, progressives fight for the right of boys to use the same public restrooms as girls.

    So ... we're going downhill fast. What to do about it? I think we had better organize ourselves at the neighborhood level into armed community protection groups, prepared to deal with any disaster, man-made or natural ... and even natural disasters will be much worse if the social/legal/political/economic order disintegrates. So get that AR15, and the necesaary accessories, while you can.
