
Friday, June 25, 2021

Rudy Might be in Trouble

For those celebrating the possible disbarment of Rudy Giuliani, here are few points to ponder. 

Full disclosure. Once again, inspired by writings at American Thinker. 

The opinion handed down has some interesting reads, all because Giuliani, like over 50% of Americans, feel the results of the 2020 election are questionable. 

"The country is being torn apart by continuing attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 elections..." Where were these judges during four years of Donald Trump when the left spent the entire fours years making attempt after attempt to overthrow Trump's presidency and questioned his legitimacy? Russiagate, Ukrainegate, tax return-gate, covidgate, Stromy Daniels-gate, etc. HRC lead the charge in Russiagate, continuously beating the drum that the Trump presidency was not legitimate due to Russian interference,  even after the Mueller Scamvesitgation proved her wrong. Maybe they didn't go after her since she was disbarred a long time ago. 

The ruling also attempts to point out that false statements made by attorneys has a negative impact on the public's perception of the law profession. First of all; Really? The public's perception of lawyers really can't go much lower. This profession ranks so low that it the Mendoza Line of professions. If your profession ranks lower than a lawyer, you have some perception issues. I'm looking at you journalists. Secondly, well, what about all the false statements made about Trump by democrat congresscritters, many who also happen to be attorneys? Have any of those people had their law licenses put in jeopardy over all of the false statements about Trump? I'll wait... 

I'm done waiting. NOT A SINGLE ONE. 

"One only has to look at the ongoing present public discord over the 2020 election, which erupted into violence,  insurrection  and death on January 6,..." Judges, by deaths, do you mean how an unarmed, Trump supporting, protester was gunned down by an unnamed capital hill police officer? Or are you talking about the four others who died that day, none of which can be tied directly the events at the capital building? I would like to add that I have never been OK with what happened that day. While it is looking more and more like an FBI sting operation (Gretchen Witmer "kidnapping" anyone?), we are better than that. Was it stupid? Yes! Was it unnecessary? Yes! Was it an insurrection? Absolutely not! 

As an aside, does anyone find it curious that while cities burned due people protesting "peacefully" over the deaths of unarmed folks at the hands of cops, not a single business was looted, not a single building burned to the ground, or other deaths inflicted, when Ashli Babbitt was killed, unarmed, at the hand of a cop? Why? 

Another point, which was not directly mentioned in the ruling, relates to the increasing likelihood that cheating did indeed happen on election night. First of all, let me say, that anyone who says the election was completely on the up and up, has their head buried..., in the sand. Few elections can ever claim it is completely legitimate. Cheating happens, it just a fact that one doesn't have to go very far, or dig hard, to find. Does it always have the impact that 2020 had? No. But it does happen. 

Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly apparent, as certain states begin to audit their election results, that not everything was on the up and up. Arizona is discovering some issues that are causing concerns (and panic in progressive circles). Other states like Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are also looking at election irregularities that could also cause them to do their own audits. I'd stake a paycheck that if other states, ones that are supposedly easy to predict, did audits, they too would also find numbers different than were officially reported. Would it change the electoral outcome in those states? Probably not. But it might make the results closer. It could also change the outcome of elections at a more local level such as Congressional Representatives and the make up of state houses. Are these five judges going to take another look at their ruling if state audits do indeed find election irregularities? Will Rudy gets his license back if he is disbarred? 

Another aside: As that early November Tuesday rolled into Wednesday, and November turn into December, and 2020 turn to 2021 it was interesting to see how the progressive narrative changed ever so slightly. First it was "these elections were clean." As it became apparent they weren't clean the words became "Well, maybe. But not enough to change the outcome." As we have moved further along and the overall results are becoming questionable they would say "Ya can't prove it." And now it is looking like there is a possibility that it can indeed be proven. Now they are in a panic. I'll say this to the progressives: If you are so confident of the results, why is the Former VP Bidens justice department sending dozens of lawyers to Arizona in an attempt to shut down the audit? If the results are as you say they are, those lawyers should be sent to help the audit, not hinder it. If for no other reason than to prove the election naysayers wrong. 

"The hallmark of democracy is predicated of free and fair elections. False statements intended to former a loss of confidence in our elections and resulting in loss of confidence in government generally damage the proper functioning of a free society." Personally, I think 2020 was attempt to undermine the confidence of the American people, just not how these judges are portraying it in their ruling. I think what happened in the overnight hours of election Tuesday was a two pronged attack on democracy. 

First, it was designed to rid the deep state of their greatest foe, Donald Trump. They knew they couldn't control him, at least not to the degree they desired. They wanted someone in the White House they could fully control. Up to the plate steps Former VP Biden. Through him they knew they could fully control the levers of power. They knew his desire to be president was so great he'd doing anything to please the deep state. 

Secondly, the loss of confidence is by design. What better way to get conservatives to stay home on election day than to put reasonable doubt in their minds from the get go. Think about it. The activities on that fateful Tuesday night/Wednesday morning were so blatant as to be nearly comical. Good grief, who brings out suitcases full of crisp ballots in full view of cameras? Who ships a trailer full of ballots across state lines? Who stops the vote count in five states? Who defies the orders of federal judges on the point of Republican observers? People who don't care that you know that they know that you know. It was so in your face for a reason. "We are going to do whatever it takes, and there is nothing you can do about it." If that doesn't foster a loss of confidence in our elections, nothing will. The words expressed by Rudy, and others, is a drop in the bucket compared to what happened back in November. 

It should be noted that all five judges were appointed by democrat governors. 

I realized I rambled a bit here, going off on a tangent. I hope you stayed with me.

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