
Saturday, March 6, 2021

Interior Secretary

Former VP Biden's nominee for interior secretary, Deb Haaland is a far left activist. And an idiot.

Now before you all go ballistic and start calling me a bigot and native hater, just shut the hell up. Just because she is an American Indian and her nomination and confirmation WILL be historic, this should not shield her from rightful criticism.

She admitted that shutting down pipelines cost jobs. But she doesn't care. I guess these unemployed workers could immigrate to China and build turbine blades and solar panels.

She has even refused to say whether or not she would block existing, in use, pipelines. It seems that she would rather have oil transported via train, tanker, and truck rather than the statistically safer method; pipelines

"I wish I could answer", she stated when asked if shipping oil by pipeline is more environmentally sound than shipping by rail or truck. This is were idiot comes into play. Somehow, the person who will soon be the most significant person with our environment cannot tell a Senator if shipping by pipeline is safer than other methods. If she's not an idiot, then the flunkies who prepped her are the idiots.

For some reason she's not smart enough to know whether or not if US oil production is curtailed would it increase or dependence on foriegn sources for our oil. What a moron. Apparently she, and her advisors, didn't borher to check whether countries like Russia, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia have worse environmental standards than the USA.

As for the lost jobs in the energy industry, she firmly believes that marijuana is the solution for the millions of people that will eventually be put out of work. Does she expect them to grow it? Growing weed legally is already a cut throat business. Farms go out if business all the time. Work in a farm or a dispensary? Yeah, that's the ticket. Replace high wage jobs with minimum wage jobs. Even if the minimum wage was the progressive dream of $15.00 an hour, it doesn't come close to making up the difference.

She was unable to answer fully how school districts that rely on federal drilling taxes would be able to recoup the lost tax revenue. Some districts, like in New Mexico, have a reliance that reaches upwards of 40%. This is an example of not considering, whatsoever, the ramifications of decisions. Basing decisions on feelings is invariably harmful, especially to the "little guy" the progressives say they support. What is even more surprising, she represents New Mexico's 1st Congressional district, a region that will be impacted by shutting off leases to drill for oil.

NOTE: It appears that Haaland will be confirmed. Senator Collins of Maine has states that she will support Haaland's confirmation at Interior Secretary.

1 comment:

  1. No words for ignorant people like
    Love from NC,
