
Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 Here is HR127 in a nutshell. This is taken from a Fakebook post by Spike Cohen, former VP candidate for the Libertarian party. I have added a few thoughts of my own. Of courae I did.

1. Firearms license required for any new gun purchase.

2. Licencee must be 21, complete a 24 hour gun safety course, and must undergo a psych evaluation.

3. Multi-tier license. Individual license for ownership and display of antique firearms, standard firearm license, and "military style" license.

4. Military license requires additional 24 hour safety course.

5. Licencing is revoked immediately for anyone who has ever seen a therapist or had to go to mental health.

6. This heavily discriminates against anyone who has ever seen a therapist or had to get mental health treatment, such as victims of abuse and people with depression, and veterans seeking care for PTSD. Depression and addiction are mentioned specifically as reasons for license denial. NOTE: I wonder, if those who developed this bill, actually made an effort to target former military. There are a lot of men and women who served in the past 40 years who have been diagnosed with some form of PTSD. Progressives have made it abundantly clear they view those of us who have served as potential domestic terrorists. They fear us. They know that the men and women who served will put up with just so much before we say enough is enough. Many of us are armed, we have fought asymmetric warfare, and we know what end if a weapon is the business end. What better way to render us helpless to government overreach than to disarm us under the guise of mental health issues. To answer my own question, yes, of course they targeted the men and women who served.

7. Also, gun licensing is expensive, which makes ownership less accessible for those who need their own protection the most.

8. Requires an $800.00 annual government insurance fee for all current and future gun owners, to be paid to the Attorney General EVERY YEAR. NOTE: As an added bonus, once HR127 is passed, this fee will no longer be under the supervision of Congress. If the Attorney General wishes to raise the insurance fee, they are free to do so. I keep hearing from my progressive friends that they all about the poor and disenfranchised. An annual $800.00 bill being forced upon us doesn't seem like caring for the poor.

9. There is no grandfather clause, meaning this applies to anyone that owns a gun at all, not just those who purchase a new firearm after the bill passes.

10. This fee will certainly go up each year. It's yet another barrier for those in poverty to be able to defend themselves.

11. Mandatory nationwide firearms registration and database. NOTE; This will be used as a means for gun confiscation during any event deemed necessary to get guns out of the hands of non government people.

12. All firearms owned shall be registered under penalty of up to $150,000 and 15 years in prison.

13. Serial, make, model, identity of owner, and location of where the firearm will be stored to be collected and maintained in a database by the US Attorney General. NOTE: easier to find the gun during confiscation raids, and to penalize if the gun is not found in that exact location.

14. Names and information of all those who may have access to the firearm shall be collected as well.

15. This information to be accessible by state, local, and federal police, military, as well as state and local governments. NOTE: Will this database be protected? Would someone in government, who has a serious issue with the 2nd Amendment, "inadvertently" release this database to other likeminded, non government, people? Without a doubt. ADDITIONAL NOTE: This database will be made available to the general public.

16. Ammunition and magazine bans.

17. Bans .50cal and larger ammunition outright.

18. Bans all magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

19. This ammo is mostly used for hunting and is rarely used against people. The most common handguns and rifles use magazines that exceed this arbitrary limit, which makes TENS OF MILLIONS of law-abiding gun owners felons overnight.

20. Illegal ownership of even a single round of banned ammo will result in up to $100,000 in fines AND 20 years in prison.

I take some heart in that bills similar to this have been attempted over the years. And they have failed. Congresscritters from districts that might be considered purple may vote against the blatant attempt to strip the 2nd Amendment of its teeth. But those so-called conservative democrats are becoming fewer and further between.

If the government is so intent on taking away law-abiding citizens their right to defend themselves, one has to wonder if they are planning something that we would shoot them.

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