
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Some Thoughts on Harris

I am very much aware that campaigns for elected office can be and is a very dirty business. When one runs for office, you say and do things that maybe your mother wouldn't approve. You stretch the truth to its breaking point. You make alliances with people you wouldn't even consider introducing to your family. You break bread that under nearly all circumstances would make you gag. Even so, occasionally a candidate will do and say some things that defy all logic. So let's take a look at what Harris said about former VP Biden during the debates and campaign stops.

"You will do whatever the Chinese tell you! They gave your son over a billion dollars!" She was pointing out pretty much what everybody already knew; the Biden crime family is DEEPLY tied to the Chinese communist regime. Four year you progressives raged on about Trump's supposed, never proven, and no evidence whatsoever, ties to Putin and Russia. Yet ever though the junior Senator from California dramatically point out Biden's ties to China, we hear nary a peep from you. On and on you went, for four years, raging on about Trump's ties to Russia. Two years and $30 million spent trying to make it happen. And you got a big nothing-burger. For whatever reason, Harris, and you progressive voters are somehow OK with the provable Biden's family deep ties to the big money from China. I'd say pot meet kettle, but that assumes two things that are similar. There is no similarities between these two examples. The allegations against Trump were proven wrong. But you won't even investigate, or don't want to know about, that smoke circling around the Biden family.

She believes in all of the sexual assualt claims brought against the former VP. I'm guessing that none of you remember Tara Reade. This is the woman who brought up sexual assualt claims against old uncle Joe. They were credible claims, with witnesses. Yet, despite the on going "Me, Too!" Movement, nothing came of those allegations. But Kamela Harris beleived her, or so she said. And don't forget all of those videos and images of Groppy Joe practically fondling young girls and women. While some find it funny to see the looks of disgust on those faces as they try to get away from the former VPs touches and sniffs, I am repelled. But it is quite obvious that neither the progressives nor Harris are repelled enough.

During one interview early in the campaign, she brought up how she couldn't understand how he could defend multiple political allies who were strong supporters of segregation. Some, like Biden's mentor, were actual members of the KKK. And don't forget, Biden also was in strong opposition to busing. We can argue the merits at a later date, but at the time it was considered a good tool to get minority students out of failing schools, and in to schools that performed better. Senator Biden was against this busing, saying he didn't want the schools that his kids attended be turnwd into jungles. This statement is on record and cannot be refuted. Progressives have used the term racist as bludgeon, nearly to the point where it really has little meaning. They have used it to cancel out many people. The progressives are very fond of judging people by their sins rather than their great contributions. From the distant sins of George Washington to the supposed lack of diversity in the children's books authored by Dr. Seuss. Yet, when a person of the right breeding (ability to further the progressive agenda), those sins are overlooked, or ignored completely. Harris came right out and called Biden a racist, yet here we are.

As I alluded to at the beginning, politics makes for some very strange bedfellows. But Harris's willingness to put aside all of these concerns, the sexual allegations, the financial ties to a brutal communist regime, and Biden's troubling racist past shows she completely lacks character and integrity. If a person willingly buries those concerns for political advancement, what more (or less) are the willing to do to fuel their personal agenda.

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