
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Surprise, Surprise, Biden Lies

Interesting that the Washington Post is no longer producing their fact checks. During the Trump Presidency, the Post often put up a running count of things they determined to be lies. Whether or not the graphic was honest is up for debate. Saying things like covid will be done by such and such a date isn't a lie. It was wrong, but not a lie.

But now that former VP Biden has been installed as President, the Post is no longer running that daily feature. For those of you who are missing it, I thought I'd give salve to your desire to know whether or not Biden is telling the truth and to keep him honest. Becuase I know you want transparency from both sides. Right?

Before we begin, understand much of what I have written has been gleaned from various sources, most notably from The Federalist. You can click here to get to the article. You should note, that while using this article as a baseline, the thoughts are my own.

--Former VP Biden claimed that that Trump instructed people to inject themselves with bleach. Ya know, when left wing hack sites like PolitiFact rates Biden's statement as false, maybe you should listen. I am amazed that this lie still is even making the rounds. Several media outlets, after initially running with this falsehood, had to quietly retract. I do know there are a few folks that know who still think this is true.

Former VP Biden lies about there not be a vaccine plan. How soon one forgets about Operation Warp Speed, the program that brought a vaccine in record time. I know that some people will point out that states are struggling to get their folks vaccinated. While the media is portraying this as a failing of the feds (And the Trump administration), if one chooses to dig just a teeny bit, you'll find out that many states didn't have plan B and plan C in place to cope. In two states that I am deeply familiar with, both struggled to get vaccines to their folks because they didn't plan for different scenarios. Both states had high rates of refusals, upwards of 40% for those folks first in line (Health care workers, elderly, first responders, etc.). But these states didn't plan for this and doses were thrown away, expiring due to lack of willing vaccination recipients. Yet, somehow, this was the fault of President Trump. The vaccine was developed, and it was distributed. It was up to the states to implement their own plan(s), based on their unique needs and circumstances. 

Now I am aware that most of you progressives want the government to interfere in every aspect of your lives, telling you when, why, how, and so forth. The trouble with that approach is that it's a one size fits all issue. If the federal government had dictated how the vaccine was to be distributed, the states couldn't respond to their own needs. But as I pointed out above, many states basically failed to make a decent plan. I know that it is impossible to plan for every contingency, but not being flexible enough to respond to changing circumstances is the states fault, not the feds. And centralized planning is NOT the answer. It is better to allow those closet to the issues make the plans with the supplies given. The failure at the these lower levels doesn't make it the fault of the upper levels.

--Is there really an overwhelming consensus to pass a pork-laden covid relief package? Former VP Biden has stated he believes that the $1.9 trillion covid releif bill has wide-ranging and broad bipartisans support, including economists from all points of view. This is simply not true. Economic think tanks, both Keynesian and free-market perspectives, think the so-called stimulus package will present significant problems in both near and far term. Both sides agree that running up deficits to levels unheard of will be detrimental to our economy and to the world's economy. Hyper inflation, food and money shortages are just a couple of the concerns that many have raised. And there are many, again, from both sides of the aisle who have concerns about where this money is going. Why does there need to be another $25 million for for the national endowments for the arts? Why is there funding for abortion included in this bill? Why is the federal government bailing out states who's economy collapsed due to the lockdowns? The money needed, if this were strictly a covid relief bill, would be about of the 1.9 trillion that requested. This bill is so pork-laden, that folks from both side of the discussion are raising concerns.

--Former VP Biden claimed that the covid vaccine wasn't available when he arrived at the White House. Maybe this is just the early onset if his dementia rearing its tragic, ugly head. Biden received the Pfizer vaccine before the inauguration. He must have forgotten this happened. I sometimes wonder if his puppet master ever drop their face into their hands and cry.

--There are several lies about what happened on 6 Jan 2021. I won't cover them all, not enough space to provide the necessary details. But there is one lie that has stood out prominently, in my mind. The death of officer Brian Sicknick. It was initially reported that Sicknick died from being bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. Those reports came under immediate scrutiny due to several facts. One, there was absolutely no evidence. Yes, there was an image of a "peaceful protester" swinging an extinguisher at a Capitol Hill police officer. But just a cursory look, one could easily tell it wasn't Officer Sicknick. Second, there were no reports of an officer being taken to the hospital with serious head injuries. Basically, his cause of death was a blatant lie, told by the democrats, foisted and nearly celebrated in the lying POS media, and then furthered by Biden. I will give the NY Slimes credit. They did offer up a retraction. However, former VP Biden and other democrats have yet to issue their own retraction, even after the mother and brother of Officer Sicknick have both publicly stated he did not die from injuries sustained on 6 Jan.

--Do any of you remember what candidate Biden's remarks were when President Trump banned nearly all travel to and from China? A refresher; Biden, and some other democrats, called the ban xenophobic. I guess it's not xenophobic if you ban travel to Europe. Or South America. Or Africa. Like Biden did a week or so after he took office.

--Blantant disregard for his own mask edict. Shortly after being installed as President, Biden signed an EO stipulating that mask are to be worn on all federal lands, whether inside or outside, alone or with others. Yet there he was, at the Lincoln Memorial, without a mask. While I guess this isn't technically a lie, shouldn't he at least follow his own orders? All you progressives were happy to point out anything you viewed as hypocritical when it came to Trump. If you really are the paragon of virtue you claim to be, maybe you should have pointed out this hypocrisy also. Pot, meet kettle.

--No distribution plan for the covid vaccine. Biden stated that "his" administration was having to start the distribution plan from scratch. The Trump administration had a plan, and it was being implemented. By the time January rolled around, nearly 1 million does per day were being administered. This is the same plan that has Biden's goal of 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days within reach. When the swamp hack Fauci says you are wrong, maybe you are lying. "We're certainly not starting from scratch, because there is activity going on in distribution."

I realize that the Washington Post "fact checker" was a blatant and clumsy attempt by the media to portray Trump as lie machine, but in the interest of doing their jobs, shouldn't they also be pointing out the lies the Biden spews? I know, I know, when pigs fly.

If you want more punishment, click on the link above and read the full article at The Federalist.

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