
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Starting Over

The other day I had my blogging efforts nearly come to an end.

Since my life requires a lot of time away from home I've taken to doing my blogging either from my phone (like now), or my tablet. My tablet is far and away my preferred method. Better keyboard, larger screen (Hey! I ain't gettin' any younger), better app for 1st and 2nd drafts, and more storage. 

I was in the middle of a blog post when my tablet said I needed to register it. Odd! I had done this step a few years back when I first purchased it. Didn't do it right away. Finished up the 2nd draft of the post, saved, then nighty-night time. The following morning I checked the work schedule when the tablet again indicated I needed to register.

So I did. Darn it! (FYI, my phone's autocorrect turns dam(n) into darn. Isn't that cute.) All of my bookmarks had disappeared. Wiped from my browser. Nada! All of those links I used to support my posting efforts. All of the videos. All of the woodworking links. Gone!! 1000's of links. Lost!!! 

So I did all the usual steps. Restart, nope. Restore, nope. Search YouTube for help, a little, but not good enough. Tablet tech support, worthless. So I began rebuilding. Some stuff was a few years old and won't be able to find, I'm sure. I'm at about 5% rebuilt.

What was odd was other than being logged out of my yahoo mail, I lost nothing else. All the downloaded memes and photos? All of my work related documents and such? All of the previous blog post drafted on the tablet? Yep, still there.

That was a bit strange I thought but after a bit of further trial and error I began the rebuild. Yesterday I told coworker what had happened. He suggested an alternative theory. Now mind you, he's a bit of an Alex Jones fan. Not huge, but a fan nonetheless. He wondered if my bookmarks were removed on purpose. Up to that point, that didn't cross my mind. But it did make me wonder.

After thinking on this idea, I was a bit worried that my blog was also gone. But here it is, still in place. None of the posts are gone, as far as I can tell.

Some of the evidence lends some credence to his point. Nothing else was gone. Alexa opened at that time without my prompting (I NEVER use Alexa. EVER!!). And nothing I did would have caused my tablet to unregister. And, according to the background data, my browser didn't update on that day. What is even more interesting is that when I presented this theory to my wife, she didn't pooh-pah it out of hand. She is my rock and who brings me back to the real world. She did make the point that I'm no Tucker Carleson or Doug Ross. But she did find the theory interesting and worthy of merit: and caution. 

While the nefarious theory of some quasi-government agency reaching into my tablet and wiping out my blogging efforts has some merit and is kind of thrilling in an adrenaline pumping way I'm still leaning towards some sort of glitch.  Mind you, I have not dismissed the theory and will proceed with a bit of caution. But it won't stop me. Hopefully, an FBI SWAT team won't show up on my door anytime soon. But if this blog goes silent for a lengthy time, who knows...

I will now develop an alternative method of backing up all of the future links.

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