
Thursday, July 29, 2021

I Wonder...

...if this would work.

I made it clear that through my lawyer I would begin to demand the status of all other employee's health condition in regards to other forms of communicable diseases. We would be demanding information on employee's with aids, hepatitis, flu, STDs, measles, mumps, and so on. My lawyer already had the papers drawn up so I could serve him the first day he tried it and paet of the suit would be to force the company to make immediate policies to section off employees who had any illness they could spread, including the common cold. If they were going to take responsibility in stopping the spread of covid-19 in the building they were now liable for the spread of anything else

If this is true then here one more arrow in the quiver we need to this desperate fight we have against the rapidly increasing tyrannical bent of our governments. 

Hat tip to 90 Miles From Tyranny blogspot. 

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