
Thursday, August 19, 2021

An Inflection Point

The debacle that has become the withdrawal from Afghanistan will be the inflection point of the Biden presidency*. 

Anyone who has been pay even a modest amount of attention is well aware that Biden is a doddering old fool. Those that installed him should be arrested for elder abuse. They knew full well that Biden's cognitive abilities have deteriorated and that he should have never even been running as the democrat candidate. 

But he is the Trojan horse. The people behind the scenes knew there was no way that the likes of Harris or Sanders could ever win an election. They know most Americans do not want anything to do with socialism. The only way for the socialist and communists to achieve their goal was to get a so-called moderate elected, control him, then discard him when he is no longer useful. 

Enter Afghanistan. The pull out of Afghanistan has been a complete disaster, and what is going to happen is only beginning to play itself out. While I doubt that how quickly it has happened was known by the puppet masters, the eventual outcome is the goal. As the days and weeks roll along, news coming out of Afghanistan will be tragic by no small measure. Atrocities, massacres, etc. will be the norm rather than exception.

All of this has already led some to call for resignations and firings. Even the propaganda arm of the democrat party (aka, the mainstream media) is flogging Biden and his administration for the failures. And democrat politicians are joining the fray. He is losing support. When leftwing crazy Mazie Hirono, the dem senators from Hawaii, is critical of your actions, you know you are losing an uphill battle. 

It would not surprise me to see, in the not too distant future, to see either articles of impeachment drawn up, or the implementation of the the 25th Amendment. While Pelosi has praised Biden in the immediate days after the withdrawal, she has been somewhat silent over the last couple of days. Why?

Up to this point in the Biden presidency* there really wasn't anything anyone could hang their hat on when it comes to getting rid of him. Yes, he's an idiot, multiplied by his loss of cognitive abilities. But you can't drum up enough public support to fire a President based on that. But what has happened and will happen in Afghanistan? You bet. The media and the dems will will play this for all its worth. And Biden's days are numbered. 

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