
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Not So Quick Take - Mike Rowe for the Win

The other day a left-wing, progressive writer, Jonathan Last, slammed Mike Rowe with a short little article titled Mike Rowe's Dirty Little Secret. Bad move on his part. Not that I really want to link to a progressive page, but one has to do what must be done. And there is the consolation that I don't think the traffic from my page is really going to even register a blip on their traffic stats.

Mike had put out on his Facebook page that yes, he was vaccinated, but no, he wouldn't dispense any medical advice. He concluded by saying this:

The fact is, millions of reasonable Americans have every right to feel confused and skeptical. Those people you refer to, Steve – the ones now telling us that we can “get back to normal just as soon as everyone is vaccinated” – those are the same people who said, “two weeks to flatten the curve!” Those are the same people who told us that masks were “useless” before they told us they were “critical.” Those are the same people who told us that a return to normalcy would occur just as soon as “the most vulnerable” among us were vaccinated. Then, just as soon as “half the population” was vaccinated. Then, just as soon as we achieved “herd immunity.” Those are the same people who told us they wouldn’t trust ANY vaccine developed under the last administration. Now, those very same people are belittling the skeptics!

Well, that opened the floodgates. Mr. Last doubled down on his foolishness by engaging in an internet brawl with Rowe. By any measure, Mr. Last came out on the losing end of the battle, not that he would admit it. You can read Rowe's response, and the back and forth, to Last here (Its on Facebook, but I don't think I you need to open your account to read it.). And here if you wish to get another take on the back and forth between Rowe and Last, check out this link. I've personally noted that Last continuously accused Rowe of lying to his readers, yet he was never ever actually able to highlight an actual lie. Which, as my readers are all well aware, is typical during back and forth between real world people and progressives.

Something that I would add to all of this was the ongoing censorship of medical and scientific personnel whose opinions happened to differ from the standard party line. Since when did science become political? No need to answer that question. Ever since global cooling/warming/change/disruption* has become "a thing" politics has become embedded in science. Why should this pandemic be any different! Especially since the overall response to the pandemic has been a progressives wet dream. I found it interesting that neither Rowe of Last touched on this subject. My guess, and it is just that, a guess, was the omission was by by design. Last probably guessed correctly that Rowe would eat his lunch if that particular matter was brought up.

*I should note that I spent almost three decades in the field of meteorology. I will also say that global climate change is a real thing. However, after seeing a lot of the data, the manipulation of said data to meet a narrative, and how over the top passionate true believers are, I don't believe that man is the cause. The climate has changed, just as it has done over the eons. I could really to off on a tangent here, but this is not the time or the blog post for that subject.

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