
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Losing Friends (Maybe?)

The things I am about to say will more than likely cause the loss of some of my more progressive friends. 

I get it, you hated Trump with a white hot rage. But it was interesting that no one could articulate why, and if you attempted to do so, it was based on lies or completely unsupported. Did you hate the booming economy? No? Did you hate peace breaking out in the Middle East? No? Did you hate being energy independent for the first time in a lifetime? No? Did you hate that we were acting like a sovereign nation with borders and laws? No? Maybe? Did you hate that his policies brought China to heel? No? Maybe? Yes? Or was it his mean tweets? Ah, there it is. 

Think about this. If we continue down this path, the America that you grew up in will be distant memory. Upward mobility will be a thing of the past. The lot you were born into will be where you will stay, unless you have an extremely unique talent (singing, acting, athletics). No longer will your hard work bring you those things that it did for your mother and father. 

A while back I was having a back and forth with a progressive friend who also happened to like shooting his guns. The last thing he said to me was "Are saying I'm anti 2nd Amendment?". I didn't respond at the time but I will now. Yes, if you support candidates that have openly expressed their desire to end gun ownership and turn law abiding Americans into felons overnight, yes, you are anti 2nd Amendment. 

I will go further on this path. If you think it is OK for Big Tech to censor (fact check) posts on social media, you are anti 1st Amendment. If you think it is OK for a mob to violently shut down a speech on a subject they disagree with, you are also anti 1st Amendment. If you think it is a good thing that a baker, a photographer, or wedding planner businesses be sued and fined out of existence, you are anti religion and anti 1st Amendment. If you support the continuing incarnation of people who were at the capital building on 6 January with no charges filed, no bail available, extremely limited access to representation, and no court dates forthcoming, you are anti 6th Amendment. 

If you do decide to cross me off your Christmas card list let me say before you go that I love you as a brother or a sister, God is a forgiving Father, and that my most fervent hope that someday, before things go too far, that maybe you'll say to yourself, dang, he was mostly right

1 comment:

  1. I have lost friends also PACNW RIGHTY. Even family members...I stand firm on what the Bible says as it's the ONLY TRUTH anyone will find...Seek always ad He will answer...
    I may be the only person who ever writes a comment, but if anyone else is out there reading..please seek Jesus as the time on earth that we know is coming to an end...Choice is your's Heaven with Jesus or Hell in total regret every minute of eeternity...Choose wisely
    Love from NC,
