
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Ten Stages of Genocide (Part 1)

Blatantly stolen from Jack Posobiec's Twitter page. With apologies to Mr Posobiec, I have taken his tweet and expanded on it. While you read this many of these stages overlap. Steps taken in Discrimination can/will also be done in Dehumanization, etc.

These are my thoughts and mine alone. This is a long post, so grab a cup of coffee and a danish. I posted two parts

1. Classification
2. Symbolization
3. Discrimination
4. Dehumanization
5. Organization
6. Polarization
7. Preparation
8. Persecution
9. Extermination
10. Denial

1) Classification. People are divided into "us and them". We have gone so far past this stage that it no longer appears in our rearview mirror. This was one of the first steps Obama took when he became President. What do you think the apology tour was all about? It was to show people how enlightened he and supporters where as opposed to the Neanderthals who preceded him.

2) Symbolization. People are forced to identify themselves. We are already far down this road. We are no longer just people, just Americans. We have been forced in many ways to categorize ourselves and each other into some niche. Black, White, Trans, gay, etc. And we are supposed to respond to this symbolism accordingly. We are also expected to adhere to a set of preconceived notions that are given to each category (symbol). If you stray from those notions you are to be reminded "that's not how we do things around here." If you don't willingly, and with passion, celebrates those notions and are of the "whatever,  just let me live my own life" mindset, you are to ostracized, with much force.

The goal of this tribalism. It much easier to get segments of society to turn on other segments when we are divided into tribes. This is already happening. Progressives are stoking the flames of tribalism against conservatives and Trump supporters by telling the other tribes the we conservatives don't like such and such. "Look at Joe Six-pack, he won't celebrate your blackness, gayness, your transness,  etc al with passion" so he must hate YOU. They fan these flames even further by making it seem that we don't like people in such and such category on a personal level. For example, rather than say we don't support an infinite number of genders based on centuries of science and our Christian faith, they tell these people that we hate THEM for their confusion.

As a personal example, several months ago I had a minor confrontation with a coworker over something as innocuous as "bless you." He sneezed, and my response was an automatic "bless you." First he said "Did you know I'm an atheist?" When I basically said so what, he went down a road that kind did and didn't surprise me. First he said "Don't do that again." When I didn't respond to his liking he went further by angrily stating that he didn't appreciate it it all and that he was offended. He closed with don't ever say that to him again. The HR threat was implied. I then asked him why I needed to kowtow to him, why didn't he kowtow to me? Or better yet, just say thanks and move on. He didn't have a response to those questions.

3) Discrimination. People begin to face systematic Discrimination. In a way, we have gone back to the bad old days of pre Civil Rights. Many on the progressive side are open and honest about discrimination against what many consider traditional values. Did you work or vote for Trump? Oh, sorry the promotion or job opportunity is closed to you. Do you believe that marriage is between a man and a woman? Welp, we'll have to do everything in our power to oust you from society. Do you believe that every man and woman is responsible for their own outcome? Well, let's burn down the cities.

All one has to do is look at how progressives treat minorities who don't happen to toe the progressive line. I'll mention Larry Elder, one of the most astute commentators on conservative issues today. When he announced he was going to run for governor in California, he was vilified, called names that I won't repeat here. Ben Carson, one of the most brilliant minds in medicine there is, has also experienced the slings and arrows. He has been a leading pediatric surgeon for years, yet when he ran for President as a conservative he too was vilified. Many of the disgusting terms thrown at Elder were also thrown at Carson. And when he became a member of the Trump administration, whole cow, the vilification was increased by a factor of 10. These two men, and several others, were "called out" by progressives for not toeing the progressive line.

4) Dehumanization. People equated with animals, vermin, or diseases. Again, we have moved down this road. Just look at the way the people who were arrested for the January 6th event. There are being kept in isolation with almost no contact with family our the outside world. All for what really amounts to nothing more than trespassing. Also consider the way many progressives view these of us on the other side. Back when Obama was running for President he made the now infamous statement about clinging to our guns and Bible. As if believing in a higher power and our God-given right to self protection made us something less. But all Obama did was speak freely what many on the left already felt. All Obama did was given these people tact permission to be open about their disgust towards people who have differing viewpoints. You see all the time on social media.

Can we accept that, for the most part, those who are not vaccinated lean to the right or have libertarian tendencies? Most recently, former VP Biden has called those who have not been vaccinated stupid.  "You're not as smart as I thought you were." Just the other day, soon to be former governor of California Gavin Newsom compared the unvaccinated to drunk drivers. Minimizing people. Casting aspersions upon folks. That's what this is all about. Marginalization. And if they happen to be conservative, so much the better.

5) Organization. The government creates specific groups (police/military) to enforce policies. No one should doubt that the FBI isn't already acting in a manner that is heavily biased towards progressive ideals. The heavy handed treatment of those who breached the capital building on 6 January compared to how antifa/BLM pukes are getting off scot free should be a clue to your cluelessness. Think about this: the BLM activist who filmed the capital breech, was also inside the building, said "let's burn this mother down", and caught the murder of Ashli Babbitt on film, is on house arrest, wearing an ankle monitor. Yet others, who did nothing more than walk around inside the building, are being held in solitary confinement.

Another point is how Queen Nancy is directing her private police force out into the hinter lands, with offices being set up in FLA and Cali. Make no mistake, this police force is answerable to only the House of Representatives and ultimately Pelosi herself.

The military itself is being transformed. In all branches, mandatory training is occurring that casts white, God-fearing,  freedom loving males as possible domestic terrorists. Don't doubt for a minute this isn't by design. At some point in time, senior people in our government will call upon the military to quell what they consider a rebellion. It could be nothing more than people protesting vaccine passports. Look at what is happening in Australia right now. The mandatory training military personnel are doing will make it easier for them to see us as the enemy, undesirables if you will, easier to follow orders that a few short years ago would be considered horrendous. Mark my words, some time in the near future, under a progressive president, there will be a mass killing at the hands of the military.

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