
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Ten Stages of Genocide (Part 2)

Part 2.

6) Polarization. The government broadcasts propaganda to turn populace against the group. The main stream media is filling this role. While they may not be the official spokesperson for the government, they echo and praise every little progressive idea and thought. Everything to do with Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine crap, covid, and now the January 6th issue was the progressive talking points. Hardly a single "reporter" did anything more than just echo what the progressive elites told them to say.

7) Preparation. Official action to remove/relocate People. Not yet here. But occasionally you see something in the web that discusses to possibility that FEMA has begun to set up "reeducation camps" in various parts of the country. We have already heard form some in the progressive movement for the "need" to reeducate us wrong-thinking conservatives.

8) Persecution. Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres. One might consider some of this is already happening. Nearly 2 dozen people were murdered during "peaceful protests" over the summer of 2020. Many on the left cheered, or were at least utterly indifferent towards, the deaths of people who they view as less than them. As far as I am aware, no arrests have been made in the execution style death of retired police captain David Dorn even though there is evidence that might be able to pinpoint who committed the murder. No charges have been brought against the capital hill police officer who shot and killed unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt on 6 January.

While the "theft of property" mentioned here would be government sanctioned there has already been plenty of property theft over the past year. In the riot torn areas whole inventories were wiped out and barely a single arrest was made despite the ability to identify many of the perpetrators through video. It seems to me that while this theft many not be government sanctioned (i.e. government agents and agencies) it was condoned, even excused, by most progressive governments. In California, specifically San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento, property theft is being sanctioned by government. In these locales theft of items below a certain threshold are not being prosecuted. No arrests, no convictions. This has lead to a significant increase in shoplifting. So much so that many businesses have either closed locations or have significantly reduced store hours.

9) Extermination. Wholesale elimination of the group. It is "extermination" and not murder because the people are not considered human. While I do think this step is still a little ways down the road, progressives and their supporters have already shown their, at a minimum, indifference towards the deaths of conservatives. When Aaron Danielson (aka. Jay Bishop) was gunned down in cold blood in Portland last summer by antifa member and BLM supporter Michael Reinoehl not a single voice from the progressive side said a word about taking a step back or that things have gone too far. There were many progressives who cheered or blamed Danielson. It leads me to wonder if any voice would be raised if the FBI raided a Patriot Prayer meeting and gunned down those attending. As much as I hate to say it, I think there would be no calls for justice, and there would be much cheering and excuse making.

10) Denial. The government denies that it has committed any crimes. Two events in recent years come to mind that one might consider practice runs. Ruby Ridge and Waco. I'm not going to cover these events in any detail, the information is available to all who wish to seek it out. But I will say that much of the official story about what went down at both locations can be considered questionable. And in both incidents, the government denied any wrongdoing, although there is evidence to the contrary. Were these trial runs at plausible denial? Who knows. It does seem farfetched, but it's all about to the long game in the transformation of America.

I would argue that we are in a blend of stage 4 through 6.

There is no argument that we haven't already gone through stage 1 through 3. We have been divided ever since Obama took office. He took great pains to divide us into separate groups, highlighting the difference and minimizing what we might have in common. He made sure, at every opportunity, to downplay and even bash the ONE THING that we could all rally around. That we are Americans and as a nation we are exceptional.

Stages 1 through 8 all support stage 9. Once you have a sufficient number of people who either fully support, or turn a blind eye towards, the first eight stages, then you have in place the full ability to commit the 9th stage, the extermination of the undesirables.

In vary degrees we have stepped deeper towards other stages, as I have pointed out. What will happen next? Will people other than conservatives begin to grow uncomfortable with the direction we are taking? Will those who consider themselves moderate progressives make the call for the extreme in their party to take several steps back? Will the silent majority begin to make their voices heard and put a stop to what is now going on? I have hope. There are signs. But if history is of any judge, then no, we will have to progress down this road to a final outcome. 

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