
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Virginia Elections (Update)

Just a quick note. I'm sure you are all aware that Republicans swept the three most important faces in Virginia. I'm not going to rehash stuff that I'm sure all of you have already seen and heard. I want to focus on how the propaganda machine that calls itself the main steam media reacted.

It was a sight to behold.

Click here.  There are several others but this link is the best summation. Be sure to watch the videos.

In my opinion, the most telling statement came from Joy Ried when she said the following: "They're dangerous to our national security because stoking that kind of soft white nationalism eventually leads to the hardcore stuff - it leads to the January 6 stuff." 

Now, according to the propaganda arm of democrats, the events of January 6th was racially motivated. Wow! Never mind that a black cop shot and killed, in cold blood, an unarmed white woman. Nobody talks about any possibility that the shooting could have been racially motivated. I personally don't believe it did, but I also don't believe the several events that led to riots of 2020 had any racial connotations either.

You'll also notice the gaslighting regarding CRT is a significant thread throughout. Several of the commentators outright state that CRT is not taught in Virginia schools. This is a lie. We know it is a lie. They know it is a lie. A couple of them try to justify the "we're not teaching CRT, but..." by saying things like white parents don't want their kids learning about slavery or that Thomas Jefferson had slaves. I learned about this when I was in school way back when. But I far as can recall I wasn't made to feel as if it was my fault or that I should atone for something that my family, or 95% of people, was never involved with.

Update: As an aside, not a single one of these commentators mentioned Winsome Sears, the new Lt. Governor of Virginia. She just happens to be the very first black woman to serve Virginia in a statewide office. And we're the White supremacist?

At some point in time down the road the progressives will learn that dividing people by race (and other factors) is a losing sum game. I doubt very seriously the Virginia election was that tripping point, but eventually it will happen.

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