
Friday, January 14, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part 1

I'm running out of conspiracy theories. There are so many that I decided to break this up into two posts. I will add more as I come across them, or suggested. 

Each one of these points could be a blog post in of itself. Some have already been given the PACNW-Righty treatment. Way back. Others may get some expansion later on down the road. 

I'm guessing not many who read this paragraph will remember. It occurred back in the 1970's. When the department of education was founded many were concerned that a government agency overseeing education would have a negative impact. Those folks were worried that a federal agency hamstringing what is constitutionally a state issue were going to ruin the quality of education with a "one sized program fits all" approach and would dumb down the classroom. When the agency was formed the USA was ranked #1 in education. Since the formation of the DOE, we have dropped to #24. Do we need programs that address discrepancies in education, most certainly. But not at the cost of what has happened to our education systems. 

Do you remember when you poked fun at people who were concerned that government overreach would result in the government and our employers having uninhibited access to our most private health information? Yet here we are. With vaccine mandates and governments supporting draconian measure like proof of vaccination just to have dinner or work out, we have reached the point in time where privacy no longer matters. Lack of privacy is the death of a free society. All for the common good. Update: it appears the SCOTUS has determined Former VP Biden's vaccine mandates are unconstitutional. Maybe we'll get a momentary reprieve from government Intrusion into our lives. I'm sure other attempts will be made, but for now, those of us who believe privacy is freedom, can breath a bit easier. But don't sit back, watchfulness is always required. 

Remember when we were called conspiracy theorists when we suggested there would come a time when undesirables would be sent to Quarantine camps? Guess what they are now doing in Australia. Yep. Camps for those who are unvaccinated. And they are using their armed forces to make this happen. More recently, the state of New York has been debating a bill that would allow the governor the ability to place non vaccinated into detention camps. 

Remember when many said the Russia, Russia, Russia hysterics was a hoax? There are those of us who saw what the Russia hoax/Scamvesitgation was really all about; to hinder a President the elites found unworthy. And to deem those who supported him the same. Yet here we are, a so-called investigation (witch hunt is a more apt name) found absolutely no link between Trump and anyone in Russia, other than previous business dealings. Then to top it off, the media has finally had to admit the Steele Dosier was worth less than the paper it was printed on. And it was done at the behest of the Clinton campaign. 

Remember when there was talk the whole covid-19 mess was started in a lab. Very early on, if you were lucky, you saw a tidbit or two in the news that there were a few scientists who said the virus didnt look natural, it had "markings" that indicated the virus was genetically engineered in a lab. Those scientists and that information was quickly suppressed by the media and Big Tech. We are now finding out that it was indeed developed in a lab. And the US taxpayers footed the bill by pay China to do this gain of function research. Even the military, who has become more and more woke, has issued a report that supports what is quickly becoming no longer a theory. 

Remember when numerous people were saying that we were going to have to produce proof of vaccination just to participate in life? And remember people called us stupid? In my local area, King County is forcing businesses to require customers to show proof of vaccination status before goods and services can be purchased. King County will enforce this mandate via increasing fines and closures. 

Remember when there were many who expressed their concerns the military, or federal police, were going to be used to force people to bend their knees to the government? It seems that the military is now being used in Australia to force, at the point of a gun, people to get the vaccination. 

Speaking of vaccination. There was a time not so long ago when those who did not want to get the jab were highly frowned upon. They were chastised, said they were selfish, they wanted grandma to die. The concerns of the vaccine hesitant were myriad. But it mostly boiled down to the vaccine was untested. Oh, the vaccine supporters and the pharmaceutical companies said it was fully tested and ready to go. The vaccine hesitant didn't believe that. No way, they said, could a vaccine for a virus be developed, fully tested (for long term effects and effectiveness), and be delivered in such a short period of time. They highlighted other vaccine developments over the years, which took years to develop and test. Think polio. Yes, that was 70 years ago, conditions and methods were different, not as highly developed as they are now. It took several years for the polio vaccine to be developed, tested, and retested before it was released to the public. Computer programs, which obviously didn't exist in the 1950's, are a huge asset. But one thing computers cannot do is mimick the human body. Each and every one of us, despite (or because?) being made in God's likeness, is different. A computer cannot, except in general terms, predict how a body is going to respond. Why is it that one smoker develops lung cancer after only a few years of smoking while another, having smoked for decades, doesn't? Smoking is not good for the body, but some bodies respond differently than others. That is what is what is happening with the vaccine. A number of people are not responding well to the vaccine. Even the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is showing that bad reactions are occurring at an alarming rate. While I have been unable to see the raw data (can't get permissions) reports indicate upwards of a million have had a bad reaction, anything from general discomfort up to, and including, death. Deaths from the Vaccine may be in the 1000's. There are enough anecdotal reports out there of people getting the jab and dying shortly thereafter. In comparison, in years without the covid vaccination, adverse reactions generally don't exceed 1000. As time has gone along, and it seems the vaccine effectiveness wans after a period of time, those who are vaccination hesitate, are becoming slightly less stigmatized. Certainly not by our government, but by the overall public (except for some "Karens" out there). We've still got a long ways to go, but the trend is changing. More and more people are not down with getting booster shots, of what is essentially an experimental medicine, every six months. Especially when it seems that natural immunity is a better course. 

Click here for Part 2 

I'm sure I have forgotten several other examples of so-called conspiracy theories that have proven to be true. If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to drop them in the comments section. 

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