
Friday, January 14, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part Duex

Continuing on with some conspiracy theories that seemed to have panned out.

Read Part 1 here.

Remember when folks were concerned that if we allow, and normalize, gay marriage that it would become a slippery slope? There were warnings that if this were allowed, attempting to rationalize, and make normal, pedophilia would be the next step. Welp, that is now happening. But an extra step, that some of us admittedly missed, has been taken. Normalizing the transgender. At first, it was just let them dress how they want, and if insisted upon, use their deaired pronoun. All well and good, harmless to the overall population. You're a brute if you don't play their game. Now we have biological males participating in women's sports. And smashing records previously held by women. We've had biological males win "Woman of the Year" awards. Think Bruce Jenner. But they aren't done normalizing sexual issues. Something even worse is now occurring. In my home state, it was recently determined that biological males, who identify as a woman, are now to be housed in the prison that matches their stated identity. In other words, if a biological male identifies as a woman, they will be transferred to a women's prison. This has also occurred in California, with the expected results. Women are being raped, and getting pregnant. Where are the national level women's groups that supposedly exist to champion women's rights? Nowhere to be found.
Next up on the progressive agenda is to normalize the abuse of children. The first steps have been taken with the disgusting Minor attracted persons (MAP). Fortunately, so far, that has become a bridge to far, for even the morally bankrupt far left. The individual who brought this to light has been fired from his job (forced to resign?) at a woke university. In some circles he is considered a martyr. This was just the first step. We are now seeing mainstream media outlets attempting to downplay child sex trafficking. The Atlantic recently ran a piece titled "The Great (Fake) Child-Sex-Trafficking Epidemic". While not necessarily trying to normalize sex with minors, it does attempt to downplay trafficking as just a small issue. As if the rape of children by adults is nothing to be concerned about. The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is another example. While she was rightfully convicted of helping Epstien (who didnt kill himself) bring underage children (mostly girls) to him and his friends, the general public was unable to hear about those friends/clients. The judge and prosecution put a blanket gag order on the trial. What is worse, in my opinion, is that none of the names that were likely mentioned in the trial have been arrested. In a moral society, these men would have been arrested before the Maxwell trial was over. If protecting the rich and famous is an attempt to normalize child rape, I'm not sure what is. There will be more efforts to make child rape acceptable.

Who remembers when several of us tried to point out that once covid-19 hit our shores people stopped dying of diseases that have a high mortality rate. It seemed very few were dying of lung disease. COPD deaths dropped significantly. Diabetes was no longer an end of life trajectory. We even pointed out the data from the CDC that as covid deaths mounted the number of deaths from other diseases plummeted. There was even a a graph showing these trends. As people started asking questions that data became so much more difficult to obtain and the graphs disappeared. And someone please tell me why guidance from the CDC telling hospitals to mark the death certificate as covid, even if it was only a tertiary cause, has not been even questioned at all by the mainstream media? That was a rhetorical question. Now it looks like the CDC might be getting ready to reevaluate those numbers. Just the other day, the CDC stated that nearly 75% of the covid related deaths had at least four comorbidities. Is the American public about to get the true scope on the impact of this laboratory created, US taxpayer funded, super virus? Could it be the CDC is somehow going to protect the Biden regime by giving us the true number of deaths that were caused by covid? I look at it this way: under the Trump administration, the CDC issued those death certificate guidelines, deaths with covid was a nightly news piece. However, as we near a year under the thumb of former VP Biden's regime the CDC guidelines are making the regime look bad as the number of deaths has far surpassed the deaths under the Trump administration. It would not surprise me in the least if the CDC reissued the guidelines and the number of covid deaths was down graded significantly. Are they willing to let Trump off the hook to make Biden look better? They have do do something because they are rapidly losing the narrative regarding covid.

Going back a little in the old time machine, let's take a qander at global cooling, warming, climate change, climate disruption. Some of my readers of a certain age will remember there was a time when those who know more than we know said we were all about to die due to global cooling. Another ice age was just around the corner, and if we didn't give our lives over to government control, we had only a few years left of existence. Then came global warming. Same thing. We needed to give the government control of our lives so we could, maybe, survive the scourge of the planet. Then along come climate change; or was it climate disruption? I can't remember. But people who kept their wits about them pointed out that the climate, well, it changes and has since the dawn of time. We pointed out the climate was much warmer during the time our Savior walked the earth. We also mentioned that the climate was much warmer during the Medieval period. These warming periods occurred naturally, and ended naturally, without the input of humans. Periods of cooling have also happened, regardless of man. And when we pointed out the data used to support the climate claims were dubious at best, well the progressive gloves came off, claiming we wanted the planet to die because we didn't want to give over our lives entirely to the (world) government. As the climate crisis narrative dies an unnatural death, the progressives continue to double and triple down. Just let me say, before you go all tree hugger on me, yes, we need to be good stewards of the planet. We should recycle. We should reuse whenever possible (not necessarily convenient). We should attempt with our best efforts to keep our water and air clean. But do we need to turn our lives completely over to the government? Absolutely Not!

I'm sure I have forgotten several other examples of so-called conspiracy theories that have proven to be true. If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to drop them in the comments section. 

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