
Monday, May 2, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part IV

This is a big one. Holy buckets, this one is huge.

UPDATE: I'm sure you are all aware this has been moved to the backburner. There was A LOT of pressure put of the administration of former VP Biden that this might be a bridge too far. A lot of the pressure can from folks like us. So they did away with it. For now. But it will be back so we can't sit back.

Over the past few years many have talked about and suggested that eventually the progressives were going to establish some sort of Ministry of Truth. There have been signs that are clear to any sane thinking person. They have said it out loud. 

It was first obvious that progressives wanted to have total control of the narrative. Just look at how social media has throttled conservative thought and expression. This no longer worth discussing. It is happening and the social media companies are not even denying it any longer. Rather, they are using terms such as misinformation and disinformation. All of my readers are well aware what these terms mean: silencing those who don't further the progressive narrative. All one has to do is read my other "Conspiracy Theories" post. Each and every one was, at one point, banned from social media. Yet, eventually, they became true. 

Welp, here we are. It was just announced that former VP Biden's totalitarian regime is going to establish a "Disinformation Governance Board". Interestingly, this Ministry of Truth will be under the Department of Homeland Security. This is domestic law enforcement agency. Imagine that. An agency established under the Patriot Act, that was designed to protect the USA from terrorism, is now going have the job of rooting out those folks who, in their opinion, have the potential of inciting something. You post something on social media that they disagree with, and you could be visited by guys with guns. 

This newly formed agency might have one wondering if it is possible under our Constitution. This will be debated. As someone who is not a constitutional scholar, I don't have a definitive answer for you. One point I can make, this cannot be done via Congress. 

The 1st Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. 

The 1st Amendment covers a lot of ground, and is the foundation of our freedoms*. What I want you to focus on is "...abridged the freedom of speech,...". This is why former VP Biden's regime is going the route of establishing this agency under DHS. He can't go to Congress, even with control of both houses, and get a law passed that would do what is being proposed. It would be a blatant violation of our Constitution. Not that progressives care one wit about the constitution. But they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, any law that would do what they are attempting to do via the DHS would be struck down in court. I think they realize even a so-called liberal court would find it difficult to articulate legal justification that would allow this kind of law to stand. So they are doing it using a backdoor. Will this agency be able to pass muster in court, where it will eventually land? I don't know.

*NOTE: The erosion of these rights are obvious to everyone, but is for another post.

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