
Saturday, May 28, 2022

Why We're On This Road

Many of my fellow true conservatives are stunned by the swiftness in which progressive rot has taken hold in this country. Even your humble author is somewhat taken aback at just how brazenly they have stepped out from the darkened shadows, and I've been warning   this was gonna happen for several years on this little blog-o-mine. 

There have been two events, in my opinion, that have occurred over the past six years that have led to the swamp creatures to come out from the shadows and are the cornerstone of what is happening right now. 

I think President Trump was kind of a double-edged sword. Since Reagan, conservatives have had to settle candidates who had drifted further and further from our core values. From Bush Senior to Mittens, each one seemed to be someone we had to settle for. Better than the other choices, but no by much. These so-called conservative candidates said all the right words and offered up platitudes extolling the greatness that is America. But most of us always knew they really weren't going to work for us, but at least they weren't as obvious in their distaste for Joe and Jodi Six-Pack as were/are the progressive candidates. 

Event #1. Along comes Trump. America First! The American people. Was he a "true" Republican? No, not really. Did he love America and the people who live here? Without a doubt. Trump made it clear where he stood. America First! He believed in the exceptionalism that has defined America from the start. Individual sovereignty. Family. Freedom to make decisions for ones self. For the Globalists in the Uni-Party, it was just too much. Who do those underlings think they are? Voting for  candidate of their choosing? Why the nerve of those people thinking they can have their cake and eat it too. 

Along with this populist movement headed by Trump, we have also begun to push back. For far too long the conservative mindset has been gi along to get along. Most thought if we would just agree, or least not get in the way of the leftist agenda, the progressives would be happy with the victory and that would be that. Not so. We have found out that letting the camel's nose in the tent was not enough. They not only wanted the camel in the tent, but they also wanted us to want the camel in the tent. 

Think gay marriage. Laws had been passed in every state that allowed gay couples all the rights afforded to straight couples. Joint back accounts, inheritances, medical rights, etc. But that was enough they wanted that piece of paper. Many of us were concerned that this was the edge of a very slippery slope. Assurances were given this was it, their holy grail. Give us the right to marry and we'll be happy. Again, not so. Transgender rights. Men dominating women's sports. Boys in Girls bathroom and lockers. Men who supposedly identify as women being housed in women's prisons. 

And now we are seeing attempts to normalize pedophilia. 

Now we are pushing back. In some cases quite vigorously. And the left doesn't like that. They had grown accustomed to us rolling over because we didn't like the names they were calling us. We have gotten to the point where we no longer care what they call us. We have learned that no matter how much we acquiesce they will still hate us for who we are. We have developed a thick skin. And they don't like it. And the realize that if don't make the fundamental changes they desire, it is going to be too late. So they have doubled and tripled down. 

Some have said that when Republicans controlled the Senate under the direction of Cocanie Mitch, the one good thing he did was the appointment of conservative judges. I'm not so sure about that, if I am honest with myself. During Trump's tenure as President, it is true that the judicial branch did swing a bit more towards the Constitution. But were they truly conservative? Or were they more wolves in sheep's clothing? If you look at the last two appointments to the SCOTUS, one has to wonder a little. 

Event #2. The "election" of former VP Biden. Anybody with an ounce of sense knows that something happened overnight on the fateful night in early November 2020. Was it outright election fraud? As time has gone along evidence sure seems to point towards fraud on some level. Was the election stolen eight under our noses? Or was it something else? Was the system manipulated in such a fashion that the outcome was pre-determined? You guys know which way I lean. But for others who leave unsaid what they think they know something stinks. They either can't, or won't, articulate what they feel they know. 

However it was that former VP Biden came to be where he is today has further emboldened the progressives and the swamp creatures. They no longer have to hide in the shadows. They know there is little we can do. What avenues we have are not enough to stop the spread of the poison, only slow it down. That is what they believe. But they also know we are fighting back however we can. If we can slow it down enough, the poison gets exposed. So they work at the speed of light, trying to race ahead of our attempts. But this leaves their flanks exposed and we are exploiting this opportunity. 

We can't keep teaching colleges from churning out left wing ideologues who in turn attempt to expose our children to their rot. So we attend school board meetings. These people we can stop. We can, and do, let them know their choices for curriculum do not meet our expectations. If they ignore us we can vote them out of a job. End their political aspirations. 

In state level elections we vote in candidates who say they support our vision for our country. Does it always work. Not at all. But at the very least we are ridding our state governments of people who openly hate our country. 

At the national level we are making our voiced heard. When former VP Biden attempted to initiate what basically a Ministry of Truth we made it loud and clear this was a non starter for regular Americans. The Biden regime had to back off. It won't stop them completely, but it did slow them down enough to allow us marshal our forces. We will be ready the next time. 

Also at the national level candidates who received a Trump endorsement did very well. I believe nearly 90% of the candidates endorsed by Trump won their respective races. Not all of his choices were perfect. Some were even head scratches. But the Trump touch still had some magic. 

We are making strides. Wr are letting our voices be heard. We are no longer taking a backseat. We are doing what needs to be done. But we cannot relax. We must stay engaged. We cannot be idle. 


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