
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Hypocritical Progressives

To say progressives are hypocrites would be an understatement of the highest order. Below are just a few of the many. If you have any to add, please do so in the comments section. 

The filibuster. This isn't necessarily a partisan issue. Both sides have done damage to filibuster. But for Senate progressives to now call for the elimination of the filibuster is the height of Hypocrisy. Wasn't it just less than two years ago when Chuck Schumer was calling the end of the filibuster (for Supreme Court nominations) under MCCONNELL the end of democracy as we know it? 

Using luxury private jets to attend global cooling/warming/disruption/change conferences. Can't find it now but I ran across an article that those who wish to enslave us under draconian climate rules are considering a rule that would exempt megayachets from any carbon emission rules. 

Wanting to severely restrict, if not eliminate entirely, the 2nd Amendment yet having armed body guards at their beck and call. If almost as if these folks truly believe they are more important, the elites if you will, than Joe and Jodi "Six-pack". 

The summer of love, 2020, vs January 6th. The antifa/BLM "peaceful protests" resulted in $2 billion in damages and at least 2 dozen deaths (several which were outright murders/assassinations). These events carried on for nearly six months. Yet the progressives have called what happened on January 6th an insurrection. Zero event related deaths from protester actions, and property destruction in the thousands of dollars. No bail for anyone who has been apprehended, expect for those who have been proven to be affiliated with progressive groups. Yet with a few notable exceptions, nearly ALL of the antifa/BLM protesters, no bail requirements and eventually no charges filed. 

Socialism vs capitalism. Isn't it ironic that some of the loudest voices espousing socialism are some of the more wealthy. Sanders is worth millions, yet he wants socialism. AOC is well on her way to millionaire status yet she wants socialism. Michael Moore is an advocate for socialism, yet he is one of the most wealthy people in Hollywood. Bill Gates is one of the richest people on the world, yet he chimes the bell for socialism. They got theirs, but want to prevent you from achieving the same. 

2016 vs 2020. They have not the slightest amount of evidence, but many still claim the 2016 election results are hinky. But with more evidence than you can shake a stick at, the 2020 election was the cleanest, most fair election of all time.

This one blows my mind. The progressives want us all to get vaccinated. If we dont then we lose out jobs, access to college, removed from society. But they welcome the nearly unrestricted flow of illegal immigrants across our borders, proof of vaccination not required. 

Sticking with the vax. It is really looking the SCOTUS is going to overturn Roe v Wade. All of a sudden, the progressives are all about my body, my decision. Just a few months ago these very same people wanted those who didn't want the untested, experimental drug injected into our bodies thrown in jail, loss of job opportunities, and banned for polite society. My body, my choice rings hollow.

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