
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Two Observations (UPDATE)

Click here for an update on this story.

So far, it looks like this MIGHT be a legitimate arrest, although for "suspicion for conspiring to riot" seems like it could be something someone conjured out of thin air. Maybe the thought police have come to Northern Idaho. 

In Couer d'Alene, ID there was a pride event. Interesting place for this kind of event. Supposedly this area is the heart of the white supremacy movement. Randy Weaver lived here for a number of years. Several others who have been linked to white supremacy have also called this area home. Northern Idaho is not exactly a center of pride activity.

The gonzo journalist Andy Ngo posted a tweet showing people from a group call Patriot Front being detained. Never heard of them. Click here for the video, while it lasts. I linked to Doug Ross' blog, rather than the twitter link. You might have to scroll a bit if you come across this at a later date.


This has the stink of some alphabet soup federal law enforcement agency. Look at the guys that are being detained. First of all, why are they being detained. Nothing has crossed the airwaves. Nothing suggesting they were hassling folks at the event. In fact, they were "arrested" while still in the U-Haul van seen in the background. Nothing has been released that stated this group was going to cause trouble. 

Secondly, look at them. they are cookie-cutter. It is kind of hard to tell since they are all on their knees, but I'd be willing to wager a shiny dime that if you stood them all up in a line they'd all be between 5'-10" and 6'-1", weight between 170lbs-190lbs. Each and every one of them looks fit. Not what you'd expect from a group out looking for trouble. One thing that is consistent across most protest groups, right or left, is the diversity of look. Short and squat. Tall and lean. Clean shaven. Unkept beards. Casual dress. Wearing stuff their mom hasn't washed in weeks. All kinds, And that is just describing the leftist women. You get my point. They all look the same. 

Lastly, why do they still have on their face coverings? It has nothing to do with covid. Idaho long ago did away with mask mandates, especially for folks outside. The cops aren't wearing masks. It's almost as if showing the faces of the detainees it would cause the story of some right-wing stormtroopers out to cause havoc would collapse. To top it off, when you consider how ANYONE from the right is treated nowadays, those masks would have been taken off instantly. 


I have been posting about how law enforcement at the local and state levels are at a cusp. I have been pointing out here and here how they are making choices that are causing long-time supporters, those of us on the right, to lose faith in their abilities to enforce the law evenly. Note how this supposed group of right-wingers are cuffed and forced to the ground. Yet antifa and other leftist organizations, who have a proven record of violence, are not being detained. The video at the link above was filmed by an antifa member. In the background you can hear other possible antifa members hooting and hollering at the guys being detained. why are none of those people being detained? Here we are again. If those being detained are not feds, the cops have yet again decided to choose sides. They are choosing the side that detested them. Wants them gone, And have murdered them in cold bold.

This is going to be on a 12-hour news cycle. The empty talking heads at ABCCNNMSNBCCBSNBC will work get all worked up. "Look at those dangerous Trump supporters." "These people are trying to destroy democracy." But once conservative media starts to point out all the discrepancies AND the similarities it'll disappear. If someone were able to submit a FOIA request to the local PDs, I'm guessing there will be no record of any arrests. Swept under the rug.

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