
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Some Random Thoughts

Here are a few random thoughts that I've jotted down over the past few months. Some if them are a little past due, but I still think they are relevant.

If aren't trying to destroy our republic what would progressives be doing differently?

• Killing small businesses.
• Destroying the middle class.
• Transferring wealth to the ruling class. These first were laid bare during covid-19. While stating covid was released on purposed approaches tin-foil hat territory, the is no doubting that the new world order folks took immediate advantage of the disease and the associated fear-mongering to institute measures to see how fat they could push their agenda. It saddens me to see how far they could push and how easily a lot of people accepted this push. I will also add that I firmly believe the current status of the economy is by design. They are attempting to finish off small businesses and to force the middle class into poverty. And we have all seen the numbers; the richest folks across the globe increased their wealth significantly during the covid-19 outbreak, while the rest of us have gone backwards.
• Dividing us with fear.

• Dividing us by race, age, political differences, religion, socio-economic class,... This has been going on for quite a while, and really got legs during the Obama administration. Divide and suppression is a basic premise of the commie manifesto.
• Ignore immigration laws. We have seen 2 million plus illegals crossing our southern border, nearly without consequences. Child trafficking, drugs, etc. have crossed our border with no limits. To make the situation worse, the former VP Biden administration is relocating these illegals across the country, targeting traditionally "red" regions.
• Unconstitutionally trying to control all elections proceedings. This is something that I just can't understand why in the heck our so-called conservative leadership doesn't pursue. What happened in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania was so blatantly against state laws and the Constitution.
• Defund police. Some jurisdictions are slowly realizing the folly of this stance. Other locations, such as Portland and Seattle are doubling down.
• Decriminalization of nearly all property crimes. The successful recall of San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin might be a sign that folks are getting tired of this crap.

I think most of us are quite certain that what has happened over the past few months is by design. The only way they can corral us all under an umbrella of a world government is to be rid of the middle class.

Article 6: Section 3,  Nuremberg Code
Leaders should be aware that mandating masks on the citizens of a nation and preventing their access to food, healthcare, transport or education if they don't comply is a war crime.  Masks or any other medical intervention must remain voluntary.

Some interesting statistics about the 2020 election in states that stopped the count at midnight. This information is old but i dont believe anyone has debunked it and is still out there if you want to dig enough.

Arizona, Maricopa County
• 23,344 mail in votes without ballots received.
• 2,592 duplicate ballot discrepancies

Wisconsin, Racine County
• Over 23,000 voters registered using the same phone number
• 4,120 people registered using the date 1/1/1918

Georgia, Fulton County
• All in person ballot images are MISSING in Fulton County
• 17,690 mail in ballot images are also missing

Pennsylvania, Delaware County
• Complaint alleges claims include common law fraud, destroy, delete,  alter election data, materials, equipment.

Counting an additional 384,733 votes in *2 hours and 38 minutes in the early morning hours after the presidential election was impossible.
The maximum number of votes the machines could count was 94,867 over that time period.
*The time the vote counting stopped to the time votes tallies started getting posted again.

The most recent poll that I've seen regarding how events unfolded early November 2020 shows opinion is nearly split on whether something nefarious went down the Tuesday night and into the early morning hours on Wednesday. I'd be willing to bet a shiny new dime there are a lot more folks that know deep in their heart something wasn't right. They either don't want to admit they were wrong due to fear of everything they hold dear being shred to tatters, or they are too scared to express their true thoughts. 

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