
Saturday, May 28, 2022

More Green Energy Stuff

Ran across this article the other day and thought I'd throw on here for your viewing "pleasure". 

Click here

As a lede in, I will say there has been plenty of warning from many in the blogoshere and elsewhere that once covid-19 was done or had lost it ability to scare the weak-spirited, the global progressives would move on to the next "thing". Welp, here we are. The so-called climate crisis isn't new by any means. 

The far left have been trying to scare us normal folk with the end of the world as we know it (EOTWAWKI) since the 1960s. I am purposely skipping over Ukraine because it has been/will be short lived. Once this has moved to back burner, something else will take its place. They can't take money from us or attempt to control our actions so it will soon become yesterday's news. 

Some of you may remember when the governor of Washington State ran for President. If you don't, you are not alone. I think he polled somewhere in the 0.2% range. 

What made him unique was he ran solely on a global cooling, warming, climate change, climate disruption platform. He is big time into having everyone toe the line on his view of climate, by force if necessary. 

As highlighted in the linked article he recently signed a transportation bill that would require all vehicles sold in Washington State to be electric. The bill does grandfather in non electric vehicles built and sold before 2030. It wasn't clear if you can sell an internal combustion engine after 2030 built before 2030. In other words, if you have a gas powered Toyota built in 2029, can you sell it the next year? 

Now I haven't read through the bill in its entirely (too much lawyers gobbledygook), but I did notice something that has always pestered me about this drive for green vehicles and so forth. Nowhere in the bill was there money to build infrastructure. Sure, they are going to build a whole bunch of charging stations. But nowhere in the bill is there a mention, much less funding, for the infrastructure to generate the electricity. 

In the PACNW, we have pretty good when it comes to energy generation. We have dams that generate lots of energy. There are also vast fields of wind turbines (another post, someday). And we do have an excess of electricity that gets sold out of state, like California and Arizona. But electric vehicles are going to most certainly significantly increase demand. Will it be beyond what is generated locally? I don't know, but I'd wager at the very least, California and Arizona are going to get the short end of the stick. Hello brown outs by the dozen every year. 

There are a couple of issues that I would like to point out. 

Whenever I read or are involved in a discussion about green energy, the greenies never seem to quite have the answer HOW the energy for electric vehicles, hybrid ferries, and other electric powered projects are going to actually get the needed electricity. Here in the PACNW a coal fired plant was shutdown and a nuclear plant was demolished. When those plants were in operation, we had an excess of power generation. Not so much anymore. No matter how much the greenies promote wind and solar, it is a LONG way from ever being a source of reliable energy. You know all points; lack of wind, lack of sun, lack of storage, etc. It's almost as if the greenies think we are going to recharge everything with fairy dust and unicorn facts. 

And one more point before I go. I mentioned above the coal and nuclear plants were shut down. The effort to get these plants closed were led by the the greenies, of course. And while those vast fields of turbines have been built, it didn't replace the power generation lost. Now, get this, the greenies are talking about knocking down the dams. The very same people who want to get everyone into electric this and electric that, want to destroy the one thing that makes this charge towards all electric possible. You can't make this up. More fairy dust and unicorn farts.

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