
Saturday, November 19, 2022

2022 Election Post-Mortem

A post-mortem

What an absolute shame. We had the ability to really make life difficult for former VP Biden. But as usual, the one thing that republicans are good at, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, came to pass.

The first step that we need to take is to stop fearing early voting. I don’t like this process anymore than most you do. Since I served overseas for a number of years and I maintained my residency in my state of birth, voting by absentee ballot doesn’t cause me much heartburn. The fact remains the left has honed this process to a razor-sharp edge. Lets look at several facts. In several counties across the USA our insistence that we vote on election day may have cost us votes, and quite possibly an election. In Maricopa County, AZ, several precincts experienced issues with voting machines. Hours-long delays were the norm. How many voters who insist the only way to vote is on election day were discouraged and went home without casting their ballots? It is human nature. We don’t like to waste time. We don’t want to stand around twiddling our thumbs. On top of that, it certainly looked like we were going to experience a so-called “Red Wave”. I can imagine some had the thought “I’m not gonna waste my time standing in line. After all, what’s one vote? It won’t make a difference since we are going to crush the progressives. My one vote won’t matter.” As it turns out, if that that thought process happened often enough, it did make a difference. The left knows this this, they study human nature, they make their plans based on how people respond to various issues. The long game. Since progressives have little issue with early voting, these broken machines don’t have as much impact on progressive vote totals as is possible for those who vote right. In counties surrounding Austin, TX, a lack of paper for casting votes was an issue. Again, hours-long delays were an issue. Was any of this planned? If you had asked me this question several years ago, I would have said nope. But with all that has gone on over the last decade, I no longer trust a progressive as far as I can throw him/her/whatever.

We need to develop a ground game. The left has done this for years and they have down to a “T”. Ballot harvesting. Get out the vote campaigns. Door to door. The left doesn’t have the market cornered on ten-pound heads. I know we have to have some very smart people who work for various campaigns and conservative organizations. These people need to get together and develop a ground game that rivals the progressives. 

While I don’t advocate that we do anything illegal, maybe this should be something we need to look at working on. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt the progressives do extra-legal maneuvers that probably bring in several thousand votes for their side. They are willing to do these things without much fear of reprisals. If they do get caught, it is almost always brushed under that table by a friendly judge and court. If we get caught, we know the book will be thrown at us. This could be a silver lining. It would be an opportunity for a very smart lawyer to bring all of the illegal moves the progressive make during an election. The question could be asked if it is good for the goose, why isn’t it good for the gander? If Progressive Sally can ballot harvest in a state where it is illegal, why can’t Conservative Joe do the same thing? If Progressive Harry can drop off hundreds of ballots in drop boxes, why can’t Conservative Mary do the same thing? If Progressive Karen can gather and fill out ballots for the indigent, shut-ins, and the homeless, why can’t Conservative Pete do the same thing? If Progressive Todd can find boxes of ballots in their trunk with 95% of the ballots marked for their candidate, why can’t Conservative Shelly do the same thing? “Play by the rules and you’ll be ruled by someone who didn’t” – Noble Brown

Over at the Conservative Treehouse, Sundance has done several in-depth studies on the fourth pillar of government, the intelligence community, and how it has spread its tenacles throughout the government. Here is good starting point. The link gives an overview of how the intelligence/security apparatus was developed and honed to be used against us. Be prepared to spend a little time. I do recommend that you grab a sandwich and a beverage and click through all the links. Let’s not forget that when the Hunter Biden laptop was discovered and what was found on that laptop indicated a deep level of corruption more than 50 intelligence leaders signed a document that stated what was on the laptop was Russian disinformation. That has proven to not be the case. Biden was waist deep in pay for play corruption in many of his business dealings. Would this laptop issue have made a difference in the outcome of 2020? I don’t believe so, the mechanisms were already in place to overcome nearly every contingency. Just the fact that many within the intelligence community were willing to state on the record the laptop was a false-flag operation, and knowing this was not the case, shows just what progressives and the deep state are willing to do to keep their choke hold on power. This fourth pillar of government, an unelected and unaccountable branch, has had, and will continue to have, an impact on every election going forward. It will target candidates who are out of favor. It will target citizens who participate in "wrong-think". It will not be a fair arbiter of justice (see 6 Jan, vs, antifa).

Lastly, we need to make every effort to purge ourselves of the McConnell/Romney arm of the republican party. Even Marco Rubio is seeing the writing on the wall. He just recently stated that he wants the Senate to wait, if we take it, to select a leader. He doesn’t come right out and say McConnell needs to go, but it is telling that he doesn’t think that McConnell should be ordained. That Romney wouldn’t endorse Mike Lee in Utah also shows me something. Lee is the type of conservative the new republican party has leaned towards. McConnell and Romney have fought this shift with everything they can muster. While I’m not sure that a primary challenge in Kentucky would be wise, without a doubt, Romney needs to primaried when he comes up for reelection in 2024. We had an opportunity this year to make former VP Biden a lame duck. Yet we didn’t. While the media harps on that Trump didn’t give his endorsed candidates campaign funds, the truth is that McConnell cut off the spigot to MAGA candidates. Both republican candidates in Arizona and Nevada had funds cut off by the RNC under order from McConnell. It wasn’t Trumps job to give money from his campaign funds to republican hopefuls. This is the job of the RNC. Plain and simple, McConnell needs to go. His maneuvering nearly cost us the House and certainly cost us the Senate. We had a chance to get at a minimum 51. As it stands now, we have to hope that Walker in Georgia can defeat Warnock in the runoff. Since Walker has been endorsed by Trump, I would be willing to bet the RNC and McConnell will devise a plan to keep funding out of Walker’s hands. Hopefully, this will be a lesson that we take into 2024. I am not confident it will happen, but one can always have hope.

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