
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

We Told You So

I've had this one sitting in my tabs for quite a while. Posting it now. Needs some work, but I don't have time as I'm work on an essay about the most recent elections. 

Does anyone remember a few years back when the fight to allow gays to marry was all the rage? Does anyone also recall there were many folks who warned of the slippery slope that would soon present itself? Weren't those people and their concerns dismissed? They were called bigots, homophobes, stupid. 

The concerns were many. 

When the arguments were being made in support of legalized gay marriage many progressives said this is was it. Once we get this legalized, we're done. After all, isnt love, love? Who would want to put up barrier to true love?. We just want to have the same levels of legal protection that normal couples have. Despite the fact that nearly every state in the union had already passed laws that gave gay couples all the legal rights, inheritance, hospital visits, child care, etc., progressives wanted that piece of paper. And supposedly that was all they wanted. That piece of paper stating the couple was married. But many on the other side of the argument pushed back. They were certain this was not the end, but the beginning. 

Many said that it wouldn't be long before pedophiles would attempt to normalize their disgusting behavior. But the progressives told us that wasn't going to happen. Pedophilia would always be considered a sickness and a crime. Yet here we are, a scant 10 years later organizations like MAD, and others, have come out of the shadows with their proposals to legalize adult-child sexual relationships. Many of these proposals have no age limits. All I takes is a few tear jerker advertisements and soft shoe peddling and before you know it, those who think sex with children is wrong will be vilified as bigots and so forth. I know a recent attempt a couple of years ago to normalizethis behavior was slapped aside. Just the fact they felt comfortable to even test the waters on this highly detestable subject says much about they direction progressives want to take is very telling. It doesn't matter the vast majority of the population will be opposed to this behavior. The media and those pulling the levers of power will attempt to call us out for our wrong-think. 

For the most part, conservatives have a live and let live attitude. If you want to do something that I might not agree with, knock yourself out, as long as it doesn't interfere with my life and the life of my family. Most were against gay marriage for two reasons. First, it goes against our biblical teachings. The Bible is quite clear on this matter. And if a woke pastor tells you anything different, you might want to check their qualifications. Just as there is nothing in the Bible that supports adultery or out-of-marriage sexual relationships,  there is not a single chapter or verse that says gay marriage is okey-dokey. Secondly, as mentioned above, we were very concerned this wasn't actually the progressive goal. It was a stepping stone. 

When we viewed gay marriage through the lens of the Bible, we knew it was against God's teachings. But many of us also view this through the lens of the Constitution. The Constitution doesn't expressly prohibit or condone marriage in any fashion. Together with our live and let live attitude, while we weren't going to be supportive nor would we celebrate it, as long as that was what you wanted, and you weren't going to force us to condone it, have at it. 

For a bit, all was cool. You guys got married, celebrated that piece of paper. But it didn't take long for our second concerns to rear its ugly head. It started with a cupcake shop in Sandy, OR. Then a photographer in Sante Fe, NM. Shortly after that, a cake baker in Colorado. Each one of these businesses clearly advertised themselves as a Christian-centered business. Still, each was asked to perform a service that celebrated gay marriage or other nonsense. Each of these businesses have have had economic damage done to them, which has been the goal. 

For the activist, it had absolutely nothing to do with that cupcake maker, or that photographer, or the baker. These folks weren't necessarily the best at what they did, and the activist didn't want their services because they were the best. Nope. It was a show of force. How can we force this Christian to bow down to our pagen ways? Ask them bake a cake, or photograph our "wedding". When they refuse, bring in the state. Force them to bend to our will. Show them who is boss. 

At the same time a few are starting to push the right to engage with minors, the trans movement has taken hold. Again, if you are a biological male and want to dress up as a woman, knock yourself out. But you have crossed a line once you wanted to normalize your degenerate way of life. Furthermore, we are drawing a line when it comes to our children. You want to prance around in a dress, have fun. But leave our children out of the equation. If you hadn't gone that far, there would be no push back from us. But you decided that was a bridge you wanted to cross. We'll do everything in our power to ensure that this bridge gets blown up. A question folks need to ask themselves is why do full grown men in lingerie want to spend time in front of our kindergarteners? Something else to think about, it is easier for a drag queen to prance around in front of 7-year olds, than it is for kids to dress up in costume on Halloween or to have a Christmas tree display at a school. That's says an awful lot about our societal decay.

Now we are dealing with biological men participating in women's sports. We all know that men, even those who have so-called blockers are still stronger, faster, and more athletic than all but the top 1% of 1% of females. During my time in the service I never met a female that could compete with me on an athletic level. Yes, I was a fairly fit individual during my hey-day. Mind you, many women in the service were and are very physically fit. Some have completed at a national level in certain sports. Other than the base varsity softball team, I was never even close to a national level competitor. If I had decided to wear a dress and pretend and I had played on women's team, I would have easily been the best player. With very rare exceptions, I, and most of my male counterparts, were stronger, faster, and fitter than the women with which we served alongside. It didn't make the women any less of a person. It was just understood. We've all heard the story of the defeat the Women's National Soccer team suffered at the hands of a group of 17-year old boys. Granted, these boys were some of the best 17-year olds in the country. But the women of the USWNT are the very best of the best women soccer players. These women were at their absolute peak of athletic prowess. The boys still had years to go to reach their peak.

If you had just left well enough alone. OK, so you're gay and want to get married. Sure, what the heck. You'll eventually have to answer to God. But that wasn't enough, just as many of us expected. We knew it, you knew it, we knew you knew it, and you knew we knew it. With progressives, you give them an inch, they'll take 10,000 miles.

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