
Monday, November 28, 2022

Possible Strike

I would imagine that the Washington Examiner editorial team has received a few responses from their readers who read If railworkers strike, Congress Can and Should Force Them Back on the Job

Something I want to make abundantly clear. I am in no way speaking for the union that represents me, my fellow employees and union members, nor the railroad I work for. These words are solely my own. 

Understand one thing, I realize the impact even a short strike will have on a very fragile economy. I don't want one either. But every once in a while steps have to be taken that are unpleasant and painful. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The New Digital Age

This link should be of interest to anyone who even remotely concerned about the direction the world is heading.

If any of my readers read the Left Behind series, the mark of the beast was discussed at length. If my memory serves me right, the mark was a brand of some kind. In depiction across the ages of this mark it was some kind of physical mark on the body. But the Bible never specifically states how the mark is displayed. Are these digital IDs the mark?

Friday, November 25, 2022

Is Trump Done? (Revised)

After much thought and deliberations I have decided to resind what I have written below. I don't think I wrote the post in anger. I did write with some despair. I watched us lose several elections that were very winnable. Probably taken via shenanigans. I also watched out GOP "leadership" fail in more ways than I can count.

They didn't provide the campaign funding necessary to win.

They have not, and will not, put forth any effort to overcome the strategies, both legal and illegal, that the progressives have honed to an art form.

They will not recognize the party has changed. Yes, we are still moral in how we live our lives. But no longer are we the party of big businesses. Take a look at the top 10 richest people in the USA. Eight of them donate solely to progressive causes and candidates. Only Peter Theil and Elon Musk donate to conservatives. And Musk is not fully on board. Nearly every company in the USA (and the world) have gone woke. Yet our party "leaders" continue to beg for table scraps.

Initially, my thoughts ran towards DeSantis. But the more I read about him the more I become concerned. That the McConnell/Romney branch have remained quiet regarding DeSantis says volumes. While I still feel, outside of Trump, DeSantis is our best options, I am no longer comfortable throwing my support behind him.

TRUMP 2024!!!!

I am going to say something that is going to be unpopular here. It is time we moved away from Trump. Not because I want us to go back to the old ways, but because he has become a bit of a liability. Before we go too far down the road here I will acknowledge that his track record endorsing candidates was nearly perfect. 93% of the candidates he endorsed won at all levels, including primaries, state level and national offices. The caveat here is nearly all of those wins were in districts that really weren’t all that competitive. In districts that were close, his track record wasn’t as good. In Washington state, his endorsed candidate lost. The previous District 03 representative was a republican. However, she made a mistake in voting to impeach Trump, which put her in the cross hairs. I’d bet a dime that she and her team tried to make a calculated decision for her upcoming 2022 campaign. In a purple district, sometimes one has to make decisions that MIGHT go against your normal stances. She was primaried and lost to Joe Kent who was endorsed by Trump. This district is and has been purple. A region that might not take to Trumpism. While I was in favor of taking down those republicans who voted to impeach Trump like Cheney and the putz from Illinois, Herrera-Beutler needed to be saved. Yes, she voted against Trump. But she was a reliable, if squishy, republican, and most importantly, represented a purple district. Incumbency has its benefits, and I have no doubt she would have won fairly handily. In Pennsylvania his endorsed candidate lost to a man who has the mental capacity of a 12 year old (just a guess, not a medical diagnosis). I wonder if Dr. Oz could have won if he didn’t have Trump’s endorsement. Considering how corrupt Pennsylvania elections can be, I do have my doubts. But maybe if Oz wasn’t endorsed by Trump, the cheating apparatus would have not swung into full gear. Who knows.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Twitter Changes

First of all, I need to make sure that you all understand that I have never been a twitter user. I have seen many threads over the years at various web sites I frequent, but I don’t (as of now) have an account. That could change though since Elon Musk has bought the company.

Two reasons for my lack of participation.

1. The censorship. If you have followed me over the years I am not someone who parses what I say. I’m opinionated and not afraid of stating what I think. I’ve been aware for quite some time that there has been some sort of connection between government agencies and social media. I didn’t need an in-depth study from any agency to tell me that social media companies and government agencies aren’t working hand-in-hand. It is so obvious to anyone who even remotely pays attention and is honest with themselves. Of course, we are all aware this censorship worked only one way. If you didn’t toe the official party/government/media narrative line, then you were canceled. 

2. While it may seem like a bit of a stretch the second reason does line up with the first. Never actually witnessed it myself but apparently there was much going on twitter that related to child exploitation. I will not kid myself and say perverts don’t run the political spectrum. The difference comes in how each side views child exploitation overall. Based on what has been going on over the last several years, it is notable there seems to be a movement slowly gaining traction to normalize child exploitation. This movement is NOT coming from the right, it is purely a progressive movement. Fortunately, it is still mostly condemned by a very large percentage. However, despite this nearly universal condemnation, twitter choose to focus their efforts on silencing conservatives rather than shutting down these other accounts. Twitter and other social media sites are owned, run, and staffed by progressives. Coincidence? 

Well, it seems that Musk is going to make an effort to clean up twitter. He is going to make it a priority to get rid of child exploitation on twitter. I view this as something that should be his top priority and apparently that is just what he is going to do. So, with his efforts to cut ties with the federal government censors who are telling what and who twitter to censor, he is now going to get rid of the perverts. Good on him. And I might just have to open an account.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

2022 Election Post-Mortem

A post-mortem

What an absolute shame. We had the ability to really make life difficult for former VP Biden. But as usual, the one thing that republicans are good at, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, came to pass.

The first step that we need to take is to stop fearing early voting. I don’t like this process anymore than most you do. Since I served overseas for a number of years and I maintained my residency in my state of birth, voting by absentee ballot doesn’t cause me much heartburn. The fact remains the left has honed this process to a razor-sharp edge. Lets look at several facts. In several counties across the USA our insistence that we vote on election day may have cost us votes, and quite possibly an election. In Maricopa County, AZ, several precincts experienced issues with voting machines. Hours-long delays were the norm. How many voters who insist the only way to vote is on election day were discouraged and went home without casting their ballots? It is human nature. We don’t like to waste time. We don’t want to stand around twiddling our thumbs. On top of that, it certainly looked like we were going to experience a so-called “Red Wave”. I can imagine some had the thought “I’m not gonna waste my time standing in line. After all, what’s one vote? It won’t make a difference since we are going to crush the progressives. My one vote won’t matter.” As it turns out, if that that thought process happened often enough, it did make a difference. The left knows this this, they study human nature, they make their plans based on how people respond to various issues. The long game. Since progressives have little issue with early voting, these broken machines don’t have as much impact on progressive vote totals as is possible for those who vote right. In counties surrounding Austin, TX, a lack of paper for casting votes was an issue. Again, hours-long delays were an issue. Was any of this planned? If you had asked me this question several years ago, I would have said nope. But with all that has gone on over the last decade, I no longer trust a progressive as far as I can throw him/her/whatever.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

We Told You So

I've had this one sitting in my tabs for quite a while. Posting it now. Needs some work, but I don't have time as I'm work on an essay about the most recent elections. 

Does anyone remember a few years back when the fight to allow gays to marry was all the rage? Does anyone also recall there were many folks who warned of the slippery slope that would soon present itself? Weren't those people and their concerns dismissed? They were called bigots, homophobes, stupid. 

The concerns were many. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Polls Continue to Sink

Found this on the weaselzippers website. Click the link to see the video from Meet the Press discussing how former VP Biden's poll numbers among Independents is at an all time low of 28%.

My definition of an independent voter is someone who tends to not vote party line. They often aren't single issue voters. They might not support abortion, but they are supportive of green energy. Maybe they think social issues are something worth considering, but fiscally they are very conservative. Point is, they look at all the issues and make decisions that best suits their desires. Over the course of my life I have meet very few truly independent voters. Almost everyone I have ever meet that says they are independent aren't truly independent. It is more a badge they wear proudly, almost arrogantly. Kind of like a vegan.

There is absolutely no way that with all that has gone on over the last two plus years a true independent voter could continue to support the policies of the progressive party. Those 28% are not Independents, they are progressives who want to wear that badge and be as annoying as a vegan at your dinner party.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Below are several rhetorical questions that we know the answer to. However, we should demand the left answer these questions. 

Why would former VP Biden go out of his way to demonize at least half of the US population? What is his ultimate goal by calling us enemies of democracy as well as treasonous and seditious felons? 

Why would Biden refuse to protect our southern border?  Why would Biden knowingly allow in fentanyl, human trafficking, cartels, and terrorists to cross our borders unhindered?  Why would Biden allow child predators and unaccompanied minors to cross our borders?