
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Progessive Retribution (Updated)

A couple of days before the election a coworker and I were discussing the fallout over the days, weeks, months, and even years if either Trump or Biden won the election. We were both in agreement that cities would burn if Trump won. And we both agreed that dem mayors and governors would do absolutely nothing to stem the violence. But we were certainly not in agreement what would come should Biden win. Understand, he was voting for Biden and I'm sure you are aware I was not. He didn't think there would be any fallout whatsoever. I told him I was quite concerned what would happen to people who supported Trump, and especially those who worked in his administration. He poopawed my feeling. "No way, Biden supporters were not going to retaliate."

As we have seen since the election, those of a progressive bent are bound and determined to persecute Trump and his supporters. I would like to mention that while this persecution has increased significantly since election day, the rhetoric of conservatives bad began with Obama and continued with Shillary when he called us "bitter-clingers" and she called us "deplorables". Below are some very strong examples of just what then left is thinking when it comes to how they were planning on treating us moving forward. The saddest thing is I am only scratching the surface.

Update 31 Jul 2021

I've been a little slow providing updates to this post. A lot of examples I was planning on posting were lost when my bookmarks were lost last week. Anyway, a reporter for the NY Times has decided that people who support Donald Trump are less the human. Katie Benner, in a now deleted tweet called for labeling Trump supporters "enemies of the state." She received a lot of backlash on her tweet and eventually removed it, but it certainly provides another window to soul of who progressives truly are.

Update 25 Jun 2021

Read this appalling story at the NY Post. In a nutshell, a man who was a pillar in his community, a friend to many in need, and a registered democrat has had his life ruined for being at the Trump rally on 6 January. The main focus of the story is the Stasi -like behavior of the FBI. My reason for including this story here is because one his neighbors, and supposed friend, turned him into the FBI, possibly under false pretenses. I want you to compare how our government is treating people who support Trump to how the looters and rioters have been treated. Night and day.

Update 25 Jun 2021, #2

Click this link to Gateway BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: 73-Year-Old Pastor and Purple Heart Veteran Arrested For Being at Capitol, His Son Also Arrested in Front of 3-Year-Old Daughter (VIDEOS):   In this case a retired pastor, who was at the capitol building, but did no violence or vandalism, was arrested to what I call brutal fashion. Was it really necessary to have six or seven heavily armed LEOs arrest this 73 year old pastor? It was a show of force, plain and simple, in the attempt to send a message to all conservatives. "We have the power, and we will wield it".

Update 17 Jun 2021

It is looking like Wells Fargo Banking might be attacking those who are conservative. Just recently it closed the accounts of two prominent conservatives. Lauren Witzke, Republican, who ran for Senate in Delaware, has had her banking account closed by Wells Fargo without notice. And a conservative political activist, Pete D’Abrosca, who writes for American Greatness, has also had his account shutdown. I'm guessing that if we get the full story from both parties, there maybe more we are not hearing. That being said, here are my thoughts on how this may have gone down. I have no inside information from either side, just a supposition based on some facts (their accounts have been closed) and some conjecture (Wells Fargo has been trying to get "woke" points for some time). What if the either of the two parties involved had an incident? An overdraft, a one-time bad check? It is within the right of Wells Fargo to cancel any account they deem risky. Maybe that is what they did here. One overdraft covered: We, Wells Fargo, consider you a risky customer, so you are DONE. One bad check returned: We, Wells Fargo, consider you a risky customer, so you are DONE. It was a business decision based one that one-time event. It reeeaaallllly has nothing to do with your political affiliations.

Update 11 Feb

Gina Carano, a former MMA fighter turned actress, has been fired from her job on the hit Disney show "The Mandalorian" for the sin of not toeing the trans community line by refusing to use "approved" pronouns.

A couple of days ago, MSNBC newschick Nicole Wallace suggested that drones be used to assassinate people with whom she disagreed. She compared those who believe the election was fraudulent and the covid lockdowns are unconstitutional to muslim extremists who have killed 1000s every year. She wants the federal government to give American citizens the same treatment given to muslim extremists.

Douglas Mackey was recently arrested for posting memes that allegedly disseminated fraudulent messages designed to encourage voters to use their smartphones to cast their votes. He did this back in 2016. These memes were known to authorities for years, yet only now decided to arrest the guy and file formal charges.

A woman named Amanda Ensing, a beauty influencer with a YouTube of 1.4 million lost her most lucrative contact when the makeup company Sephora dropped her for "opposing human trafficking, supporting the troops, hashing on Robinhood and, if course, supporting Trump" source.

Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy has had his product dropped by Bed, Bath & Beyond, Kohl's, Wayfair, H-E-B, Kroger, and other retailers. For the unforgivable sin of being a Trump supporter.

Update 26 Jan

A 7th grade teacher from Allentown, Pennsylvania has been suspended for attending the 6 Jan Trump rally. He was NOT a participant in the events at the Capitol building. Left wing news organizations and groups have doxed him and his family by posting their phone number and home address on line. He and his family are now living in fear for nothing more than supporting the then President.

"Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else." - Rick Klein, Political Director, ABC News

"You can't heal or reform the GOP who are now an extremist party. They have to be broken, burned down and rebuilt. When Biden is in power test them like the active threats they are. If those who committed crimes aren't punished then they will be more emboldened." - Wajahat Ali. 9 Nov 2020

"Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted tweets, writings, photos in the future." - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 6 Nov 2020

"You better believe it. We just launched the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump..." - Hari Sevugan. Pete Buttigieg staffer and Obama campaign spokesman.

"...And there's far more evidence of Madison Cauthorn's (sp?) guilt than the guilt of more than 95% of the detainees (at Gitmo). It's time we start a domestic war on sedition by American terrorists" - Retired Col, USAF, Moe Davis.

"Warning to publishers considering signing someone who led a campaign to get Americans to hate each other - you will face a massive boycott led by the Trump Accountability Project. Not just of this book but your whole library." - Hari Sevegun. 6 Nov 2020

"When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission." - Robert Reich. Former Labor Secretary. 17 Oct 2020

The following quotes are from an undercover op that Project Veritas did on NPR lawyer Michael Beller

- "We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away ... we'll put them into the re-education camps."

- "Americans are so f------ dumb.  You know, most people are dumb.  It's good to live in a place [Washington, D.C.] where people are educated and know stuff.  Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody's just stupid?"

- "What's great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now.  So that's great ... a lot of them [red state voters] are sick and dying."

Harvard University grad students are demanding that Harvard revoke degrees for those who worked for the Trump administration.

Antifa activist Daniel Adam Baker was arrested recently for plotting to kill Trump supporters.

Parler CEO and his family have gone into hiding after receiving numerous death threats.

"Kaitlan Collins just reported WH staff are starting to look for jobs. Employers considering them should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump attack American values. Find out how at the Trump Accountability Project." - Sevugan yet again, 6 Nov 2020.

"Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling not to follow the will of the voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into "polite" society. We have a list." - Jennifer Rubin. WAPO columnist. 6 Nov 2020

"I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing - it's not easy - but at a certain point one has to think about what's best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity." - Jake Trapper. CNN. 9 Nov 202


We are starting to see employers actually fire employees for supporting Trump;

-  A young man, who had worked for President Trump at some point recently, was supposedly fired from a new job. The company, Private Jet Services (PJS) has a contract with NHL's Hurricanes. When the 'Canes found out PJS had hired someone who had worked for the Trump campaign (pre 6 Jan 2021), the 'Canes demanded PJS to terminate the young man or lose the contract. PJS denies this.

- A nurse, who attended the Trump rally and was also at the Capitol building, was fired from her job at a Tennessee hospital.

- Several West Virginia school teachers were also threatened with employment termination for attending the Trump rally (They weren't part of the events at the Capitol building).

- While not employment related, former Red Sox pitcher and ESPN commentator had his insurance cancelled by AIG. The reasoning was due to his media profile (conservative).

- As I type this, I can't provided any actual cases, but we are starting to hear that banks and credit agencies are beginning to deny folks the ability to bank and obtain loans who may have been Trump supporters or if they aren't woke enough. I would like to remind you that the various civil rights acts enacted over the years clearly state that you cannot discriminate based on political affiliation. This applies not only to government agencies, but to publically held and private businesses.

Twitter is actively banning anyone who has shown support for Trump. Project Veritas did an undercover op on Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO. He flat out stated that banning Trump was just then beginning of the purge. Project Veritas has openly requested current and former Twitter employees to come forward with their stories. So far a handful have done just that and have stated it was company policy to "shadow ban" anyone who didn't toe the line when it came to "right thinking".

Facebook has also been censoring posts, content, and comments that favor Trump. I've had posts deleted. These weren't stolen election posts. These were posts highlighting his accomplishments such as unemployment, economic improvements, etc.

YouTube is purging folks from the platform. Not just the folks who believe election fraud, but folks who support conservative ideals. One guy, and I can't remember his name, only once mentioned the possibility of election fraud, and that was a day or two after the election, has been shut down. He talked mostly about how we are gradually losing our freedoms. Other than the one occasion when he talked about the strong possibility of massive election fraud, he also lamented on how so many people could turn their backs on the massive economic engine Trump built.  Controversial issues to some, but in need of banning?


  1. True what you have written...I jumped off Twitter due to the people I was following were getting their stuff kicked off all the time...Some of my facebook stuff that I posted was blocked or taken down right away stating I had taken it down...LOL wrong answer...etc...
    I hope you co worker can see that this is real...Oh and I just read this morning on a telegram post that Sullivan guy, the head of antifa is now seeing that it isn't the TRUMP supporters who are the bad what an admission....
    Thanks for your truth every time I read...God Sees.
    Love from NC

  2. OK, now the 26th JUNE 2021 and you are still spot on with the progression of our great nation turning into a s hole almost 3rd world communist country...freedoms are being taken away and "we the people" are still trying to retake out God given freedoms and bring back what was the last country for freedom....PRAY!!!
    Love from NC
