
Saturday, June 26, 2021

A Warning (Another Update)

I plan on updating this post periodically as I come across examples that are relative to the overarching premise. So please stop by every so often.

I have a handful of friends and acquaintances who call themselves liberals or progressives. These folks could very well be blissfully unaware about what is eventually going to happen. And based on what I am finding across the news feeds, is already beginning to happen.

Update 26 June 2021: Another essay on what lies in store if we don't cut the march of Marxism off at the pass.  There are going to be so many people who will be so disappointed if we ever reach full on Marxism. Make sure you click to link provided in the linked article.

Update 12 Jun 2021: add a demerit. And update demerits paragraph. (Thanks Sandy)

Update 8 Jun 2021: Interesting article about a low level celebrity who got cancelled. Digging a little deeper, the person who hyped the cancellation process doesn't seem to be a very nice person. Typical of those who search high and wide for someone, anyone, to cancel. People like this are petty, and probably unhappy, unless they can make others suffer.

NOTE: I don't use the term liberal any longer for those on the other side of the political debate. It is a term that no longer applies to today's progressive. For those who might still believe in free speech and so forth like a classic liberal, well, you made your bed, you are sleeping under the same sheets. Nor do I use democrat, JFK would be turning over in his grave right now.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Rudy Might be in Trouble

For those celebrating the possible disbarment of Rudy Giuliani, here are few points to ponder. 

Full disclosure. Once again, inspired by writings at American Thinker. 

The opinion handed down has some interesting reads, all because Giuliani, like over 50% of Americans, feel the results of the 2020 election are questionable. 

"The country is being torn apart by continuing attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 elections..." Where were these judges during four years of Donald Trump when the left spent the entire fours years making attempt after attempt to overthrow Trump's presidency and questioned his legitimacy? Russiagate, Ukrainegate, tax return-gate, covidgate, Stromy Daniels-gate, etc. HRC lead the charge in Russiagate, continuously beating the drum that the Trump presidency was not legitimate due to Russian interference,  even after the Mueller Scamvesitgation proved her wrong. Maybe they didn't go after her since she was disbarred a long time ago. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A Worthy Link

In the linked article, the author does a bang up job tying the last 18 months together. Call him (and me) a conspiracy theorists if you will, but make sure you refute his points, if you can, when you do so.

Click Here.

A Comparison

So, let's do a little comparison, shall we. 

Former VP Biden: gas prices spiked nearly 35% in the first two months after he was installed in the White House. President Trump; gas prices at near record lows, adjusted for inflation. Due to the nature of my commute I keep meticulous records of my spending on gas. At the tail end of Trump's term I was paying $2.50 a gallon. Six months, a canceled pipeline, and a hacked distribution system later, I'm paying $3.50 a gallon. 

Former VP Biden: Gas shortage due to a cyber attack, possibly Russia or China. President Trump: We had become energy independent, and a net exporter of oil.