
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Its Who Counts the Votes

It seems as people keep digging into our past election, more and more evidence piles up that the results could be questionable. The latest news out of Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia shows there are even more reasons why we need to, at the very least, take a long hard look at how election counting is accomplished. 

If hell freezes over and the propaganda arm of the democrat party (AKA: the mainstream media) decides to address this issue you can bet your bottom dollar they will present it in such a way that makes it seem this event is trival in the grand scheme of things. And if you are not armed with information, you will not be able to counter. The information provided at the link is just another arrow in you quiver. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Another Worthy Read

Over the past several months I have attempted to put to words what lies ahead and what we must do in these trying times. The article linked below captures what I, and many others, are feeling. What he has written requires very little commentary here. Just click the link and read his words.

Click Here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A Needed Reminder. Update With A New Link

I'm at loggerheads right now. I've been thinking this post might get updates periodically as I come across instances of police crossing the line by enforcing tyrannical dictates from the "ruling class". But I want to be careful. I am not posting this for us to become anti-cop. Rather, I want people to be aware that if law enforcement continues down this path of becoming stormtroopers for the elites, they will have no support from anyone. If you know someone in law enforcement, please let them know the time for choosing is close at hand.

Most of my readers, I believe, are of the conservative variety. We support law and order, as long as it done in a proper manner. We also "Back the Blue". But in my opinion that support is wavering. When we see police force here and abroad enforcing draconian lockdowns and mask mandates, when we see events unfold where conservative people are attacked and the police stand by doing nothing, when the ruling elite use the police as their own private army to shut down dissent, when we see police used as a tool of intimidation and to instill fear, that support is bound to dwindle. And it is dwindling.

Friday, November 12, 2021

The Road Not Taken

As time has moved along, I have become more disappointed in my actions. A few months back, I posted a comment  to an article written on a conservative blog. The thrust of the article is not germane for this post. What I had written was about the lack of leaders. Those who would stand up to the tyranny now taking hold in our nation. I asked when were those leaders were going to stand up and take this fight to the commie bastards. Where were the leaders who were going to lead the fight to wrest back our nation from the brink?

The Goals

If you haven't figured it out just yet, let me clue you in. Covid is being used as a weapon. I'm am positive that my readers very much aware of this. As usual, a long post that rambles just a tad. Read on.

Have any of you asked yourself why is the "vaccine" being pushed so hard? It really is not terribly effective. Unlike typical vaccines this one does nothing to the actual virus. It only prevents (maybe) the host from getting really sick. Even though you are vaccinated, you are still carrying the live virus, and you can infect people, even those who are vaccinated. Nearly every day we hear about someone who was fully vaccinated dying from covid-19. These so-called breakthrough cases are on the uptick. This shot is not having the desired effect, at least towards the virus.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Worth A Read

The shipping crisis from the perspective of a truck driver. Worth a few minutes of your time.

As a former trucker driver, although not the same level of experience, I can attest to much of what this driver has to say. The Just In Time (JIT) method of shipping fulfillment had always been run on a razors edge. But it worked because all players were making money. And, what hiccups that were encountered, were fairly simple to overcome.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Virginia Elections (Update)

Just a quick note. I'm sure you are all aware that Republicans swept the three most important faces in Virginia. I'm not going to rehash stuff that I'm sure all of you have already seen and heard. I want to focus on how the propaganda machine that calls itself the main steam media reacted.

It was a sight to behold.

Click here.  There are several others but this link is the best summation. Be sure to watch the videos.