
Friday, March 25, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part III

Let's do an update; 22 Mar 2022. I left the entire update above the fold. 

I said if I thought of other so-called conspiracy theories I'd post them. 

Part 1

Part 2

How many of us were considered kooks because we believed the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop were very damaging to then candidate Joe Biden? The New York Post wrote a story. Said story was utterly ignored the lamestream media. Or, if covered, was deemed disinformation. 100's of talking heads across the airwaves of CNNMSNBCABCNBCCBS denounced it as heresy and, well, wrong. People who pushed the narrative were barred from social media platforms and were called conspiracy theorists. Only Fox News covered it, but it wasn't always truthful. Several of the Fox talking heads toed the party line it was Russia, Russia, Russia!!!! 

Welp, now the New York Slimes has decided the laptop and its contents are true and worthy of print. This, after former VP Biden was "elected" and firmly entrenched at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This, after the lives of some of the folks who dared cast light in the existence of the laptop were altered and in many cases, destroyed. Are you aware the owner of the computer store were Hunter left the laptop has had to declare bankruptcy. And has to go into hiding due to death threats. Tony Bobulinski has been canceled. Others have been permanently deplatformed across Twitter and fakebook. 

This latest conspiracy theory to come true has generated its own, new, conspiracy theories. 

The first is that the New York Slimes can print the story because Biden has been successfully installed and enough time has passed as to make what went on back in Oct 2020 water under the bridge. I.e. old news. 

The second id slightly more sinister: is this is the opening salvo in the dems and the shadow governments attempt to jettison Biden and Harris before they do too much more damage to the swamp creatures truly running things right now and to avoid being completely swept aside in 2022 and 2024? By laying this ground work of the obvious corruption Biden has been involved with over the years, it will make it easy to get rid of him in some manner. His son is already under investigation for tax issues related to his business dealings. How long before that investigation turns to the former VP?

As for the first theory, that is a given in my opinion. Nobody in their mind thought the contents of the laptop were anything less than what was reported. The Biden family is corrupt. A side note: I met Beau several years ago while deployed to Iraq. Spoke with him several times. He was a decent dude, for an officer 😆.  But I have no inside dope.

The second theory, if its gonna happen, it will have happen soon. I don't think there is a soul within the shadow government who wishes to see Harris become president. For that matter, I don't think there is hardly anyone who would like to see Harris become president. She is not worthy nor qualified. I know it, you know it, and more importantly, those pulling the levers behind the curtains know it. Saying that, if Biden is to be disposed of, it needs to happen before the upcoming election. After that, Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House, and 3rd in line. I'd look for a resignation of Harris, and new VP sworn in (that gapped tooth butthole from Georgia perhaps?) shortly followed by the former VP deciding its time to retire to his Delaware farm.

How long do conspiracy theories lasts? About six months, which is when they become true. This one took a little longer than usual. 

Over the last several decades, changes were made in both laws and attitudes towards people with disabilities. While living with disabilities is never easy, we did what we could to make their lives better. We did what we could do to assist families with disabled family members. It wasn't perfect, but we have tried. I will be the first to admit that if either of my children had been born with a disability such as autism or Downs Syndrome I'm not sure I would have had what it takes. Would I have had to find the inner strength? Yes!!! Other choices where simply not options. 

There were some who were concerned that our efforts were little more than a facade. People towed the line because that was what was expected. Recently, more and more people have begun to talk about normalizing abortion as a way to better the human race. In other words, making it a requirement for a pregnancy to be terminated if it is determined the baby will be born with any kind of birth defects. We can make the world a better place, they argue, by not having to spend tax dollars on supporting people who can't do by themselves. We can have better roads, better schools, better green energy, if only we didn't have to spend the money on the disabled. This is effort is gaining traction in a few dark corners around the world. Utopia can not be achieved if there are undesirables amongst us. 

There was a time not so long ago that many people thought there was a good possibility that health care would be weaponized. The thinking was that people would be denied access to life saving treatment if they didn't get in line with the latest group think. It seems that this is happening now. There are reports from across the country, especially in locations that have bought into the whole covid is going to kill us all, life saving procedures are being denied to those who have not been vaccinated. It has happened in Minnesota. It has happened in California. It has happened in Boston. There are several other examples if one cares to dig enough. Avoid using the usual suspects when doing your research. 

While I have never personally blogged about this next conspiracy theory, it has never been far from my mind. There have been others who have warned us that a cashless society/economy would lead to abuses. We are now seeing what tyrants can do to people they deem a threat. One only has to look to the north to see a prime example. When the Freedom Convoy made life difficult in Canada, especially for the ruling elite, the progressive government of Canada enlisted the help of the Canadian banks to deny the protesters access to money that belonged to the protesters. This was money they legitimately earned, had direct deposited into their personal bank accounts, and then were denied the ability to access those funds. Even worse, was the outing of people who donated to the various self funding sites. These people were also targeted. Until the public outcry was so harsh, and threats were issued by Attorneys General, GoFund Me was not going give back money people had given to the Truckers. Although GoFund Me eventually did the right thing, their plan was to not only punish the Truckers, but those who donated to the cause. Basically, they were going to steal this money. That GoFund Me thought they could get away with this gives you an idea of where we have come with regards to how the elites think. You don't do as we say, we'll take your money. 

This next example might ruffle a few feathers. When Russia invaded Ukraine, most of the world's leading financial institutions shutdown access to the banking systems (Visa, MC, etc.) to the Russian people. On the surface, this seems to be a very reasonable action. Putin is a despot. He has invaded a sovereign nation under sketchy rational. He is not making the right choices. He needs to be sanctioned. Not allowing Russia access to world banking systems seems like a logical choice, under the circumstances. 

To get to my point, one has to look at this action from a different angle. No one really argues what Putin and Russia are doing is a good thing. And it is really difficult to chastise these financial institutions for the actions they have taken. Not giving access to the world economy to a tyrant is a good look. But I, and several others, across the blogoshere, see these actions as a shot across the bow. A warning. You had better tow the line regarding the world agenda (green energy, covid restrictions, vaccine mandates, monetary policies, etc.), or risk us shutting down access to your money. See how easy it was for us to do it to a superpower, imagine how easy it would be for us to do it to you, the individual, small business, or social group. You'll be OK, as long as you do what we tell you to do. 

As I like to tell some of my progressive friends, I'm running out of conspiracy theories. 

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