
Saturday, May 28, 2022

More Green Energy Stuff

Ran across this article the other day and thought I'd throw on here for your viewing "pleasure". 

Click here

As a lede in, I will say there has been plenty of warning from many in the blogoshere and elsewhere that once covid-19 was done or had lost it ability to scare the weak-spirited, the global progressives would move on to the next "thing". Welp, here we are. The so-called climate crisis isn't new by any means. 

The far left have been trying to scare us normal folk with the end of the world as we know it (EOTWAWKI) since the 1960s. I am purposely skipping over Ukraine because it has been/will be short lived. Once this has moved to back burner, something else will take its place. They can't take money from us or attempt to control our actions so it will soon become yesterday's news. 

Why We're On This Road

Many of my fellow true conservatives are stunned by the swiftness in which progressive rot has taken hold in this country. Even your humble author is somewhat taken aback at just how brazenly they have stepped out from the darkened shadows, and I've been warning   this was gonna happen for several years on this little blog-o-mine. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part IV

This is a big one. Holy buckets, this one is huge.

UPDATE: I'm sure you are all aware this has been moved to the backburner. There was A LOT of pressure put of the administration of former VP Biden that this might be a bridge too far. A lot of the pressure can from folks like us. So they did away with it. For now. But it will be back so we can't sit back.

Over the past few years many have talked about and suggested that eventually the progressives were going to establish some sort of Ministry of Truth. There have been signs that are clear to any sane thinking person. They have said it out loud. 

It was first obvious that progressives wanted to have total control of the narrative. Just look at how social media has throttled conservative thought and expression. This no longer worth discussing. It is happening and the social media companies are not even denying it any longer. Rather, they are using terms such as misinformation and disinformation. All of my readers are well aware what these terms mean: silencing those who don't further the progressive narrative. All one has to do is read my other "Conspiracy Theories" post. Each and every one was, at one point, banned from social media. Yet, eventually, they became true.