
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Two Observations (UPDATE)

Click here for an update on this story.

So far, it looks like this MIGHT be a legitimate arrest, although for "suspicion for conspiring to riot" seems like it could be something someone conjured out of thin air. Maybe the thought police have come to Northern Idaho. 

In Couer d'Alene, ID there was a pride event. Interesting place for this kind of event. Supposedly this area is the heart of the white supremacy movement. Randy Weaver lived here for a number of years. Several others who have been linked to white supremacy have also called this area home. Northern Idaho is not exactly a center of pride activity.

The gonzo journalist Andy Ngo posted a tweet showing people from a group call Patriot Front being detained. Never heard of them. Click here for the video, while it lasts. I linked to Doug Ross' blog, rather than the twitter link. You might have to scroll a bit if you come across this at a later date.


This has the stink of some alphabet soup federal law enforcement agency. Look at the guys that are being detained. First of all, why are they being detained. Nothing has crossed the airwaves. Nothing suggesting they were hassling folks at the event. In fact, they were "arrested" while still in the U-Haul van seen in the background. Nothing has been released that stated this group was going to cause trouble. 

Hypocritical Progressives

To say progressives are hypocrites would be an understatement of the highest order. Below are just a few of the many. If you have any to add, please do so in the comments section. 

The filibuster. This isn't necessarily a partisan issue. Both sides have done damage to filibuster. But for Senate progressives to now call for the elimination of the filibuster is the height of Hypocrisy. Wasn't it just less than two years ago when Chuck Schumer was calling the end of the filibuster (for Supreme Court nominations) under MCCONNELL the end of democracy as we know it? 

Using luxury private jets to attend global cooling/warming/disruption/change conferences. Can't find it now but I ran across an article that those who wish to enslave us under draconian climate rules are considering a rule that would exempt megayachets from any carbon emission rules. 

Lots 'O Bloggin'

As you might may have garhered from my recent posts I'm cleaning out my folders of some notes that I have gathered over the past few months. I've had time recently due to hernia surgery. Please bear with me as I get some older, and maybe not terrible relevant, thoughts posted to my blog.

Since the media, both left and right, tend to follow what is bright and shiny, posting these thoughts might keep them in the foreground. At the very least, it will remind us to stay vigilant. 

Commie Rules for Revolution

I ran across this on the interwebs not too long ago. These are guidelines for would be communists and the steps necessary to overthrow a government. How many do you recognize? 

1. Corrupt the young, get them away from religion, get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Woke Military

I believe it was last summer when I first ran across an article highlighting what the Navy is planning.

It appears that the Navy "leadership" has let the cat out of the bag when it comes to diversity.

I am old enough to remember when promotion boards, performance reports, and quarterly and annual awards packages* included photographs. I am also old enough to remember these photos were eliminated from said packages so the people rating performance, promotion qualifications, and so forth could focus solely on the content contained in the packages. It was done for the express purpose of eliminating any bias board members may have had. Kind of a content of character type of thing.

It seems the Navy now wants to go backwards by including photographs within the packages. And they doing this for the sole purpose of diversity.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Tardy Thoughts On Mask Mandates

First of all, I truly don't believe wearing cloth masks are in any way effective. If an unlimited supply of of the N95 masks were available, that would be a different story. Or if respirators that were deemed worthy of filtering out the virus were widely used and available, that too would be a different story. 

Back in 2020 wildfires were raging across the PNW, and the Willamette Valley was inundated with smoke, occasionally so thick that the resulting poor visibility made it unsafe to drive, much less be outside. A local news-talk radio station hosted a guest from a prestigious medical teaching university. This doctor specialized in respiratory diseases and functions. The host ask the doctor if the masks everyone was wearing was effective in preventing the inhalation of the fine smoke particulate. The doctor said no, they were not effective, even if wet. While I don't think he intended to do so, the doctor mentioned the size of the smoke particulate, which it turns out was larger than the covid virus. The host didn't catch the faux pas. What the doctor was essentially saying, without actually saying it, was the masks were ineffective against the smoke and also ineffective against the covid virus. 

Some Random Thoughts

Here are a few random thoughts that I've jotted down over the past few months. Some if them are a little past due, but I still think they are relevant.

If aren't trying to destroy our republic what would progressives be doing differently?

• Killing small businesses.
• Destroying the middle class.
• Transferring wealth to the ruling class. These first were laid bare during covid-19. While stating covid was released on purposed approaches tin-foil hat territory, the is no doubting that the new world order folks took immediate advantage of the disease and the associated fear-mongering to institute measures to see how fat they could push their agenda. It saddens me to see how far they could push and how easily a lot of people accepted this push. I will also add that I firmly believe the current status of the economy is by design. They are attempting to finish off small businesses and to force the middle class into poverty. And we have all seen the numbers; the richest folks across the globe increased their wealth significantly during the covid-19 outbreak, while the rest of us have gone backwards.
• Dividing us with fear.