
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekedn Update

Weekend Update

1. Anger Level Rising. Just a quick link to  a story that shows Americans are starting to get a little upset at the direction (or may the lack thereof) of our nation. I would venture a guess that behind the anger is a good amount of fear. I don’t think the level of despair is at Great Depression levels, but I have a feeling we are feeling just a tad antsy at what is going on.

2. HR 909, Seems Like a Good Plan. A bill currently making its way through Congress would take a lot from the conservative point of view and meld it with some of the energy source development favored by the progressives. From what I have read, it really does seem like a good idea.

3. Wiener Finally Tells the Truth. What an unmitigated disaster this was for Wiener and the democrats.  But there continues to be news.
-The latest has Congressman Wiener asking for a leave of absence. His office announced that he “needs this time to get healthy and make the best possible decision.” This means he is going to use that old fall back, a clinic for treatment of sexual addiction. What a crock!
-The head of the DNC has now called for his resignation. “This sordid affair has become unacceptable distraction for Representative Weiner, his family, his constituents and the House,” Rep Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the part chairwoman, said in a written statement calling for the 46-year-old married lawmaker to step down.
-Even Nancy Pelosi has called for him to quit. According to the linked story at the New York Times: The House Democratic leader, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, spoke to Mr. Wiener on the phone Saturday morning and, notably, released her statement calling for his resignation after he told her of his plan to get treatment and to take the leave.
-To make this whole situation even worse, there may have been a teenage girl involved with this whole mess. So far, there has been no smoking gun found.

4. Nugent Scores Big. Video of the Motor City Madman schooling Rosanne Barr on the ways of the world.  BTW: If you live in the PACNW, Ted will be in concert at the Emerald Queen Casino the 8th and 9th of July. I just might have to see if I can’t squeeze a few bucks out of my wallet.

5. Obama Care Continues to Be Not So Good. I think most of already knew this, but if you want a little mustard for your argument with those high-and-mighty leftist, Michelle Malkin has some great ammunition.  The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals will be taking a look at this next week.

6. Now Might Be A Good Time To Buy A Home. If you have the cash for the down payment, can weather the next year or two, and are going to stay in the house for a while, the pieces are there that say now might not be a bad time to purchase.

7. Propping Up A Dictator. Sean Peen is doing his level best to paint Hugo Chavez in a positive light. There ain’t enough potpourri to cover that stink.

8. Whatever It Takes. Very disturbing video of the left protesting at a Special Olympics ceremony. These guys are dirtbags, plain and simple. This post got me invited to be a contributor on the Conservative Blogs Central blog site. And the subjects of my contribution to Grouchy Old Cripple was designated as AOTW. Go to the site to find out what that means.

9. Gingrich Campaign on Life Support. In all, 16 members of his team quit en masse.  Apparently he wouldn’t listen to his advisors.

10. Cracks Appear in Dem Enviros Alliance. Just a good quick read on how things are not all unicorns and rainbows between the democrats and the green people.

11. I Am A Climate Change Denier, But…  There are some of the left who want to put man-made climate change deniers in the same category as the birthers. I reject this completely. Not the same thing.

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