
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Undoing America

 So, in little less than a month former VP Biden has undone the America First movement initiatives begun under Trump. 

Former VP Biden stopped the deportation of criminal illegal immigrants (crimes other than the illegal border crossing). Contrary to what you might believe, Trump never started rounding up illegal immigrants by the bus load, and shipping them back to Central America. Trump did ramp up border enforcement and deportations, but those deportations focused on illegal immigrants who were changed with criminal activities. And for the last time, he didn't put children in cages. That was an Obama era program that Trump ended.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Just Too Much Wholesomeness


Three of the most wholesome people in my lifetime. And a rainbow too.

Internet Funnies

I thought these were funny. My wife? Not so much.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Some Thoughts on HR1

It looks like HR 1 is set to become law. For those of you unfamiliar with HR 1, it is the bill that will basically cement as law the chaos and fiasco that was election 2020. As an added bonus, it sets up public funding for folks running for Congress. In other words, your taxes will be used to fund candidates, even those you utterly disagree with. Imagine, progressives, having your taxes fund Trump's run for Senate next year.

Even someone who is not "formally" trained in matters of the Constitution can see this is not, well,.... Constitutional. The Constitution plainly states that matters that are clearly enumerated to the federal level and to the states and matters not clearly designated to the feds, belong to the states. A casual reading of the Constitution regarding who has authority to make election laws is quite clear. It is enumerated. This matter is solely a state issue.

So here are some solutions to some of the more egregious points within the bill.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Cancel Culture

Why do progressives have to implement a scorched-earth policy when it comes to this so-called "cancel culture"?

Up until about two weeks ago, nobody had any issues with the writings of Ted Geisel, known to countless generations as Dr. Seuss. He had been, for nearly three quarters of a century, the yardstick to which all other children's books were measured. His books made reading fun. There isn't a single soul reading this post right now who has not, in some way, been impacted by Dr. Seuss. Most of us, and our children, our grandchildren, and many even great grandchildren, learned to read using books written by Ted Geisel. 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Interior Secretary

Former VP Biden's nominee for interior secretary, Deb Haaland is a far left activist. And an idiot.

Now before you all go ballistic and start calling me a bigot and native hater, just shut the hell up. Just because she is an American Indian and her nomination and confirmation WILL be historic, this should not shield her from rightful criticism.

She admitted that shutting down pipelines cost jobs. But she doesn't care. I guess these unemployed workers could immigrate to China and build turbine blades and solar panels.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 Here is HR127 in a nutshell. This is taken from a Fakebook post by Spike Cohen, former VP candidate for the Libertarian party. I have added a few thoughts of my own. Of courae I did.

1. Firearms license required for any new gun purchase.

2. Licencee must be 21, complete a 24 hour gun safety course, and must undergo a psych evaluation.

3. Multi-tier license. Individual license for ownership and display of antique firearms, standard firearm license, and "military style" license.

Surprise, Surprise, Biden Lies

Interesting that the Washington Post is no longer producing their fact checks. During the Trump Presidency, the Post often put up a running count of things they determined to be lies. Whether or not the graphic was honest is up for debate. Saying things like covid will be done by such and such a date isn't a lie. It was wrong, but not a lie.

But now that former VP Biden has been installed as President, the Post is no longer running that daily feature. For those of you who are missing it, I thought I'd give salve to your desire to know whether or not Biden is telling the truth and to keep him honest. Becuase I know you want transparency from both sides. Right?

Some Thoughts on Harris

I am very much aware that campaigns for elected office can be and is a very dirty business. When one runs for office, you say and do things that maybe your mother wouldn't approve. You stretch the truth to its breaking point. You make alliances with people you wouldn't even consider introducing to your family. You break bread that under nearly all circumstances would make you gag. Even so, occasionally a candidate will do and say some things that defy all logic. So let's take a look at what Harris said about former VP Biden during the debates and campaign stops.