Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Will Not Run for a 2nd Term

Welp, it has happened; former VP Biden has announced he will not run for a second term. Now things get interesting for the dems/progressives/marxists/cat ladies.

What tickles my funny bone is how we constantly hear from the dems/progs/marxists is how democracy is on the ballot. And now the dems have done exactly what they have accused the other side of doing. As I have pointed out before, we are NOT a democracy, rather we are are a representative republic. Yet, there is one instance within the presidential race that is as close to democracy as we get. That is the primaries. Whichever party candidate gets the most votes in each state, they become the party nominee. And the dems have just thrown that into the toilet. 100's of millions of dollars were spent choosing a nominee, which has now been wasted.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Stupid Climate Change People

During this recent cold snap that has much of the nation grabbing for an extra blanket, Canada has one upped the USA in stupidity. As most of you probably know, when it gets cold here, it is often times even colder in parts of Canada.

Due to stupid choices made by tyrannical governments, the folks of Canada are going to experience some dangerous conditions over the next few days. Coal fired plants have been shut down, gas powered are not keeping up with demand, and so-called renewable are rendered almost useless by the extreme cold temperatures. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

At It Again

I was initially going to post this on fakebook, but the post got a little long winded for that platform. So I decided to do something that I have neglected for a while. Post it here on my blog. Surprisingly, it is still in operation despite my recent lack of blogging. Hopefully, somebody will actually read it. I'm sure the fact-checkers and the FbI will.

Just recently (January 2024), the Supreme Court might have put the final nail in the coffin of a proposed copper and gold mine in southwestern Alaska. For the past 2+ decades, Northern Dynasty Mines has attempted to begin mineral extraction operations but has been met with opposition at nearly every step.

This was a unique situation in that the high Court heard arguments for and against an EPA ruling before the suit made its way through the court system. The Supreme Court did not rule for or against the EPA ruling. The suit will now make its way through the courts in the normal manner.

Obviously, environmental groups and native groups were happy with the ruling, feeling the mine posses a threat to a valued watershed.

The Tide

Most of you already know that I am somewhat suspicious of law enforcement. Support the Blue is a movement on the right that maybe we should hold at arms length. In my opinion, there have been too many incidents involving law enforcement and folks on the right. I have provided numerous examples in previous posts. Here and Here and Here

The day prior and the day of his "stop the steal" speech President Trump stated that those in attendance needed to remain peaceful and the Capitol Police were on our side. As the events of Jan 6th become a little more distant, that narrative has begun to change. It has become obvious from the videos that has been released, the Capitol Hill Police, along with the FBI, were front and center in instigating the events that occurred that afternoon.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Guilt or Innocence

Dear Readers: As you read through this little post please understand that this should not be misconstrued as showing support for any actions that Brett Farve may have allegedly committed. If the allegations leveled against him for fraud have any merit, then he needs to have his day in court, and if convicted, he should pay the price.

It is more or less a very brief essay on the complete intolerance and hypocrisy of the left.

Read the sourced article here.

A few days back Farve was on a podcast telling people they should avoid the mainstream media. “If you’re watching the news, depending on who you’re watching, 99.9% of the news is the left. So there’s a huge agenda,” Favre said on the podcast. “They control the narrative.” Why he felt he had to say this on Donald Trump, Jr’s podcast, which most likely has a conservative audience, is just a tad baffling to me. As conservatives, we already know this, Farve was preaching to the choir. But as in the case with nearly all conservative podcasts, there is always a small sliver of the audience that are progressives. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Switching Places

The other day Senator Ted Cruz (TX- Awesome) absolutely demolished Rep AOC (NY-knucklehead), the not so bright bulb from NY. She made the mistake of stating on Twitter that at some point, the democrat party and the Republican party switched places when it came to racism. As the linked Twichy article points out this has been so thoroughly debunked, that serious people don't even attempt to bring it up any more. Every once in a while though, someone drags this out in an attempt to discredit. Just like all the other times, someone has to do some educating. This time it was Sen Cruz. 

Click here to view the comment string on Sen. Cruz's tweets.

If you can't get directly to Twitter from the above link, click here to view the awesomeness on Twichy. Once there, click on any the comments and it should take you to the Twitter page.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Pure Evil

The Washington state House just passed a bill that would allow children to have gender reassignment surgery without parental consent. Furthermore, parents would NOT be notified.

Currently, if a runaway minor goes to a youth shelter, the organization must inform the parents or legal guardians within 24-72 hours. However, state law provides "compelling reasons" for them not to do so, including the belief that notifying the parents or legal guardians would subject the child to abuse or neglect.

Read the full story here 

Of course, this passed along party lines. Further proof that progressives are not good people. And further supports my contention the left wants, with every fiber of their being, to take away children from parents, especially if those parents won't toe the party (progressive) line.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Possible Strike

I would imagine that the Washington Examiner editorial team has received a few responses from their readers who read If railworkers strike, Congress Can and Should Force Them Back on the Job

Something I want to make abundantly clear. I am in no way speaking for the union that represents me, my fellow employees and union members, nor the railroad I work for. These words are solely my own. 

Understand one thing, I realize the impact even a short strike will have on a very fragile economy. I don't want one either. But every once in a while steps have to be taken that are unpleasant and painful. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The New Digital Age

This link should be of interest to anyone who even remotely concerned about the direction the world is heading.

If any of my readers read the Left Behind series, the mark of the beast was discussed at length. If my memory serves me right, the mark was a brand of some kind. In depiction across the ages of this mark it was some kind of physical mark on the body. But the Bible never specifically states how the mark is displayed. Are these digital IDs the mark?

Friday, November 25, 2022

Is Trump Done? (Revised)

After much thought and deliberations I have decided to resind what I have written below. I don't think I wrote the post in anger. I did write with some despair. I watched us lose several elections that were very winnable. Probably taken via shenanigans. I also watched out GOP "leadership" fail in more ways than I can count.

They didn't provide the campaign funding necessary to win.

They have not, and will not, put forth any effort to overcome the strategies, both legal and illegal, that the progressives have honed to an art form.

They will not recognize the party has changed. Yes, we are still moral in how we live our lives. But no longer are we the party of big businesses. Take a look at the top 10 richest people in the USA. Eight of them donate solely to progressive causes and candidates. Only Peter Theil and Elon Musk donate to conservatives. And Musk is not fully on board. Nearly every company in the USA (and the world) have gone woke. Yet our party "leaders" continue to beg for table scraps.

Initially, my thoughts ran towards DeSantis. But the more I read about him the more I become concerned. That the McConnell/Romney branch have remained quiet regarding DeSantis says volumes. While I still feel, outside of Trump, DeSantis is our best options, I am no longer comfortable throwing my support behind him.

TRUMP 2024!!!!

I am going to say something that is going to be unpopular here. It is time we moved away from Trump. Not because I want us to go back to the old ways, but because he has become a bit of a liability. Before we go too far down the road here I will acknowledge that his track record endorsing candidates was nearly perfect. 93% of the candidates he endorsed won at all levels, including primaries, state level and national offices. The caveat here is nearly all of those wins were in districts that really weren’t all that competitive. In districts that were close, his track record wasn’t as good. In Washington state, his endorsed candidate lost. The previous District 03 representative was a republican. However, she made a mistake in voting to impeach Trump, which put her in the cross hairs. I’d bet a dime that she and her team tried to make a calculated decision for her upcoming 2022 campaign. In a purple district, sometimes one has to make decisions that MIGHT go against your normal stances. She was primaried and lost to Joe Kent who was endorsed by Trump. This district is and has been purple. A region that might not take to Trumpism. While I was in favor of taking down those republicans who voted to impeach Trump like Cheney and the putz from Illinois, Herrera-Beutler needed to be saved. Yes, she voted against Trump. But she was a reliable, if squishy, republican, and most importantly, represented a purple district. Incumbency has its benefits, and I have no doubt she would have won fairly handily. In Pennsylvania his endorsed candidate lost to a man who has the mental capacity of a 12 year old (just a guess, not a medical diagnosis). I wonder if Dr. Oz could have won if he didn’t have Trump’s endorsement. Considering how corrupt Pennsylvania elections can be, I do have my doubts. But maybe if Oz wasn’t endorsed by Trump, the cheating apparatus would have not swung into full gear. Who knows.