
Monday, November 28, 2022

Possible Strike

I would imagine that the Washington Examiner editorial team has received a few responses from their readers who read If railworkers strike, Congress Can and Should Force Them Back on the Job

Something I want to make abundantly clear. I am in no way speaking for the union that represents me, my fellow employees and union members, nor the railroad I work for. These words are solely my own. 

Understand one thing, I realize the impact even a short strike will have on a very fragile economy. I don't want one either. But every once in a while steps have to be taken that are unpleasant and painful. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The New Digital Age

This link should be of interest to anyone who even remotely concerned about the direction the world is heading.

If any of my readers read the Left Behind series, the mark of the beast was discussed at length. If my memory serves me right, the mark was a brand of some kind. In depiction across the ages of this mark it was some kind of physical mark on the body. But the Bible never specifically states how the mark is displayed. Are these digital IDs the mark?

Friday, November 25, 2022

Is Trump Done? (Revised)

After much thought and deliberations I have decided to resind what I have written below. I don't think I wrote the post in anger. I did write with some despair. I watched us lose several elections that were very winnable. Probably taken via shenanigans. I also watched out GOP "leadership" fail in more ways than I can count.

They didn't provide the campaign funding necessary to win.

They have not, and will not, put forth any effort to overcome the strategies, both legal and illegal, that the progressives have honed to an art form.

They will not recognize the party has changed. Yes, we are still moral in how we live our lives. But no longer are we the party of big businesses. Take a look at the top 10 richest people in the USA. Eight of them donate solely to progressive causes and candidates. Only Peter Theil and Elon Musk donate to conservatives. And Musk is not fully on board. Nearly every company in the USA (and the world) have gone woke. Yet our party "leaders" continue to beg for table scraps.

Initially, my thoughts ran towards DeSantis. But the more I read about him the more I become concerned. That the McConnell/Romney branch have remained quiet regarding DeSantis says volumes. While I still feel, outside of Trump, DeSantis is our best options, I am no longer comfortable throwing my support behind him.

TRUMP 2024!!!!

I am going to say something that is going to be unpopular here. It is time we moved away from Trump. Not because I want us to go back to the old ways, but because he has become a bit of a liability. Before we go too far down the road here I will acknowledge that his track record endorsing candidates was nearly perfect. 93% of the candidates he endorsed won at all levels, including primaries, state level and national offices. The caveat here is nearly all of those wins were in districts that really weren’t all that competitive. In districts that were close, his track record wasn’t as good. In Washington state, his endorsed candidate lost. The previous District 03 representative was a republican. However, she made a mistake in voting to impeach Trump, which put her in the cross hairs. I’d bet a dime that she and her team tried to make a calculated decision for her upcoming 2022 campaign. In a purple district, sometimes one has to make decisions that MIGHT go against your normal stances. She was primaried and lost to Joe Kent who was endorsed by Trump. This district is and has been purple. A region that might not take to Trumpism. While I was in favor of taking down those republicans who voted to impeach Trump like Cheney and the putz from Illinois, Herrera-Beutler needed to be saved. Yes, she voted against Trump. But she was a reliable, if squishy, republican, and most importantly, represented a purple district. Incumbency has its benefits, and I have no doubt she would have won fairly handily. In Pennsylvania his endorsed candidate lost to a man who has the mental capacity of a 12 year old (just a guess, not a medical diagnosis). I wonder if Dr. Oz could have won if he didn’t have Trump’s endorsement. Considering how corrupt Pennsylvania elections can be, I do have my doubts. But maybe if Oz wasn’t endorsed by Trump, the cheating apparatus would have not swung into full gear. Who knows.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Twitter Changes

First of all, I need to make sure that you all understand that I have never been a twitter user. I have seen many threads over the years at various web sites I frequent, but I don’t (as of now) have an account. That could change though since Elon Musk has bought the company.

Two reasons for my lack of participation.

1. The censorship. If you have followed me over the years I am not someone who parses what I say. I’m opinionated and not afraid of stating what I think. I’ve been aware for quite some time that there has been some sort of connection between government agencies and social media. I didn’t need an in-depth study from any agency to tell me that social media companies and government agencies aren’t working hand-in-hand. It is so obvious to anyone who even remotely pays attention and is honest with themselves. Of course, we are all aware this censorship worked only one way. If you didn’t toe the official party/government/media narrative line, then you were canceled. 

2. While it may seem like a bit of a stretch the second reason does line up with the first. Never actually witnessed it myself but apparently there was much going on twitter that related to child exploitation. I will not kid myself and say perverts don’t run the political spectrum. The difference comes in how each side views child exploitation overall. Based on what has been going on over the last several years, it is notable there seems to be a movement slowly gaining traction to normalize child exploitation. This movement is NOT coming from the right, it is purely a progressive movement. Fortunately, it is still mostly condemned by a very large percentage. However, despite this nearly universal condemnation, twitter choose to focus their efforts on silencing conservatives rather than shutting down these other accounts. Twitter and other social media sites are owned, run, and staffed by progressives. Coincidence? 

Well, it seems that Musk is going to make an effort to clean up twitter. He is going to make it a priority to get rid of child exploitation on twitter. I view this as something that should be his top priority and apparently that is just what he is going to do. So, with his efforts to cut ties with the federal government censors who are telling what and who twitter to censor, he is now going to get rid of the perverts. Good on him. And I might just have to open an account.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

2022 Election Post-Mortem

A post-mortem

What an absolute shame. We had the ability to really make life difficult for former VP Biden. But as usual, the one thing that republicans are good at, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, came to pass.

The first step that we need to take is to stop fearing early voting. I don’t like this process anymore than most you do. Since I served overseas for a number of years and I maintained my residency in my state of birth, voting by absentee ballot doesn’t cause me much heartburn. The fact remains the left has honed this process to a razor-sharp edge. Lets look at several facts. In several counties across the USA our insistence that we vote on election day may have cost us votes, and quite possibly an election. In Maricopa County, AZ, several precincts experienced issues with voting machines. Hours-long delays were the norm. How many voters who insist the only way to vote is on election day were discouraged and went home without casting their ballots? It is human nature. We don’t like to waste time. We don’t want to stand around twiddling our thumbs. On top of that, it certainly looked like we were going to experience a so-called “Red Wave”. I can imagine some had the thought “I’m not gonna waste my time standing in line. After all, what’s one vote? It won’t make a difference since we are going to crush the progressives. My one vote won’t matter.” As it turns out, if that that thought process happened often enough, it did make a difference. The left knows this this, they study human nature, they make their plans based on how people respond to various issues. The long game. Since progressives have little issue with early voting, these broken machines don’t have as much impact on progressive vote totals as is possible for those who vote right. In counties surrounding Austin, TX, a lack of paper for casting votes was an issue. Again, hours-long delays were an issue. Was any of this planned? If you had asked me this question several years ago, I would have said nope. But with all that has gone on over the last decade, I no longer trust a progressive as far as I can throw him/her/whatever.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

We Told You So

I've had this one sitting in my tabs for quite a while. Posting it now. Needs some work, but I don't have time as I'm work on an essay about the most recent elections. 

Does anyone remember a few years back when the fight to allow gays to marry was all the rage? Does anyone also recall there were many folks who warned of the slippery slope that would soon present itself? Weren't those people and their concerns dismissed? They were called bigots, homophobes, stupid. 

The concerns were many. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Polls Continue to Sink

Found this on the weaselzippers website. Click the link to see the video from Meet the Press discussing how former VP Biden's poll numbers among Independents is at an all time low of 28%.

My definition of an independent voter is someone who tends to not vote party line. They often aren't single issue voters. They might not support abortion, but they are supportive of green energy. Maybe they think social issues are something worth considering, but fiscally they are very conservative. Point is, they look at all the issues and make decisions that best suits their desires. Over the course of my life I have meet very few truly independent voters. Almost everyone I have ever meet that says they are independent aren't truly independent. It is more a badge they wear proudly, almost arrogantly. Kind of like a vegan.

There is absolutely no way that with all that has gone on over the last two plus years a true independent voter could continue to support the policies of the progressive party. Those 28% are not Independents, they are progressives who want to wear that badge and be as annoying as a vegan at your dinner party.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Below are several rhetorical questions that we know the answer to. However, we should demand the left answer these questions. 

Why would former VP Biden go out of his way to demonize at least half of the US population? What is his ultimate goal by calling us enemies of democracy as well as treasonous and seditious felons? 

Why would Biden refuse to protect our southern border?  Why would Biden knowingly allow in fentanyl, human trafficking, cartels, and terrorists to cross our borders unhindered?  Why would Biden allow child predators and unaccompanied minors to cross our borders? 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

All We Know...

All we are saying is that no one has even begun to explain how we are going to convert from a fossil fuels-based economy to a renewable energy economy. Sure windmills, solar farms at the like are discussed in glowing terms as the answer to all that ails us. No one has explained how a grid that is troubling now is going to handle the increased demand as we switch over to renewables. No one has explained how people who are low to middle income are going to be able to afford to purchase all that is necessary for a renewable economy. Has anyone actually studied and researched what it will take to shift completely to a renewable based lifestyle? I would be willing to wager there are studies out there, but they can’t be released because the answer to just to dire.

All we are asking is how much money will it take to convert from fossil fuels to all renewables? Multi billions? Trillions? We know enough about this transition to know it will be expensive. We also know enough that if the government is involved, the cost will be even higher. Nothing the government ever touches is cheap. I truly believe that it will make the 100’s of billions spent on the interstate system and the trillions spent on the so-called “Great Society” programs look like monopoly money.

All we are pointing out is when Mt. Etna erupts it spews out more CO2 into the atmosphere in a day than mankind has released since the dawn of time. We want you to know that we are aware of this fact. We also want you to know cow farts and driving around in our SUVs, we haven’t even begun to have an impact when compared to hat mother nature can release in a moment.

All we what is for you to agree the climate changes. It has changed. And it will change. It has always done so and will continue to do so. Without humans. We know for a fact that before the advent of any form of human released CO2, there have been periods of warmer climate in recorded history. We know that when Christ walked the earth, it was considerably warmer than it is now. It is also a fact the during Medieval times, the earth was also quite warm.

All we want you to know is that we are very much aware that the climate tyrants have yet to provide a target. What is the target temperature we are trying to achieve via all of the draconian measure that left would like us to surrender to? Will eating less meat, or none at all, get us there? Will giving up our gas-powered vehicles, our property rights, and our freedoms to choose get us to climate nirvana? What is climate nirvana? What is the right amount of rainfall for Seattle? What is the perfect temperature for Chicago? How much snow should fall in the Rockies? If these numbers are provided and Seattle gets more rainfall one year, do we have to give more? If Chicago is a bit cooler on a giving year than what it is “supposed to be”, were the measures not enough? If instead of 10 feet of snow in Aspen 11 feet should happen to fall, what happens then? 

All we know is that every single climate prediction for the past 50 years has proven to be false. Every. Single. One. In the 70’s we were all gonna die because the next ice age was just round the corner. In the 1980’s through the 1990’s global warming was going to do us in. When the temperatures stopped rising and the Mann hockey stick was shown to have been to be possibly manipulated, it was climate disruption. When climate disruption was not catching on because hurricane intensity didn’t increase and tornados weren’t as deadly as predicted, the next marketing scheme became climate change. I will give the globalist credit; they have hung on to this definition like a dog on a bone. The thought was who can argue against climate change? Easy to manipulate the masses into believing the changes in climate are a direct result of humans. Those who are hyping climate change and the draconian measures they espouse know a significantly large portion of the population won’t bother to do any sort of fact checking. They will drink up the climate change narrative without a second thought. Everyone who is not a globalist, or a leftist, knows that the climate changes. It has always changed and will continue to do so.

Lastly, we are all very much aware what the globalists want to accomplish has absolutely nothing to do with “saving the planet”. Oh sure, the useful idiots who parrot the climate change rhetoric are true believers. That is readily apparent. But those at the levers of power don’t care one iota about the planet. Their behavior says it all. Private jets. Laws that exclude the rich and powerful. It is all about power and control. It is all about fundamentally changing the way the 99% live their lives. If you think that while the powerful are espousing that we all live in cramped high-rise apartments and eat bugs while they will do the same, you really need to pull your head out of your backside. Do you really think Obama will give up his estates in Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard? Do you think Newsome will give up his ribeye and fancy bottles of wine in the name of climate change? If you think the elites will curb their globetrotting ways, you just aren’t terrible smart. If you think it is OK for the elites to tell us how to live our lives, where we can live, what we can eat, how much (if any) property we can own, and use the term for the “common good” while the powerful don’t practice what the preach, you truly are not very bright. The term “useful idiots” has been attributed to various Marxist and communist leaders: Lenin, Stalin, and a host of others, have used this to describe the people, both in and out of the various countries, whom they used, and later discarded, to rise to tyranny. If you who support the tyrannical dictates from the global elite think you are going to be taken on the ride they are attempting to build, the term fits you like a well-fitting pair of boots. Those same boots will be used to step on your neck.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


...And just like that, 15,000 pharmacies disappear from the Tricare network. 

For those of you who may not know, Tricare is the health care system used by military, both active and retired. It's not a horrible system, but it isn't great either. Over the years, the retiree benefits have been whittled away, a little at a time. One of the best benefits was the pharmacy network. Nearly all pharmacies accepted Tricare. This was a big deal because a lot of people who served came from small towns in fly-over country. When they retired, they went back. They were comfortable in knowing that the Tricare network would serve them, even in the smallest of towns. Based on this latest action, can losing your local doctor be next? 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Some Belated Thoughts on Dobbs

This post might not be timely any longer as the Dodds decision was rendered months ago. I've had this sitting in my tabs since then. I wanted to sit on it for a bit. Let the initial reactions sort of ebb. 

Anyone who has a heartbeat knew that the Dobbs decision, either direction, was going to be an emotional event. When the draft opinion was leaked, it was very obvious that the left was going to go nuts. If fact, they did go nuts. How often do you hear about a possible assassination attempt on a Justice? And this was before the actual decision was rendered. In some corners of interwebs there were several who predicted of high levels of violence once the actual decision was official was released. This was the case initially, bit the violence and rhetoric has tapered off a bit.

Monday, October 3, 2022

The Media at Its Finest

The liberal Media just can't help themselves. They are who they are. Twenty years ago it wasn't easy to track the hypocrisy but with the advent of the internet it has become quite easy to call them out on their shenanigans. These covid-19 headlines says it all

Sunday, October 2, 2022

When Do We Make A Stand?

At what point do we decide to take a stand? When do we call out a fascist for what they are? So we decide not in this case, but when the next group gets oppressed is that when we put our foot down? What if it's a group you aren't terribly fond of. History is replete with examples of once favored groups falling out of favor. The most glaring example is 1920s and 30s Soviet Union as Stalin completed his purges of what he considered undesirables. Deplorables?

If you are Jewish or support Isreal's right to exist then good luck getting a word in edge wise at the University of California, Berkeley

Nine law student groups at the University of California at Berkeley's School of Law amended bylaws to ensure that they will never invite any speakers supporting Isreal or Zionism. There is no free speech for Jews at Berkeley.


Berkeley Law's Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a progressive Zionist, has observed that he would be banned under this standard, as would 90% of his Jewish students.

This was done to supposedly give safe space to Palestinian students. The entire campus? Couldnt they give them a crying room some place and put up notices that an upcoming speaker might hurt their feelings? I didn't notice a mention of safe spaces for Jews at UC-Berkeley. And considering the stated goal of the Palestinian government is not just the elimination of the Jewish states but the genocide of the Jewish population, you'd think that maybe a safe space or two might be in order. Mind you, I have not heard of any Jewish students being attacked by a Palestinian student. And I have not heard of any Palestinian student getting attack by a Jewish student. Considering the anti-jewish atmosphere at UC-Berkeley the latter would be front page news.

"In the interest of protecting the safety and welfare of Palestinian students on campus, " allies of the anti-Isreal accepting its antisemitic rationale, "will not invite speakers that have expressed and continue to hold views or host/sponsor/promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Isreal,  and the occupation of Palestine."

And no, UC-Berkeley and their student groups cannot hinder free speech. As long as UC-Berkeley receives federal funding, they are bound to adhere to federal law and the Constitution. 

Please read the entire article. What is going on a UC-Berkeley and other locations is quite scary. Are we repeating 1933 Germany?

Truer Words...

My lovely wife gave a resounding "Yep"

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Living the Best Life

The dude in the picture is not me. The trail cam is not mine. Ran across this and had to steel.

I hope you get a chuckle like it did. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Borrowed From Twitter

I don't have a Twitter account. I've thought about it. I'd like to get suspended a time or two and wear it like a badge of honor. 

Via Doug Ross Blogspot and John Henry's Hammer Twitter account comes this little gem.

I know there are still a few people out there who believe the regime media is fair and balanced. I am also certain that my readers are well aware the media is in the tank for the dems. We are very fortunate that most in the media are pretty stupid. Otherwise, they wouldn't post headlines like ones above that make it so easy for us logic minded souls to point out the bias and hypocrisy. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Need a Favor

Would someone post a comment here. I haven't received a comment from anyone recently. I'm hoping you guys just aren't responding and blogspot hasn't done something nefarious with the comments section.


A Boomer Response

A bit off my usual subjects but I had an interesting conversation a few weeks back with a millennial. It was rather one sided as he told me all that was wrong with the “Boomers”. I wasn’t really willing to engage because he was the type of individual who would get his feelings hurt very easily, a crybaby. So rather than risk getting turned into HR, and my feelings weren’t hurt, I just let it go. But in this forum, on this blog, I think I can let my feelings known. It truly is a sad state of affairs that folks can't have honest conversations any longer without the fear of getting into hot water.

Here is what a so-called "Boomer" sees in his mind when thinking about Millennials. Not that we think about us guys too much, except many of you are our kids and grandchildren. 

What Progressives Won't Talk About (EV Edition)

I ran across an article at the PJ Media website that discusses how there are issues with Electric Vehicles (EVs) that progressives are not willing to talk about. Read the article here. (Look below for more links of interest) I am going paraphrase heavily in this blog post and am going to add my own thoughts and additional points. This is in no way a reflection on the author, Mark Tapscott. The article is great and quite illuminating. He covers A LOT of ground in short, concise points. As my dear readers know, I have a tendency to ramble on. In the arena that Mr. Tapscott finds himself, I'd take an educated guess that his word count is limited by his editors. I don't have an editor. I should, but I don't. That gives me much leeway, as I said above, to ramble. 

1. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy account for more than 80% of US power generation. EVs are fueled by Fossil fuels. What is not included here is the power generated by hydroelectric dams. Hydroelectric power creates an additional for 10-12%. That about 8-10% coming from renewable such as windows and solar. No question this is not a trivial amount and it has increased dramatically over the last 15 years or so. But even at this level, renewable energy is no where near ready for prime time. The overwhelming evidence bears this out. Locations that rely heavily on renewables have a difficult time meeting the needs during periods of even higher than “normal” demand.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Well Said

Got this straight from the Conservative Treehouse/Last Refuge blog/website. An outstanding read and it says a lot in just a few short paragraphs. Enough from me.

by Steve Harvey

Friday, September 2, 2022

Slow Blogging

I am currently working on several posts. Hopefully I'll get more posted in very near future. 

Thanks for sticking with me.

Over the Top

What a total effhead. 

Now I am well aware the idiot didn't write those speech. He didn't really have any approval over it. The extreme progressives on his staff wrote it and put it in front of him and said "do it, or else." 

Regardless who wrote the speech, the so-called President of the United States called nearly all Trump supporters un-American. While it was stupid of him to do so, it was also scary. While I know the run of the mill progressive who voted for this idiot will take his speech as nothing more than that the ravings of a lunatic, there is a sizable portion who support him and are knuckleheads. They will take these words and act on them. Soon and in the future. How soon will we see some Biden supporting a-hole make an attempt on the life of a sitting congresscritter or SCOTUS justice? Oh wait, hasn't this already happened. And this was before dumbass gave a speech that vilified more than half the country. 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Retooling the Military

I have linked to Kurt Schlichter several times on this blog O' mine. I really enjoy his writing. I wish I could be as nimble with the words as he. He has a gift of gab when dancing his fingers across a keyboard.

Just tonight I read his latest non-paywall column and knew I had to excerpt and link.

Most of you are aware that I spent the lion's share of my adulthood serving this once great nation of ours. I thoroughly enjoyed my life in the military. While I have a few regrets, those are few and far between and of such little importance that I hardly remember them. The men and women I served with, with a couple of notable exceptions, were topnotch people. They were people I would, and had to, trust my life with at times.

Many of these folks came from rural America, and had mostly traditional views. They believed in the family. They believed in the Constitution. And they believed in America and what she has represented all of these years. The shining light on the hill. There were also others who came from suburbia and the inner cities. The vast majority also firmly believed in the promise that was America. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Choices Being Made

I have blogged over the past several months about how law enforcement has been responding to protests that are not related to antifa and so-forth. It hasn't been pretty.

As I have often pointed out, traditionally folks that tend to be in the middle (so-called Independents) or to the right (Conservatives) have always supported "The Blue". In our eyes the men and women in blue represent law and order. We like law and order. We also like freedom.

What is going on over in the Netherlands is yet another example where LEOs have decided to support a tyrannical government. Yesterday, they actually shot at a person driving a tractor around a roadblock. Note that I said AROUND. Not over. Not through.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Towing: Gas vs. Electric

A YouTube channel called The Fast Lane Truck ran a distance test, gas powered against an electric. The vehicles tested was the GMC Denali and Ford F150 Lightning towing a 6,000 ton travel trailer. 

NOTE: I am not going to link directly to their YouTube site. They seem to be apolitical, and probably want to stay that way. BTW: if you do watch the video there will be other videos covering the same subject. They are also worth a watch if you have a few minutes. 

On board distance calculator for the F150 estimated the range at a 100% charge will be 160 miles. The Denali's range was estimated to be around 260 miles. 

It soon became apparent the distance the Lightning was going to be able to travel was going to be much shorter than originally estimated. Just a few minutes down the road the Lightning lost 10 miles of range. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Two Observations (UPDATE)

Click here for an update on this story.

So far, it looks like this MIGHT be a legitimate arrest, although for "suspicion for conspiring to riot" seems like it could be something someone conjured out of thin air. Maybe the thought police have come to Northern Idaho. 

In Couer d'Alene, ID there was a pride event. Interesting place for this kind of event. Supposedly this area is the heart of the white supremacy movement. Randy Weaver lived here for a number of years. Several others who have been linked to white supremacy have also called this area home. Northern Idaho is not exactly a center of pride activity.

The gonzo journalist Andy Ngo posted a tweet showing people from a group call Patriot Front being detained. Never heard of them. Click here for the video, while it lasts. I linked to Doug Ross' blog, rather than the twitter link. You might have to scroll a bit if you come across this at a later date.


This has the stink of some alphabet soup federal law enforcement agency. Look at the guys that are being detained. First of all, why are they being detained. Nothing has crossed the airwaves. Nothing suggesting they were hassling folks at the event. In fact, they were "arrested" while still in the U-Haul van seen in the background. Nothing has been released that stated this group was going to cause trouble. 

Hypocritical Progressives

To say progressives are hypocrites would be an understatement of the highest order. Below are just a few of the many. If you have any to add, please do so in the comments section. 

The filibuster. This isn't necessarily a partisan issue. Both sides have done damage to filibuster. But for Senate progressives to now call for the elimination of the filibuster is the height of Hypocrisy. Wasn't it just less than two years ago when Chuck Schumer was calling the end of the filibuster (for Supreme Court nominations) under MCCONNELL the end of democracy as we know it? 

Using luxury private jets to attend global cooling/warming/disruption/change conferences. Can't find it now but I ran across an article that those who wish to enslave us under draconian climate rules are considering a rule that would exempt megayachets from any carbon emission rules. 

Lots 'O Bloggin'

As you might may have garhered from my recent posts I'm cleaning out my folders of some notes that I have gathered over the past few months. I've had time recently due to hernia surgery. Please bear with me as I get some older, and maybe not terrible relevant, thoughts posted to my blog.

Since the media, both left and right, tend to follow what is bright and shiny, posting these thoughts might keep them in the foreground. At the very least, it will remind us to stay vigilant. 

Commie Rules for Revolution

I ran across this on the interwebs not too long ago. These are guidelines for would be communists and the steps necessary to overthrow a government. How many do you recognize? 

1. Corrupt the young, get them away from religion, get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Woke Military

I believe it was last summer when I first ran across an article highlighting what the Navy is planning.

It appears that the Navy "leadership" has let the cat out of the bag when it comes to diversity.

I am old enough to remember when promotion boards, performance reports, and quarterly and annual awards packages* included photographs. I am also old enough to remember these photos were eliminated from said packages so the people rating performance, promotion qualifications, and so forth could focus solely on the content contained in the packages. It was done for the express purpose of eliminating any bias board members may have had. Kind of a content of character type of thing.

It seems the Navy now wants to go backwards by including photographs within the packages. And they doing this for the sole purpose of diversity.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Tardy Thoughts On Mask Mandates

First of all, I truly don't believe wearing cloth masks are in any way effective. If an unlimited supply of of the N95 masks were available, that would be a different story. Or if respirators that were deemed worthy of filtering out the virus were widely used and available, that too would be a different story. 

Back in 2020 wildfires were raging across the PNW, and the Willamette Valley was inundated with smoke, occasionally so thick that the resulting poor visibility made it unsafe to drive, much less be outside. A local news-talk radio station hosted a guest from a prestigious medical teaching university. This doctor specialized in respiratory diseases and functions. The host ask the doctor if the masks everyone was wearing was effective in preventing the inhalation of the fine smoke particulate. The doctor said no, they were not effective, even if wet. While I don't think he intended to do so, the doctor mentioned the size of the smoke particulate, which it turns out was larger than the covid virus. The host didn't catch the faux pas. What the doctor was essentially saying, without actually saying it, was the masks were ineffective against the smoke and also ineffective against the covid virus. 

Some Random Thoughts

Here are a few random thoughts that I've jotted down over the past few months. Some if them are a little past due, but I still think they are relevant.

If aren't trying to destroy our republic what would progressives be doing differently?

• Killing small businesses.
• Destroying the middle class.
• Transferring wealth to the ruling class. These first were laid bare during covid-19. While stating covid was released on purposed approaches tin-foil hat territory, the is no doubting that the new world order folks took immediate advantage of the disease and the associated fear-mongering to institute measures to see how fat they could push their agenda. It saddens me to see how far they could push and how easily a lot of people accepted this push. I will also add that I firmly believe the current status of the economy is by design. They are attempting to finish off small businesses and to force the middle class into poverty. And we have all seen the numbers; the richest folks across the globe increased their wealth significantly during the covid-19 outbreak, while the rest of us have gone backwards.
• Dividing us with fear.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

More Green Energy Stuff

Ran across this article the other day and thought I'd throw on here for your viewing "pleasure". 

Click here

As a lede in, I will say there has been plenty of warning from many in the blogoshere and elsewhere that once covid-19 was done or had lost it ability to scare the weak-spirited, the global progressives would move on to the next "thing". Welp, here we are. The so-called climate crisis isn't new by any means. 

The far left have been trying to scare us normal folk with the end of the world as we know it (EOTWAWKI) since the 1960s. I am purposely skipping over Ukraine because it has been/will be short lived. Once this has moved to back burner, something else will take its place. They can't take money from us or attempt to control our actions so it will soon become yesterday's news. 

Why We're On This Road

Many of my fellow true conservatives are stunned by the swiftness in which progressive rot has taken hold in this country. Even your humble author is somewhat taken aback at just how brazenly they have stepped out from the darkened shadows, and I've been warning   this was gonna happen for several years on this little blog-o-mine. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part IV

This is a big one. Holy buckets, this one is huge.

UPDATE: I'm sure you are all aware this has been moved to the backburner. There was A LOT of pressure put of the administration of former VP Biden that this might be a bridge too far. A lot of the pressure can from folks like us. So they did away with it. For now. But it will be back so we can't sit back.

Over the past few years many have talked about and suggested that eventually the progressives were going to establish some sort of Ministry of Truth. There have been signs that are clear to any sane thinking person. They have said it out loud. 

It was first obvious that progressives wanted to have total control of the narrative. Just look at how social media has throttled conservative thought and expression. This no longer worth discussing. It is happening and the social media companies are not even denying it any longer. Rather, they are using terms such as misinformation and disinformation. All of my readers are well aware what these terms mean: silencing those who don't further the progressive narrative. All one has to do is read my other "Conspiracy Theories" post. Each and every one was, at one point, banned from social media. Yet, eventually, they became true. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Electric Vehicles Required

Ran across this article the other day and thought I'd throw on here for your viewing "pleasure". 

Click here. 

Some of you may remember when the governor of Washington State ran for President. If you don't, you are not alone. I think he polled somewhere in the 0.2% range. 

What made him unique was he ran solely on a global cooling, warming, climate change, climate disruption platform. He is big time into having everyone toe the line on his view of climate, by force if necessary. 

As highlighted in the linked article he recently signed a transportation bill that would require all vehicles sold in Washington State to be electric. The bill does grandfather in non electric vehicles built and sold before 2030. It wasn't clear if you can sell an internal combustion engine after 2030 built before 2030. In other words, if you have a gas powered Toyota built in 2029, can you sell it the next year? 

Friday, March 25, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part III

Let's do an update; 22 Mar 2022. I left the entire update above the fold. 

I said if I thought of other so-called conspiracy theories I'd post them. 

Part 1

Part 2

How many of us were considered kooks because we believed the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop were very damaging to then candidate Joe Biden? The New York Post wrote a story. Said story was utterly ignored the lamestream media. Or, if covered, was deemed disinformation. 100's of talking heads across the airwaves of CNNMSNBCABCNBCCBS denounced it as heresy and, well, wrong. People who pushed the narrative were barred from social media platforms and were called conspiracy theorists. Only Fox News covered it, but it wasn't always truthful. Several of the Fox talking heads toed the party line it was Russia, Russia, Russia!!!! 

Welp, now the New York Slimes has decided the laptop and its contents are true and worthy of print. This, after former VP Biden was "elected" and firmly entrenched at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This, after the lives of some of the folks who dared cast light in the existence of the laptop were altered and in many cases, destroyed. Are you aware the owner of the computer store were Hunter left the laptop has had to declare bankruptcy. And has to go into hiding due to death threats. Tony Bobulinski has been canceled. Others have been permanently deplatformed across Twitter and fakebook. 

This latest conspiracy theory to come true has generated its own, new, conspiracy theories. 

The first is that the New York Slimes can print the story because Biden has been successfully installed and enough time has passed as to make what went on back in Oct 2020 water under the bridge. I.e. old news. 

The second id slightly more sinister: is this is the opening salvo in the dems and the shadow governments attempt to jettison Biden and Harris before they do too much more damage to the swamp creatures truly running things right now and to avoid being completely swept aside in 2022 and 2024? By laying this ground work of the obvious corruption Biden has been involved with over the years, it will make it easy to get rid of him in some manner. His son is already under investigation for tax issues related to his business dealings. How long before that investigation turns to the former VP?

As for the first theory, that is a given in my opinion. Nobody in their mind thought the contents of the laptop were anything less than what was reported. The Biden family is corrupt. A side note: I met Beau several years ago while deployed to Iraq. Spoke with him several times. He was a decent dude, for an officer 😆.  But I have no inside dope.

The second theory, if its gonna happen, it will have happen soon. I don't think there is a soul within the shadow government who wishes to see Harris become president. For that matter, I don't think there is hardly anyone who would like to see Harris become president. She is not worthy nor qualified. I know it, you know it, and more importantly, those pulling the levers behind the curtains know it. Saying that, if Biden is to be disposed of, it needs to happen before the upcoming election. After that, Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House, and 3rd in line. I'd look for a resignation of Harris, and new VP sworn in (that gapped tooth butthole from Georgia perhaps?) shortly followed by the former VP deciding its time to retire to his Delaware farm.

How long do conspiracy theories lasts? About six months, which is when they become true. This one took a little longer than usual. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Free and Fair Elections (Updates)

Updated 10 Mar 2022 for corrections, grammer, and content.

If you don't regularly read Kurt Schlichter, shame on you. While Town Hall isn't a "conservative" website that I would normally recommend (tends to be eRepublican), I do recommend Schlichter. Funny, irreverent, on point, and a (nearly) reformed anti-establishment conservative. 

A few days back he posted his ideas for reforming election laws and procedures. It's his response to the attempted, unconstitutional, approach to election "reform" being sought by the current congress and former VP Biden's regime. 

I'll just give you a few of the highlights, but please read his entire column here. And dig into his archives here, it will be well worth your time. I have liberally, probably against blogger etiquette, sampled his top ideas for voter reform. My additional thoughts added. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Choices Being Made

As I have mentioned in a previous post, it appears that law enforcement in Canada has made their choice. Take a look at what some are posting to social media. Click here.

Some of you might say this is just a small slice of the RCMP. I will counter with this: that these people feel comfortable posting their thoughts in a forum such as the examples linked to, shows me they fear little, if any retribution, for what they have posted. Supposedly, the RCMP "leadership" is aware of these posts and is " investigating ". Anyone willing to wager the be absolutely no punishment for these officers? I will also mention that I saw not a single RCMP member chastised these officers. They are so much is the minority, they can't speak out for fear of losing their jobs. And maybe their lives when no one backs them up. Or, all agree with the sentiments. Either way,...

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Choice (Update)

I think we can safely say that the rank and file of the Ottawa police have made their choice. Every single day, it is becoming more and more obvious the Ottawa police have made their choice. A very sad time indeed.

Something I find quite interesting is that while the Ottawa brown shirts are beating protesters, trampling protesters with horses, stealing money and supplies from the protesters, there has been nary a word spoken if any of the protesters have vigorously fought back. If there had been ANY level of violence from the protesters, it would be top of the fold, lede-in newsworthy. 

Images from various Twitter feeds. Hopefully these are considered fair use. Plus I don't use Twitter so I have no other way to get these images to you, my loyal reader.

Joe Dan Gorman/Intellectual Froglegs. Note the protesters on the ground, under the horse. The woman who was trampled is OK, a shoulder injury. 

Poso Remembers Ottawa @JackPosobiec. It looks like it's gonna be a bad day for the protesters who have done billions in damage, killed over 30 people, including cops, tried to immolate people trapped inside a federal building in Portland, Oregon, burned small businesses to the ground. Oh wait, that wasn't these guys. There wasn't a cop to be found when that was going on.

The Last Refuge @TheLastRefuge2. The first image is what Trudeau sent to deal with who is in the pictured in the second image.

What is most frustrating to me is the people giving the orders could care a rat's behind about the men and women in blue. These cops are facing off against some of their most ardent supporters. I'm guessing once all of this is over worldwide, cops will have the same level of approval that lawyers and journalists now enjoy. Nobody remembers the "brown shirts" fondly in any society, no matter who "wins". To the tyrants, these people are just tools to further their tyrannical agenda. To the oppressed, these people will be lower than whale poop. If freedom wins out in the end, we will remember the choice that law enforcement made.

Update 19 Feb; Ottawa police chief had said his department will search high and low for ANYONE who participated in the Freedom Truckers convoy. Even if they left the protests in the first few days when ordered by law enforcement. These teams will be heavily armed. Don't forget, Emperor Trudeau has given himself nearly unlimited power, which I'm sure he will let law enforcement use at their discretion. I see people dying. Hopefully the Canadian protesters have seen and will take heed of what has happened to the Jan Six protesters and steel themselves for what is to come.

If people are harmed during this roundup of protesters, I will no longer have law enforcement back. I know I'm just one strand of straw in the pile of hay, but that is where I make my voice heard. It is time we all make our stand. Law enforcement needs to know where Joe and Jody Six-pack stand. They are sworn to defend the Constitution above ALL ELSE (both here and in Canada), even those pointed over them. I have tried to remind myself on a daily basis that the men and women of law enforcement will eventually push back against their tyrannical overlords. And every day I get just a little more disappointed. They have to know what they are doing is wrong in every sense of the word. What has happened to the Jan six protesters and what is going to happen to the freedom convoy protesters will be in complete violation of the constitutions of both the US and Canada. 

As I said above, no matter the outcome of this battle between freedom and tyranny nobody will remember the actions of law enforcement kindly. 

We are entering a very dark period in our history. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

An Update, Sort Of

A few months back I started a thread on this blog regarding the choices that law enforcement officers that lay before them. The United States had recently entered a a period of time not seen in many decades. We are facing a growing trend towards tyranny.

Those that support a tyrannical government have become emboldened over the past 13+ years. The election of Barack Obama beought the Marxists out of their barely concealing shadows. We absolutely knew they were there, but were kept in check, partially out of fear, but mostly to bide their time. When Obamawas elected, out of the shadows they came, no longer fearful, and knowing the time was right. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Conspiracy Theories, Part Duex

Continuing on with some conspiracy theories that seemed to have panned out.

Read Part 1 here.

Remember when folks were concerned that if we allow, and normalize, gay marriage that it would become a slippery slope? There were warnings that if this were allowed, attempting to rationalize, and make normal, pedophilia would be the next step. Welp, that is now happening. But an extra step, that some of us admittedly missed, has been taken. Normalizing the transgender. At first, it was just let them dress how they want, and if insisted upon, use their deaired pronoun. All well and good, harmless to the overall population. You're a brute if you don't play their game. Now we have biological males participating in women's sports. And smashing records previously held by women. We've had biological males win "Woman of the Year" awards. Think Bruce Jenner. But they aren't done normalizing sexual issues. Something even worse is now occurring. In my home state, it was recently determined that biological males, who identify as a woman, are now to be housed in the prison that matches their stated identity. In other words, if a biological male identifies as a woman, they will be transferred to a women's prison. This has also occurred in California, with the expected results. Women are being raped, and getting pregnant. Where are the national level women's groups that supposedly exist to champion women's rights? Nowhere to be found.
Next up on the progressive agenda is to normalize the abuse of children. The first steps have been taken with the disgusting Minor attracted persons (MAP). Fortunately, so far, that has become a bridge to far, for even the morally bankrupt far left. The individual who brought this to light has been fired from his job (forced to resign?) at a woke university. In some circles he is considered a martyr. This was just the first step. We are now seeing mainstream media outlets attempting to downplay child sex trafficking. The Atlantic recently ran a piece titled "The Great (Fake) Child-Sex-Trafficking Epidemic". While not necessarily trying to normalize sex with minors, it does attempt to downplay trafficking as just a small issue. As if the rape of children by adults is nothing to be concerned about. The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is another example. While she was rightfully convicted of helping Epstien (who didnt kill himself) bring underage children (mostly girls) to him and his friends, the general public was unable to hear about those friends/clients. The judge and prosecution put a blanket gag order on the trial. What is worse, in my opinion, is that none of the names that were likely mentioned in the trial have been arrested. In a moral society, these men would have been arrested before the Maxwell trial was over. If protecting the rich and famous is an attempt to normalize child rape, I'm not sure what is. There will be more efforts to make child rape acceptable.

Conspiracy Theories, Part 1

I'm running out of conspiracy theories. There are so many that I decided to break this up into two posts. I will add more as I come across them, or suggested. 

Each one of these points could be a blog post in of itself. Some have already been given the PACNW-Righty treatment. Way back. Others may get some expansion later on down the road. 

I'm guessing not many who read this paragraph will remember. It occurred back in the 1970's. When the department of education was founded many were concerned that a government agency overseeing education would have a negative impact. Those folks were worried that a federal agency hamstringing what is constitutionally a state issue were going to ruin the quality of education with a "one sized program fits all" approach and would dumb down the classroom. When the agency was formed the USA was ranked #1 in education. Since the formation of the DOE, we have dropped to #24. Do we need programs that address discrepancies in education, most certainly. But not at the cost of what has happened to our education systems.