
Friday, December 31, 2021

Another Censorship

Sorry about the blog silence recently. I tend to focus on family during the month of December. I have tons of material stashed away, awaiting my attention. Will I get to it? Nope, not all of it. But I will do some.

On to the post

I'm sure you have heard that Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA process, has been banned from Twitter. His transgression? Posted his well-informed opinion against vaccinating children. Twitter being Twitter couldn't let his well thought out, educated points be disseminated amongst the masses. Can't have people making informed decisions, especially those decisions that might go against the government mandated, media driven narrative.

It wouldn't surprise me if this post, or my blog, doesn't get hammered by those who host blogspot.

Here is the text of what was on Twitter for a short period. Click here for Dr. Malone's substack page that has even more. Here is a link to the video that was banned by Twitter.

Full Text of Malone Statement

My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Its Who Counts the Votes

It seems as people keep digging into our past election, more and more evidence piles up that the results could be questionable. The latest news out of Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia shows there are even more reasons why we need to, at the very least, take a long hard look at how election counting is accomplished. 

If hell freezes over and the propaganda arm of the democrat party (AKA: the mainstream media) decides to address this issue you can bet your bottom dollar they will present it in such a way that makes it seem this event is trival in the grand scheme of things. And if you are not armed with information, you will not be able to counter. The information provided at the link is just another arrow in you quiver. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Another Worthy Read

Over the past several months I have attempted to put to words what lies ahead and what we must do in these trying times. The article linked below captures what I, and many others, are feeling. What he has written requires very little commentary here. Just click the link and read his words.

Click Here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A Needed Reminder. Update With A New Link

I'm at loggerheads right now. I've been thinking this post might get updates periodically as I come across instances of police crossing the line by enforcing tyrannical dictates from the "ruling class". But I want to be careful. I am not posting this for us to become anti-cop. Rather, I want people to be aware that if law enforcement continues down this path of becoming stormtroopers for the elites, they will have no support from anyone. If you know someone in law enforcement, please let them know the time for choosing is close at hand.

Most of my readers, I believe, are of the conservative variety. We support law and order, as long as it done in a proper manner. We also "Back the Blue". But in my opinion that support is wavering. When we see police force here and abroad enforcing draconian lockdowns and mask mandates, when we see events unfold where conservative people are attacked and the police stand by doing nothing, when the ruling elite use the police as their own private army to shut down dissent, when we see police used as a tool of intimidation and to instill fear, that support is bound to dwindle. And it is dwindling.

Friday, November 12, 2021

The Road Not Taken

As time has moved along, I have become more disappointed in my actions. A few months back, I posted a comment  to an article written on a conservative blog. The thrust of the article is not germane for this post. What I had written was about the lack of leaders. Those who would stand up to the tyranny now taking hold in our nation. I asked when were those leaders were going to stand up and take this fight to the commie bastards. Where were the leaders who were going to lead the fight to wrest back our nation from the brink?

The Goals

If you haven't figured it out just yet, let me clue you in. Covid is being used as a weapon. I'm am positive that my readers very much aware of this. As usual, a long post that rambles just a tad. Read on.

Have any of you asked yourself why is the "vaccine" being pushed so hard? It really is not terribly effective. Unlike typical vaccines this one does nothing to the actual virus. It only prevents (maybe) the host from getting really sick. Even though you are vaccinated, you are still carrying the live virus, and you can infect people, even those who are vaccinated. Nearly every day we hear about someone who was fully vaccinated dying from covid-19. These so-called breakthrough cases are on the uptick. This shot is not having the desired effect, at least towards the virus.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Worth A Read

The shipping crisis from the perspective of a truck driver. Worth a few minutes of your time.

As a former trucker driver, although not the same level of experience, I can attest to much of what this driver has to say. The Just In Time (JIT) method of shipping fulfillment had always been run on a razors edge. But it worked because all players were making money. And, what hiccups that were encountered, were fairly simple to overcome.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Virginia Elections (Update)

Just a quick note. I'm sure you are all aware that Republicans swept the three most important faces in Virginia. I'm not going to rehash stuff that I'm sure all of you have already seen and heard. I want to focus on how the propaganda machine that calls itself the main steam media reacted.

It was a sight to behold.

Click here.  There are several others but this link is the best summation. Be sure to watch the videos.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Will it Come to Pass? (Fixed Issues)

There is an old adage about those who serve/have served in armed conflict. I'm paraphrasing here, but it boils down to we have seen the damage war can inflict and we are the least likely to want war. I make this point so you understand that what many people think is going to happen is not something I, in any form, desire. Also, to be clear, in no way should anything written here or linked to should be considered a threat. Merely observations. Spitballing, as it were.

As our nation continues to be torn apart, with compromise nearly impossible, there are those who think armed conflict is inevitable. I, for one, hope and pray this does not happen. War is an ugly thing. The last time our nation fought amongst ourselves, nearly a million were killed and wounded. Hardly any family living east of the Rockies didn't feel the impact of this war on a personal level. It would be worse this time around.

Of the many articles I've come across in the last year discussing the possibilities this one here is probably the best. Click here to read it all. Just a taste below: (Hat tip to "Brooks" at Knuckledraggin')

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Where Did All the Memes Go?

I don't spend much time on Fakebook any more. When I do log on I will scroll deep through my feed to try and catch up. I have noticed a trend. 

During the previous administration there was a plethora of memes on a daily basis. Those who believed we are a sovereign nation, loved freedom, cheap gas, a booming economy, rising wages, low unemployment, and a robust military would post memes about how great the former president was doing in the job. Those who didn't like all of the above would post anti-Trump memes. All well and good. An exchange of ideas is always a good thing. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tell Me Again

So please, tell me again that the vaccine is all about the science.




We see another example (scroll down just a bit) of how the getting the vaccine has morphed from "This needs to be done" to get us back to "normal" to a mandate "This will be done,... Or else!!!" Penn State University has announced that if you have not been vaccinated or have not provided a negative weekly test result you will been barred from attending classes. REMOTELY. Yes, PSU has decided to become part of the tyrannical edicts and have barred and removed students who don't toe the line, even though they are only doing their course work via computer.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


It is kind of interesting times we live in. 

Last year, as covid-19 hit, there were many who stated various so-called conspiracy theories: 

The virus was man made. 

Vaccine passports were going to be a thing. 

The stimulus checks and plus up of unemployment benefits were going to create a labor shortage once the economy started showing signs of recovery. 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Missing Ballots

According to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission nearly 15 million mail in ballots are unaccounted for. These are ballots delivered to the wrong addresses,  sent to vacant locations, sent to registered voters who have died, and some ballots that were never requested, were never returned. 

This doesn't necessarily show that widespread fraud DID occur, but it does show that mail in ballots, not properly handled, can create some chaos. Furthermore, there is no tracking system that shows whether or not these missing ballots were used. Where the fraud might rear it ugly head is that these unaccounted ballots could be used for nefarious purposes. Also, if these ballots, that were intended for actual voters, didn't get delivered properly, those people were unable to cast their vote. And remember, the overall difference in 2020 was supposedly about eight million. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

A Difference

While the offices aren't quite on the same level, it is noteworthy to see how the press covered the nomination and subsequent election of Barack Obama and the insurgent recall candidacy of California governor hopeful Larry Elder.

I'm 2007 the press hammered home that Obama was the first black candidate from a major political party. Never mind that Alan Keyes ran for the Republican nomination in 1996, 2000, and 2008. Obama was a first when he accepted the nomination back in 2008. In rereading some of the coverage from that time, and especially on the day he was nominated, it was quite obvious the media was over the moon.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

An Inflection Point

The debacle that has become the withdrawal from Afghanistan will be the inflection point of the Biden presidency*. 

Anyone who has been pay even a modest amount of attention is well aware that Biden is a doddering old fool. Those that installed him should be arrested for elder abuse. They knew full well that Biden's cognitive abilities have deteriorated and that he should have never even been running as the democrat candidate. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Not So Quick Take - Mike Rowe for the Win

The other day a left-wing, progressive writer, Jonathan Last, slammed Mike Rowe with a short little article titled Mike Rowe's Dirty Little Secret. Bad move on his part. Not that I really want to link to a progressive page, but one has to do what must be done. And there is the consolation that I don't think the traffic from my page is really going to even register a blip on their traffic stats.

Mike had put out on his Facebook page that yes, he was vaccinated, but no, he wouldn't dispense any medical advice. He concluded by saying this:

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Losing Friends (Maybe?)

The things I am about to say will more than likely cause the loss of some of my more progressive friends. 

I get it, you hated Trump with a white hot rage. But it was interesting that no one could articulate why, and if you attempted to do so, it was based on lies or completely unsupported. Did you hate the booming economy? No? Did you hate peace breaking out in the Middle East? No? Did you hate being energy independent for the first time in a lifetime? No? Did you hate that we were acting like a sovereign nation with borders and laws? No? Maybe? Did you hate that his policies brought China to heel? No? Maybe? Yes? Or was it his mean tweets? Ah, there it is. 

Humans: Divided by Race

We are more deeply divided by race than we have been in 60 years. I firmly believe we had nearly achieved MLKs dream. Then something happened along the way.

Is it really your most sincere desire to see that your grandchildren are judged, firstly, by the color of their skin or gender, and a distant second by their character? That is the path that BLM and CRT are taking us. They insist that we divide and sequester ourselves by skin tone and wedding tackle. Doing so only contributes to dividing us further and deeper apart. I don't know WHY you can't see this. 

Ten Stages of Genocide (Part 1)

Blatantly stolen from Jack Posobiec's Twitter page. With apologies to Mr Posobiec, I have taken his tweet and expanded on it. While you read this many of these stages overlap. Steps taken in Discrimination can/will also be done in Dehumanization, etc.

These are my thoughts and mine alone. This is a long post, so grab a cup of coffee and a danish. I posted two parts

1. Classification
2. Symbolization
3. Discrimination
4. Dehumanization
5. Organization
6. Polarization
7. Preparation
8. Persecution
9. Extermination
10. Denial

1) Classification. People are divided into "us and them". We have gone so far past this stage that it no longer appears in our rearview mirror. This was one of the first steps Obama took when he became President. What do you think the apology tour was all about? It was to show people how enlightened he and supporters where as opposed to the Neanderthals who preceded him.

Ten Stages of Genocide (Part 2)

Part 2.

6) Polarization. The government broadcasts propaganda to turn populace against the group. The main stream media is filling this role. While they may not be the official spokesperson for the government, they echo and praise every little progressive idea and thought. Everything to do with Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine crap, covid, and now the January 6th issue was the progressive talking points. Hardly a single "reporter" did anything more than just echo what the progressive elites told them to say.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Progessive Retribution (Updated)

A couple of days before the election a coworker and I were discussing the fallout over the days, weeks, months, and even years if either Trump or Biden won the election. We were both in agreement that cities would burn if Trump won. And we both agreed that dem mayors and governors would do absolutely nothing to stem the violence. But we were certainly not in agreement what would come should Biden win. Understand, he was voting for Biden and I'm sure you are aware I was not. He didn't think there would be any fallout whatsoever. I told him I was quite concerned what would happen to people who supported Trump, and especially those who worked in his administration. He poopawed my feeling. "No way, Biden supporters were not going to retaliate."

As we have seen since the election, those of a progressive bent are bound and determined to persecute Trump and his supporters. I would like to mention that while this persecution has increased significantly since election day, the rhetoric of conservatives bad began with Obama and continued with Shillary when he called us "bitter-clingers" and she called us "deplorables". Below are some very strong examples of just what then left is thinking when it comes to how they were planning on treating us moving forward. The saddest thing is I am only scratching the surface.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

I Wonder...

...if this would work.

I made it clear that through my lawyer I would begin to demand the status of all other employee's health condition in regards to other forms of communicable diseases. We would be demanding information on employee's with aids, hepatitis, flu, STDs, measles, mumps, and so on. My lawyer already had the papers drawn up so I could serve him the first day he tried it and paet of the suit would be to force the company to make immediate policies to section off employees who had any illness they could spread, including the common cold. If they were going to take responsibility in stopping the spread of covid-19 in the building they were now liable for the spread of anything else

If this is true then here one more arrow in the quiver we need to this desperate fight we have against the rapidly increasing tyrannical bent of our governments. 

Hat tip to 90 Miles From Tyranny blogspot. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Starting Over

The other day I had my blogging efforts nearly come to an end.

Since my life requires a lot of time away from home I've taken to doing my blogging either from my phone (like now), or my tablet. My tablet is far and away my preferred method. Better keyboard, larger screen (Hey! I ain't gettin' any younger), better app for 1st and 2nd drafts, and more storage. 

I was in the middle of a blog post when my tablet said I needed to register it. Odd! I had done this step a few years back when I first purchased it. Didn't do it right away. Finished up the 2nd draft of the post, saved, then nighty-night time. The following morning I checked the work schedule when the tablet again indicated I needed to register.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Tying it all Together (Update, an Added Link)

Heard this being read on Tucker the other night. So I looked it up. Going against all blogging protocol I have posted the entire thread. Click here for his Twitter feed.

An update: Here Mr. Copper provides some further insight to his line of reasoning behind his massively viral Twitter thread. This well worth your time.

 Obviously, this guy makes his living (or at has the skills) at putting words together in a manner that causes one to go, "Hell, this bubba sums it all up." I've been dancing around everything thing he says here, just not very well. I know many of my blogging brothers and sisters have come oh so close. As I read this, my minds-eye followed the time line his tweets established. Was the time line by design? I think so. I am a bit surprised the Jack "Rasputin" Dorsey hasn't ordered the tweet removed. There is nothing false In what Darryl "MartyrMade" Cooper has posted. So faster checkers wouldn't really have any leg to stand on. It just this series of tweets contains so much truth. Without further ado, read on.

In his first tweet he begins to make his case in his theory. Far be it for me to correct him in any manner. But I think he should drop the word theory. I think he could safely says "This is how true conservatives are thinking." But hey, thats my theory.

I think I’ve had discussions w/enough Boomer-tier Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent to extract a general theory about their perspective. It is also the perspective of most of the people at the Capitol on 1/6, and probably even Trump himself. 1/x

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Did People Die When Someone Lied?

I've added a few notes of my own. It is no longer a quick read.

1. Covid was man made in a lab. As many of you are aware, this was a thought process that gained some traction early on. As evidence started to mount and folks started talking about the possibility, the media and big tech suppressed any discussion. Calling us conspiracy theorists. I wonder why the elites would go to such lengths to censor alternative theories?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Equal Pay

I was planning on making this part of the previous post, but it made it too long and wordy. 

One of Rapinoe's crusades is equal pay. For the last few years she has been up on her soapbox, preaching to the world that women deserve equal pay. And her focus has been on the pay disparity between the US Women's team and the US Men's team. While I can't remember the exact numbers, there is a pretty significant difference. And she also compares, justifiably, the difference in success. The USWNT has won multiple World Cups and have medaled in Olympic competition. The men, not so much. This year, the USWNT, along with China and Brazil, are favored to win it all in Tokyo. The USMNT couldn't even qualify. These are her (and others) arguments for equal pay. 

USWNT Flag Issue

I realize this is a bit of old-ish news, but I stewed on it for a little while. Recently, while playing Mexico, some members the USWNT looked to have turned their backs on the US flag. The official Twitter account for the US teams has denied this, saying the players were looking at a flag in a different part of the stadium. Never mind that the women who were not facing the flag that is at the end of the stadium are the same players who have done this time after time. Since I don't have a Twitter account, I can't post those kinds of things here. This is the tweet: From U.S. Soccer Comms, "To be clear, no one turned their back on WWII Veteran Pete DuPre during tonight's anthem.  Some USWNT players were simply looking at the flag pole in one end of the stadium. The players all love Pete, thanked him individually after the game and signed a ball for him." NOTE the tweet didn't say turn their backs on the flag. Based on what I've been able to gather, no one was accusing the players for turning their backs on Mr. DuPre, but not facing the US flag. If one watches the video, you can clearly see that most of the women who were not facing towards Mr. DuPre had their hands over their hearts while facing the flag at the end of the stadium. Those facing forward, not a single one had their hand covering their heart. And as I pointed out earlier, it's the same cast of characters. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

A Warning (Another Update)

I plan on updating this post periodically as I come across examples that are relative to the overarching premise. So please stop by every so often.

I have a handful of friends and acquaintances who call themselves liberals or progressives. These folks could very well be blissfully unaware about what is eventually going to happen. And based on what I am finding across the news feeds, is already beginning to happen.

Update 26 June 2021: Another essay on what lies in store if we don't cut the march of Marxism off at the pass.  There are going to be so many people who will be so disappointed if we ever reach full on Marxism. Make sure you click to link provided in the linked article.

Update 12 Jun 2021: add a demerit. And update demerits paragraph. (Thanks Sandy)

Update 8 Jun 2021: Interesting article about a low level celebrity who got cancelled. Digging a little deeper, the person who hyped the cancellation process doesn't seem to be a very nice person. Typical of those who search high and wide for someone, anyone, to cancel. People like this are petty, and probably unhappy, unless they can make others suffer.

NOTE: I don't use the term liberal any longer for those on the other side of the political debate. It is a term that no longer applies to today's progressive. For those who might still believe in free speech and so forth like a classic liberal, well, you made your bed, you are sleeping under the same sheets. Nor do I use democrat, JFK would be turning over in his grave right now.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Rudy Might be in Trouble

For those celebrating the possible disbarment of Rudy Giuliani, here are few points to ponder. 

Full disclosure. Once again, inspired by writings at American Thinker. 

The opinion handed down has some interesting reads, all because Giuliani, like over 50% of Americans, feel the results of the 2020 election are questionable. 

"The country is being torn apart by continuing attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 elections..." Where were these judges during four years of Donald Trump when the left spent the entire fours years making attempt after attempt to overthrow Trump's presidency and questioned his legitimacy? Russiagate, Ukrainegate, tax return-gate, covidgate, Stromy Daniels-gate, etc. HRC lead the charge in Russiagate, continuously beating the drum that the Trump presidency was not legitimate due to Russian interference,  even after the Mueller Scamvesitgation proved her wrong. Maybe they didn't go after her since she was disbarred a long time ago. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A Worthy Link

In the linked article, the author does a bang up job tying the last 18 months together. Call him (and me) a conspiracy theorists if you will, but make sure you refute his points, if you can, when you do so.

Click Here.

A Comparison

So, let's do a little comparison, shall we. 

Former VP Biden: gas prices spiked nearly 35% in the first two months after he was installed in the White House. President Trump; gas prices at near record lows, adjusted for inflation. Due to the nature of my commute I keep meticulous records of my spending on gas. At the tail end of Trump's term I was paying $2.50 a gallon. Six months, a canceled pipeline, and a hacked distribution system later, I'm paying $3.50 a gallon. 

Former VP Biden: Gas shortage due to a cyber attack, possibly Russia or China. President Trump: We had become energy independent, and a net exporter of oil. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Green Energy Issues

I've been wondering if any of my progressive friends, who support; no, actually demand, most, if not all tenets of the so-called green new deal be implemented immediately are knowingly supportive of getting the rare earth metals necessary for "clean" energy from a government that is hostile to the USA and our rapidly diminishing shared values. 

I'm sure most of you are aware that China uses slave labor to mine these minerals. On top of that, their environmental track record is completely abysmal. Recently, a report on so-called green house gases shows that China emits more detrimental pollution into the atmosphere than all of the other industrialized nations of the world. Combined! 

To counter these issues, mineral extraction must occur in places other than China. But that comes with a cost, both measurable and esoteric. 

We don't have to accept minerals being mined by slave labor. The minerals are available right here, in the USA. But since we did away with slavery over 150 years ago (a very good thing), we will have to pay miners an appropriate wage to dig up the dirt. This alone will drive up the cost significantly, since China pays their miners almost nothing. 

We have almost no infrastructure to refine these minerals due to costs savings and environmental regulations. I don't think there is a smelter left standing in the USA that is capable of processing raw materials. The few companies that do mine rare earth metals (3 at last count), ship the raw materials to China for processing. This process is EXTREMELY dirty. Are progressives, in their zeal to make everything green, willing to allow mining, and the processing of the raw materials, to occur in the USA? Or will this be a case of NIMBY? Are you willing to pay the costs associated with process of resource extraction? Or will you close your eyes and turn their heads to the issues of how China turns the raw material into usable metals? 

Recently it seems that Former VP Biden is willing to let China be our source of these rare earth metals. He has published an EO that will continue to make extremely difficult to mine rare earth metals in the USA. 

When a company wants to mine minerals in the USA the permit process can take 15-20 years. I believe it was in 2017 that the Trump administration attempted to streamline the permitting process. While Trump wanted us to be be energy independent, it seems that he might also been aware electric vehicles (EV) was a movement that could not be ignored. His thinking might have been; if this is where we are going, why not cut ties to hostile regimes and mine what we can here, in the USA. This EO was later overturned by former VP Biden's puppet masters. 

Former VP Biden has said that EV can be cheaper than gas powered vehicles by 2035. Is he, and his advisors looking at the increased costs if we do (and should) cut ties with China. 

Are you willing, to achieve carbon neutrality, to accept salve labor? Are you OK with even more pollution from China as the needed minerals are extracted from the ground? Are you willing to accept these things so you can feel good and pat yourself on the back, saying what a good steward of the environment am l?. 

I ask these questions because so far nobody has been able to answer them. When these valid points are made, there is no rebuttal. Just a superior shake of the head and the smirk. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Interesting Series of Tweets

Not that I tweet but have read an interesting series of tweets by Sean Lennon, son of John. After reading this series I can comfortably peg him as a classic liberal. And it is obvious to me that he has an artistic mind. His ability to flow from subtopic to subtopic within an overall main topic is pretty cool. And BTW; he'd probably be irritated at me for giving him labels.

I have copied the entirety of the series because it will probably be removed, or truncated, at some point. Especially since it is being linked at conservative blogs. Please excuse some of the language, it's kind of salty.

When I was young ppl used to say racist shit about Asians around me all the time and then be like ‘Oh sorry! But you’re not reeeally Asian so…’ and I think they sincerely thought that would make me feel better. I’m not exactly sure why I brought that up but I think… 

Lack of Posting

 Sorry about the lack of blogging lately. Been busy. And just a little bummed out. I've also stayed off fakebook since February, which has always been my main source of material. When my progressive friends post their...stuff, it has always generated a response. But since I tend to carry on a bit, I'll post my response here in the old blogosphere. Still can't  bring myself to wade into the crap on fakebook, but I'm gonna try to get back into the blogging. So stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Undoing America

 So, in little less than a month former VP Biden has undone the America First movement initiatives begun under Trump. 

Former VP Biden stopped the deportation of criminal illegal immigrants (crimes other than the illegal border crossing). Contrary to what you might believe, Trump never started rounding up illegal immigrants by the bus load, and shipping them back to Central America. Trump did ramp up border enforcement and deportations, but those deportations focused on illegal immigrants who were changed with criminal activities. And for the last time, he didn't put children in cages. That was an Obama era program that Trump ended.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Just Too Much Wholesomeness


Three of the most wholesome people in my lifetime. And a rainbow too.

Internet Funnies

I thought these were funny. My wife? Not so much.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Some Thoughts on HR1

It looks like HR 1 is set to become law. For those of you unfamiliar with HR 1, it is the bill that will basically cement as law the chaos and fiasco that was election 2020. As an added bonus, it sets up public funding for folks running for Congress. In other words, your taxes will be used to fund candidates, even those you utterly disagree with. Imagine, progressives, having your taxes fund Trump's run for Senate next year.

Even someone who is not "formally" trained in matters of the Constitution can see this is not, well,.... Constitutional. The Constitution plainly states that matters that are clearly enumerated to the federal level and to the states and matters not clearly designated to the feds, belong to the states. A casual reading of the Constitution regarding who has authority to make election laws is quite clear. It is enumerated. This matter is solely a state issue.

So here are some solutions to some of the more egregious points within the bill.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Cancel Culture

Why do progressives have to implement a scorched-earth policy when it comes to this so-called "cancel culture"?

Up until about two weeks ago, nobody had any issues with the writings of Ted Geisel, known to countless generations as Dr. Seuss. He had been, for nearly three quarters of a century, the yardstick to which all other children's books were measured. His books made reading fun. There isn't a single soul reading this post right now who has not, in some way, been impacted by Dr. Seuss. Most of us, and our children, our grandchildren, and many even great grandchildren, learned to read using books written by Ted Geisel. 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Interior Secretary

Former VP Biden's nominee for interior secretary, Deb Haaland is a far left activist. And an idiot.

Now before you all go ballistic and start calling me a bigot and native hater, just shut the hell up. Just because she is an American Indian and her nomination and confirmation WILL be historic, this should not shield her from rightful criticism.

She admitted that shutting down pipelines cost jobs. But she doesn't care. I guess these unemployed workers could immigrate to China and build turbine blades and solar panels.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 Here is HR127 in a nutshell. This is taken from a Fakebook post by Spike Cohen, former VP candidate for the Libertarian party. I have added a few thoughts of my own. Of courae I did.

1. Firearms license required for any new gun purchase.

2. Licencee must be 21, complete a 24 hour gun safety course, and must undergo a psych evaluation.

3. Multi-tier license. Individual license for ownership and display of antique firearms, standard firearm license, and "military style" license.

Surprise, Surprise, Biden Lies

Interesting that the Washington Post is no longer producing their fact checks. During the Trump Presidency, the Post often put up a running count of things they determined to be lies. Whether or not the graphic was honest is up for debate. Saying things like covid will be done by such and such a date isn't a lie. It was wrong, but not a lie.

But now that former VP Biden has been installed as President, the Post is no longer running that daily feature. For those of you who are missing it, I thought I'd give salve to your desire to know whether or not Biden is telling the truth and to keep him honest. Becuase I know you want transparency from both sides. Right?

Some Thoughts on Harris

I am very much aware that campaigns for elected office can be and is a very dirty business. When one runs for office, you say and do things that maybe your mother wouldn't approve. You stretch the truth to its breaking point. You make alliances with people you wouldn't even consider introducing to your family. You break bread that under nearly all circumstances would make you gag. Even so, occasionally a candidate will do and say some things that defy all logic. So let's take a look at what Harris said about former VP Biden during the debates and campaign stops.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

RIP Rush

I realize that I'm a day late with this post. It is not news among my few readers that the "Talent on loan from God" has been returned.

I waited because I wanted to process the news in my mind, and to figure how best to honor Rush. 

Over the past 36 hours since the news broke many of those who were friends, colleagues, contemporaries of Rush have written and spoken millions of words on the impact that Rush had on their lives, and his impact on conservatism. I've read and listened to many of those words. I have reached the conclusion that the spoken and written language is not nearly adequate enough. How does one fully express the impact he has had?

Friday, February 12, 2021

Who Died on 6 Jan

As the 2nd impeachment of Donald Trump gets into full swing I thought this is as good as time as any to post about the deaths that occurred during the events of 6 Jan. I have also added some additional thoughts about events over the summer of 2020.

Who died 6 Jan

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Some Final Thoughts

The Final Case for 2020 Vote Fraud. Not really, I'm sure I'll post more. It rambles just a bit, so please bear with me, and the post.

Some background: back in 2004/5 a report on how to avoid voter fraud was released. This was a bipartisan effort, headed by former President Jimmy Carter(D) and one of the all-time DC insiders and policy wonks, James Baker(R). These two individuals have been around the world, observing elections in all sorts of third world countries. And up until just the last few years, they were experts on what to look for and how to avoid election fraud. This blue ribbon committee determined that if voter fraud was to be avoided, the following steps were necessary: voter IDs; reduce or eliminate mail-in ballots, which, according to the report, "remain the largest source of potential voter fraud"; disallow ballot harvesting by third parties; purge voter rolls of all ineligible or fraudulent names; allow election observers unfettered access to observe vote counts; voting machines must count the votes accurately, i.e., no extra or lesser weight given to a particular party or candidate; and ask news organizations to "delay the release of any exit-poll data until the election has been decided."

Sunday, January 24, 2021

So You Want Socialism

 From Carpe Diem

Click the link to read an in depth analysis of the above graph. This graph, published by economist Mark Perry, has been cited at many different levels of those who follow and dictate economic policy and direction. The one takeaway that I'd like you to have is this: the items that have increased in cost relative to inflation are subject to heavy government regulation and interference, while those below the line are moderated by market forces. I.E. Socialism vs Capitalism.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

What's Next

Where do we go from here? It appears that Biden will be installed as president tomorrow. And it is an empty feeling. But fear not my readers, there is still hope and the dim light we see at the end of the tunnel doesn't have to be an onrushing train.

There is and will be a lot to overcome in the years ahead. It will be a lot of work and will require YOU make the effort. It will require we ALL make the effort. We need to make our voices heard. If your representatives at all levels don't fear for their jobs, they won't make the changes that are needed.

Try to remember that more than 74 million folks voted for Donald Trump. That is far and away the highest vote total ever received by a sitting President. Even the messianic Obama couldn't garner that level of support for his second term. We all know how former VP Biden "won" this election. And I know you can be discouraged; how do we overcome a machine that was so easily able to change this election. Turnout! If we encourage our fellow conservatives and Republicans to turn out in massive numbers, the machine will not be able to overcome our enthusiasm. In this most recent election, Republican voter turnout was about 65%. If we were able to generate turnouts at the 90% level, the machine would burn to the ground in its attempt to change the results. While we didn't turn out in those numbers in 2016, we did vote at such a rate that the machine couldn't account for it. The cheaters didn't write a strong enough algorithm to quash the number of votes cast for Trump. If we turn out at the 90% level any attempts to change the results would be so patently obvious, that even the media couldn't spin it in any other way.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Some Thoughts About 6 Jan

Many of the thoughts here are composites of other folks across the internet and blogosphere. The thoughts are my own, but I freely admit seeing and using many sources as inspiration.

How do Republicans and Trump benefit from what happened at the Capitol building? Nearly everyone of us conservatives know, beyond a shadow of doubt, the media and progressives will bend over backwards to portray us as any kind of lunatics. We make every effort to ensure we exercise our right to free speech and to peaceably assemble in a manner to reflects well. Burning buildings, violent assaults, are not in our best interests. That is the arena of progressives. Can any of you honestly say you are aware of any conservative focused protests that turned violent to this level? Of course, many progressives will say words are violent, so anything a conservative says that a progressive disagrees with will be considered conservative violence perpetrated by a conservative. For you I say boohoo.

Lets compare movements from the not so distant past. Most of you remember the Tea Party movement as well as the Occupy "Something" movement. Both had large gatherings in several locations during that time. Both had keynote speakers that kept the crowds enthralled. Both had music and famous folks. But this where the similarities end. Not a single Tea Party gathering devolved, while the Occupy people burned buildings, assaulted outsiders and innocents. Tea Party gatherings left the locations cleaner than when they arrived while Occupy left devastation in its wake.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

You Want Unity Now?

From a friend of friend's Fakebook page and I agree:

Credit: Anonymous

I tolerated Obama for 8 years.  Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a "United States" again” that we heard from Joe Biden.  For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone "scorched earth". You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops.  The problem is 75 + million of us have memories longer than a hamster.

We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after the inauguration.

We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments

We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”

We remember Maxine Waters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.

We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out of a restaurant.

We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.

We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.

We remember riots and looting.

We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.

We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.

We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F" Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.

We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.

We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media.

We remember the non-stop and live fact-checking on our President and his supporters.

We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.

We remember the President and his staff being spied on.

We remember five congressmen/senators shot at on a ballfield. One almost killed!

We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but a Trump hate fest.

We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.

We remember the state governors asking for and getting everything they asked for and then blaming Trump for their problems.

We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.

We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.

We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.

We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.

This list is endless, but you get the idea.  My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me.

Double standard hypocrites wasting our tax dollars. They preach tolerance but are extremely intolerant. The walking contradiction

I will add to this by saying where were the calls from progressives when all of the above was going on? After all President Trump and his supporters have endured over the past four years you can take your unity and stick it where the sun don't shine.


Friday, January 8, 2021

A VERY Long Post

And just like that, the greatest experiment in democracy died.

As I write this, there are still things in motion that could possibly change the outcome of this fraudulent election, but I think it is all but done. But I'm putting it up anyways, as a shot across the bow to those who have basically betrayed the people who believe in the Constitution as written, and amended.

This post is a bit long, and it will ramble a tad. I am not necessarily directing this to the hard core democrats. You could slap them in the face with a rotten fish and they would still think it smells like roses. No getting through to them. This for those of you who were either riding the fence and fell off the wrong direction or who have been called "never trumpers". Some what will be written here will be quite brutal and might offend. And I don't care. So hitch up your big boy (or girl) pants and without further ado, here we go.

Some Thoughts on 6 Jan

First things first. I am thoroughly disgusted with what happened at the Capitol building on 6 January. I do not in any way support the actions of a small minority. It was something that should have never happened. The actions of all parties disappoints me more than my words can express. It is a sad coda to the end of a presidency that, given time and distance, history might have judged in a positive light. History and reflection have a tendency to dampen whatever strong feelings (positive and negative) may have existed at the end of any President's time in office. Because of the terrible events at the Capitol building, that wont happen. Trump will be forever judged, rightly or wrongly, by what occurred.

That being said, I am also disgusted, though completely unsurprised, at the level of hypocrisy emanating from many these posts. Not a single one of you called out progressives for inciting violence over the past four years. I don't recall when Aaron Danielson was gunned down in cold blood in Portland last September by antifa supporter any of you condemning the shooter. Where were your howls of indignation when David Dorn, a retired St. Louis police captain, was shot and killed execution style while responding to an alarm in a downtown pawn shop?

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Covid Response

 This is bit old and a tad dated. I thought I had posted it several days ago.

For my regular readers, another response to a Facebook post. He is a friend that stretches back several decades. At one time, we were inseparable, but time and distance will always take toll.

My friend, below are some points to consider while you bash the President for his handling of covid. I would also like to point out that while former VP Biden has talked a big game about how he would have done things differently, not a single policy or effort he touts would have been different. Except the mask mandates, which Trump avoided due to constitutional concerns. I did point out some differences below.

Some Hard Truths

Here are 25 hard truths Americans can no longer rationalize away:

1. A presidential election was stolen from President Donald J. Trump in the most brazen and in your face way possible. I covered this as well have MANY, MANY, others.

6. News is not what the corporate media delivers, only leftist/globalist propaganda that rarely speaks ill of China or George Soros. Mainstream media long go list any sense of what was envisioned. Their role was to be honest brokers, for/against any party. I have stated this in previous posts. For a press to be free, they have to be credible and without bias. The main stream media is ohh for two. Trump is only giving voice to how a large majority of Americans feel regarding the press. There is only one profession that is viewed more unfavorably than journalists; lawyers. That is pretty lousy company.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Please Remember

As we have truned the corner and greet, with some trepidation, the beginning of a new year, I want us to take a moment to remember the rapidly disappearing "Greatest Generation". I bring them up because in a short 70 years we have gone from 18 year olds storming the beaches of Normandy, flying bomber missions into the heart of Germany, and answering the nation's call on 8 Dec 1941 with pride and resolve to the pajama boy generation. Folks who need safe spaces because, you know, words like no, and I disagree, and picnic, can hurt.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Take the Test

 Ran across this little ditty and thought I excerpt a few lines. Click here if you wish to read the whole article. It's well worth your time. I'd be curious if any of my readers would actually agree with any of the points the writer makes. And I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Mr. Utter would probably be OK with you quoting him the next time you are holding a discussion with a reasonable democrat (Yeah, I know, no such creature exists).

If you believe it’s okay to kill your own baby in your womb, but that hunting should be banned, you just might be a Democrat.


If you think the song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” should be kept off the airwaves, yet happily sing along to Cardi B’s “WAP” (Wet Ass P*ssy), you just might be a Democrat.


If you believe that female genital mutilation is “just a matter of cultural and religious choice,” but that devout Christians should be forced to pay for other people’s contraception and to make cakes for gay weddings, you just might be a Democrat.

Please take a moment to click the link above